5 Things Your Poop Can Tell You About Your Health | Doctor ER
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5 Things Your Poop Can Tell You About Your Health | Doctor ER. ER Doctor Jordan Wagner explains 5 things your stool says about your health and how to understand if you're really healthy. It may sound gross, but what your poop type and color mean can reveal a lot of your health. Ever wonder if your poop is normal or if you have good poop health? Do you suffer from constipation or IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)? Are you always looking how to relieve gas, bloating, constipation, and abdominal pain? Your pooping/bowel habits are a strong indicator of your digestive health. Diarrhea might be of concern if you have bad digestion. Changes in the color, shape, and texture of your stool can reveal signs of infection, digestive issues/digestive disorders, or more serious health problems, such as cancer or leaky gut. Having a bowel movement is a critical part of digesting the food we eat. The small intestine breaks down food from the stomach and absorbs much of the nutrients from the food. Then, stool formed by the large intestine is the body’s way of getting rid of waste/feces. You should talk to your doctor about any concerns or discuss fiber and probiotics, changes in poop color and consistency could show what is happening inside your digestive system and colon. Gut health is really important. Comment below if you have any health and wellness questions and give this video a like!
@Doctor Mike - Using POOP As Medicine | New Research!
@BRIGHT SIDE - 12 Things Your Stool Says About Your Health
@Mama Natural - What Your Poop Says About Your Health 💩😎
@Fit Tuber - What your Poop Says about your Health? (Test your Body)💩
@AsapSCIENCE - What Does Your Poop Say About You?
@Dr. Eric Berg DC - Inflamed Digestive System Blocks Nutrient Absorption
Doctor ER Dr. Jordan Wagner, DO
#Poop #DigestiveHealth #DoctorJordanWagner
What your stool says about your health | Piedmont Healthcare
The healthy poop chart: What your stool says about your health | HealthPartners
The Scoop on Poop: What Does Your Poop Say About Your Health? | Penn Medicine
5 Things Your Poop Can Tell You About Your Health | John Hopkins Medicine
Types of Poop: Appearance, Color, Consistency, Time | Healthline
Stool consistency is strongly associated with gut microbiota richness and composition, enterotypes and bacterial growth rates | Gut.
Assessment of normal bowel habits in the general adult population: the Popcol study | Scand J Gastroenterol.
Characterizing Normal Bowel Frequency and Consistency in a Representative Sample of Adults in the United States (NHANES) | Am J Gastroenterol.
Bowel movement frequency, oxidative stress and disease prevention | Mol Clin Oncol.
The Characterization of Feces and Urine: A Review of the Literature to Inform Advanced Treatment Technology | Crit Rev Environ Sci Technol.
If you feel like you are actually experiencing a real-life medical emergency, immediately stop watching and call 9-11 or contact a medical professional. The information in this video is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The satirical nature presented in the video is for entertainment purposes and does not endorse the actions displayed. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace an appointment with your own personal doctor.
@Doctor Mike - Using POOP As Medicine | New Research!
@BRIGHT SIDE - 12 Things Your Stool Says About Your Health
@Mama Natural - What Your Poop Says About Your Health 💩😎
@Fit Tuber - What your Poop Says about your Health? (Test your Body)💩
@AsapSCIENCE - What Does Your Poop Say About You?
@Dr. Eric Berg DC - Inflamed Digestive System Blocks Nutrient Absorption
Doctor ER Dr. Jordan Wagner, DO
#Poop #DigestiveHealth #DoctorJordanWagner
What your stool says about your health | Piedmont Healthcare
The healthy poop chart: What your stool says about your health | HealthPartners
The Scoop on Poop: What Does Your Poop Say About Your Health? | Penn Medicine
5 Things Your Poop Can Tell You About Your Health | John Hopkins Medicine
Types of Poop: Appearance, Color, Consistency, Time | Healthline
Stool consistency is strongly associated with gut microbiota richness and composition, enterotypes and bacterial growth rates | Gut.
Assessment of normal bowel habits in the general adult population: the Popcol study | Scand J Gastroenterol.
Characterizing Normal Bowel Frequency and Consistency in a Representative Sample of Adults in the United States (NHANES) | Am J Gastroenterol.
Bowel movement frequency, oxidative stress and disease prevention | Mol Clin Oncol.
The Characterization of Feces and Urine: A Review of the Literature to Inform Advanced Treatment Technology | Crit Rev Environ Sci Technol.
If you feel like you are actually experiencing a real-life medical emergency, immediately stop watching and call 9-11 or contact a medical professional. The information in this video is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The satirical nature presented in the video is for entertainment purposes and does not endorse the actions displayed. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace an appointment with your own personal doctor.