HGPC Episode 15 Review

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I don't know whether this is Toei's most insane or brilliant marketing ever.

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0:00 Fair Use Buffer
0:24 Intro
0:37 Part A - The Mascot of Lavender Town
4:32 Part B - A Splintered Friendship
6:41 Grace, Dodge it!
7:32 Concluding Thoughts
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The strength of this series is that it is character-driven and the concentration is on character. Today's fight was short, but that is because we have the a lot of character stuff to get through which is the priority of this show. Contrast this with Star Twinkle where the characters were overshadowed by the spectacle and many characters brought up (like X-Com) were just dropped because they ran out of time.

The argument was childish, but I think that was the point. A little thing like this allowed to fester can cause a major schism between friends. And when their connection is needed to fight monsters and prevent their puppy from dying, that's a big problem. Also, this needed to be solved in one episode, so they couldn't be too cerebral with this.

Speaking of Latte, I loved how she snapped at Rabilin. She knows how the food chain works.

However, the fact that monstrosity is on say (and is even uglier in real life) scares me.


The definition of an episode of an episode where my gut initial reaction to the premise is "oh no" for me then end up being pleasantly surprised and by the end finding myself landing on "huh, that was actually pretty good"


The plush toy did nothing wrong. The one who harmed Rabirin and Nodoka's friendship is... *Nyatoran!*


To be honest this episode is pretty sweet. Once again, this show has pretty healthy views on relationships. I'm so glad they didn't they go the generic route with this. I was expecting the plushie to be the main conflict but again it's more of how Rabbirin is just too stubborn and hotheaded for their own good. It fits in with their character suprisingly. Their fight for a younger audience makes a lot of sense and for what they're going for and the conflict while admittedly stupid isn't far off for their target market. I think it's fair to remember this is made targeted towards kids so the conflict fits that. I kind of like it personally. Obviously if you never had a fight like this you aren't going to relate to it a lot and the episode's main conflict will honestly depend on you, but as someone who has liked anime before anime became popular I remember my friends teasing me about it and having a similar falling out. We made up but honestly, a lot of kids are like this and this isn't too far off. As someone who's worked with kids before, a lot of the younger ones are still in this phase. So this is a nice episode to show that your friends who care about you don't mean you harm. You can still enjoy what you like! That being said, the only main issues I have is again the short fights and the fact that this week's conflict heavily depends on if you relate to it. Which again, not everyone is like that.


I thought you would be harsher with this episode since I remember you don't liking quarrels/fights that much.
I think it was enjoyable and well done, Rabirin's conflict can be seen as a metaphor for big friends that like Precure, or japanese little girls that are supposed to "grow out" of Precure after a certain age (I heard there's a cycle where they watch Precure when very young, but then it becomes "uncool" for a certain time, before getting over "that phase" and returning to watch it as young adults).


I've got to say...my favorite part of all this was Latte going off on Nodoka and Rabirin. She was feeling like crap due to the whole monster of the week incident going on. And yet she stepped up and basically demanded these two work things out. Very fine job done there.


I think a lot of people who were prone to having very unique hobbies experienced being ridiculed for said interests and therefore developed fear of showing openly what they like. Its aweful especially because no child should be emberassed about their interests and hobbies, as long as they dont hurt anyone or are inappropriate, but bullying because of someone being "weird" or liking "weird stuff" is unfortunately way too common especially among young children. It can lead to these bullied children becoming reclusive and having trust issues as they basically learn that they should be ashamed for what they like which is never a good lesson. I am actually glad a conflict like that is being shown in pretty cure.


I personally liked how they used Latte-Sama as the catalyst for the two making up. Sometimes you need a friend to get tired of your s*** and help you out. Not to mention that was some really well done royal flexing coming from our adorable puppy princess.


I do think the reason for their conflict is pretty silly, but after watching your review, and giving it a thought, it is understandable. I also agree, that this series has not only the best fairy partners, but the best interactions between the Precures and the fairy partners in the entire franchise to date. Healin' Good really shines in the interactions alone, and even if this episode has no fight scenes, I still think it can still carry the whole show forward with the interactions alone.

I also hope that the delay of the solo film is indicating that the Healin' Good will get an extension to end past February 2021, and I really don't mind delaying the next Precure series.

Thanks for the review and looking forward to the Happiness Charge movie review.


I’m gonna say it now. That *thing* is cursed as all hell.


