Yoda vs Darth Sidious [4K HDR] - Star Wars: The Clone Wars

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Yoda faces his greatest nemesis within the force, in a vision that could well determine the deepest secrets in the Galaxy - Taken from the "Youda's Journey" 4K HDR film cut in this massive Clone Wars project.

A full 4K HDR (and 1080p) upscale of the entire series, also taking all but 9 episodes and recutting them seamlessly into feature films for every single arc. Have a favorite arc? Order 66? The Rako Hardeen Deception Arc? Mortis? The Nightsisters? Yoda's Journey? Maul's Revenge? This project converts the entire TV show into the definitive theatrical experience, perfect for your nice 4K HDR theater setup.I have also reordered the episodes to fit a (mostly) chronological order based on the entire series official order list. This fixes many, many continuity problems for those who get confused when they watch it in viewing order.

There are some minor alterations to the official episode order to make these arcs work as films, but any changes to the official chronological order are small (Putting Maul's Season 4 and 5 arcs into a single epic 3 hour cut, moving the lone episode "A Friend in Need" up a bit in the timeline to fit with the Heroes on Both Sides arc. Making Cad Bane's seasons 1-3 arc into a single supercut). The rest of the alterations follow the official continuity order (2 season 1 and 2 episodes are now part of the extended Clone Wars Theatrical Film Cut due to them being part of the Battle of Christophsis, ect. ect.) and greatly enhance the show's viewing experience.

Use the following Google Doc to see the cuts for yourself, then follow the instructions there.

#StarWarsCloneWars #TheCloneWars #CloneWars4K #DarthSidious #Yoda #AnakinSkywalker #CaptainRex #CountDooku #SWTCW #CloneWars
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Use the following Google Doc to see the cuts for yourself, then follow the instructions there.


Seeing Yoda carry Anakin to safety with the force while being viciously electrocuted always breaks my heart, he genuinely cared for Anakin and would've died trying to protect him, really shows Yoda is truly one of the most caring and genuine Jedi among other masters


"Let him die, and you can stop all that I will do."
If only Yoda knew what he really meant by that.


Sidious: using the most powerful force lightening on Yoda

Yoda: *bearable this is*


This frustrates me so much - even though it’s a vision. If Anakin could have somehow seen this vision maybe he would have realized how far some people in the order, like Yoda, actually cared about him. Yoda literally would have died to protect him. It’s a shame Anakin ultimately wouldn’t have done the same…


Even though it's a force vision, it still was great to see Anakin clash with Sidious even for a second


Even though this is a vision, this marks the only time in ALL of Star Wars that we see clones face off against Dooku. This also marks the only time in Star Wars where Sidious and Anakin clash, even if it's only a couple seconds. It also marks the only time in TCW show where Yoda and Dooku are in the same room. That's what I think makes the scene so bizarre. There are so many uncommon things going on


seeing anakin’s lightsaber clash with sidious’ lightsaber, the way it was supposed to be, even just as a vision is so satisfying


I really do love the intense rivalry between Yoda & Sidious, they have one duel in ROTS & one in CW, but what they say resonates so much in my head on a deep deep level


The weirdest thing about the vision is that Anakin never had dueled Darth Sidous in reality. Kind of wished he had.


Even in this duel you can see who is the better lightsaber duelist. Yoda was all over Palpatine, and was continuously pushing him backwards. Most of his moves were to block yoda's swings.


It's still hilarious to me that Nigel Thornberry is voicing Sidious here. I keep expecting him to say "execute order 66 poppet"


what always frustrates me about seeing Sidious in the prequels/clone wars is that damned hood never falling off.


To me Yoda was always such an amazing character, he went through so much pain, he had a lot of mental struggle as the war raged on and even after. When he said: "Sacrifice all, I am ready to do." in this episode it was when i knew yoda was really hurting, you could hear the pain in his voice. Yoda is and always will be one of the greatest jedi masters to ever live


Yoda: Skywalker, NO
Skywalker: *kills dooku*
Yoda: Eh, whatever. I'll worry about that another time


I know this Is only an illusion but it's hilarious how they send 2 Jedi and 5 clones to take down Dooku and Palpatine
Send the entire council, or even Better, bomb the Building 😂


I’d even say this one of the best looking scenes with HDR in the clone wars


Yoda: "Skywalker, no!"
Anakin: "Skywalker, yes!"


Only Sidious could keep his identity hidden while fighting up close with Yoda


Sideous:... Dooku, you lost to Skywalker.. You're fired..
Dooku: ... but master, it was just a..
Sideous: FIRED!
