Good Travel Habits To Develop

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These travel habits are worth developing ASAP. They will most certainly be to your benefit.
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'Make multiple copies of important documents'- takes 100 communist manifestos


Hahaha this is probably the biggest joke ever !!! New China T.V making a video about travel habits I have seen it all while my stay in Bangkok how the Chinese Tourists don't even have the simplest of social etiquette and manners. If there is a que for the train, Chinese tourists just go straight in front of everyone waiting on the line. And they even shout at the train station security guard if the train is little late as if the train is their father's property. And I don't need to mention about stealing things from shops and fighting, not paying to the restaurant owner after eating.... I hope New China T.V make a video for the Chinese citizens on how to behave while they are traveling to other countries so that they don't have to end up in police station, jail or end up in a fight and get beaten up by the locals.