I actually liked this episode a lot and found it different than the second one because to Nodoka it was their first argument in the second episode it was mostly Rabbirin who argued for Nodoka's sake while Nodoka herself was never really upset with her to begin with which compared to this arguement where it was on both sides makes it different to me and i mostly loved how there show how important there connection and friendship is because of the fact they couldn't transform bc of an argument most would think is small and childinsh showing that every argument dispite how small and miniscule it may seem can cause a lot of damage if not solved fast enough.

And also Rate was mvp here like dispite her feeling sick n weak she prioritized thier friendship n who knew she could be so stern when needed 😂 (although something tells me the fact she needed them to transform to hurry n beat the mega byogan so she could get better helped to )


This episode for me. On one hand, I really did like how Latte is bought Nodoka and Rabirin together to have them make up while clearly showing that she’s having none of it instead of weeping her heart out *cough* Fuwa *cough*. I also can understand how Rabirin feels, being embarrassed about liking something her friends are indifferent too. You can imagine how I feel being a guy who would watch something like Sailor Moon when it aired on Toonami. On the other hand, you have the fight itself. It with how or why it happened. Pretty Cure have always been half n’ half when it comes to main characters fighting each other. It can either be understandable and serve as a major character moment for them eg Nagisa and Honoka or contrived artificial eg. Hibiki and Kanade, Hikaru and Lala, etc. Probably due to the fact I understand where both characters are coming from, I say it’s more on the former but borderline.
The fight is okay but I wonder what Daruizen meant when we said that he almost beat them. Dude, even without Grace, Fountaine and Sparkle were bodying the MOTW. Thanks for the review, Adam. Love the Over 9000 meme joke. XD


If I were a Pretty Cure, this battle would defeat me. I'm very allergic to lavender, to the point of my throat constricting. Not close completely, but still make it hard to breathe.


I think the Daruma doll is a little cute in a derpy way. It kinda reminds me of the Cave/Sky Buds from Laura Shigihara’s Rakuen. 😅


Watching the episode at first, I find it rather silly.

Normally, I hate rushed resolutions (as evidence of STP...), but in this case, it’s more of the argument that irked me, not the resolution. That one is solid. Like really...they lashed out at each other over the fact that one person called it weird/ugly? Seriously?

But then there are others who defended it, saying that’s how kids act when they’re embarrassed when their own friends saw them liking something that finds it weird to them, so I can’t really say my opinions on that aspect cause that’s true. Kids wanted to be “cool” like their peers so most of the time, they hide their personal favorites in order not to be called “weird” or anything like that. So I get Rabirin’s case...though it’s not an excuse for her to just throw out her precious toy in front of Nodoka’s face =^=

Heck, Nodoka didn’t even do anything wrong in this episode. All she did was to help her fairy partner get what she wanted (the montage of that “stamp scene” is honestly really cute). If anything, Nyatoran should be the one to say sorry not only to Rabirin but to her as well. Or rather, Hinata would’ve called him out on that...then again, even if she did, this will still played out. *sigh* oh well, at least in terms of character and morality, this is good.

Bonus points:
-Latte. In spite of her being sick, it’s both cute and cool for her to show her “flare” in telling both Nodoka and Rabirin to say sorry. She hardly does much so far but that moment gave her more personality than last year’s Fuwa =w=

-The part where they couldn’t able to transform. Uhhhh...personally, this should’ve been removed. Besides being too early, this is just out of nowhere for me. If that scene was removed, the apology scene would still played out either way. Just saying ^^;


Again, late with comment.
I loved this episode. yes, the reason fo "fight" was childlish, but script handled it realistically. Nodoka and Rabirin were more upset by the fight itself than the reason and there was no over the top antics and pouting, that would be OOC for Nodoka. I also think this is VERY common among younger kids/target demographic, I remember I used to feel asamed of liking cartoons not popular among other kids on my playground and and my friend once roasted my new Barbie doll and I did not want to play with this doll for a few days.
It was a really cute episode and character writing continues to be really good


Is the fight being childish really a critique of the scenario? It feels like we sometimes forget that Precure heroines are by and large middle schoolers.


I honestly thought the Daruma doll was going to be made into the monster this week. Made me think of Daruma the Daimon from Sailor Moon S.


There is no end of digs you can make for that doll


I've rarely been close enough with somebody who would have the opportunity for long enough that such a situation could occur. Most friends I've made are post-graduation, with me being the friend who doesn't know when to shut my mouth.
