Nice Guys Vs Bad Boys

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Nice guys finish last, is such a common saying and as most of us have seen in the world around us, it can often be very true. But those aren't the only two options. both are very unhealthy examples of ways we handle low self esteem.

Women really want a more emotionally happy, healthy alternative. They want a man who knows how ot get his own needs looked after.

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I don't think it's all about nice guys being doormats.
I think it's more about nice guys not being in touch with or expressing their sexuality.
I had trouble with this for a long time because I had it drilled into my head that it was disrespectful to tell a woman that I wanted her.
In my mind, that is what "bad guys" did...and I didn't want to be a bad guy. I just wanted to be in love.


Nothing is wrong with saying no, in this world when dealing with people u gotta set boundaries


As a nice guy, I...
-"Do all the work!!!" (Proverbs 10:4)
-"Must put God 1st" (Matthew 6:33)
-"Think before I speak!" (Philippians 4:8)
-I want this to let it happen, but "Try to ask her out!(until she says " yes") (Hebrews 6:3)


I agree with this video because I was once a "nice" guy. Do all the request and see the girl ran off with an asshole who dumps her in seconds. But just when I start saying no, I realize woman around me start talking to me more. Then next thing you know I am able to start dating. It's not like being a selfish prick but just by being an absolute slave would not be the reason why a girl would want to go out with you. You need to realize girls are humans too, they don't want a slave but a man who can think on their own.



People think that either they have to be a bad boy or a nice guy. I used to think that all these dating advice stuff was just bullshit. But you've proved me wrong!


They are nice because they are afraid to dissapoint others ... so, this makes them bad persons.


Exactly, "nice guys" is just a terminology aimed at the typical guys who claim they're nice.
But a not all "bad boys" have confidence within themselves, and some are just as manipulative as a "nice guy" I suppose.

From my personal experience, being a ...I don't know, NICE GUY! (myself), usually nails me a lot of mature, or foreign girls... Then again, I maintain the necessary confidence needed, and maybe its just a misconception.
Doing a favor for someone is fine too, most tell me "I'm glad I met you, when ever I need you, you're always their"

But you don't want to be their Father, more so a supportive person. Just make sure you help yourself, as Sirach Love thine own soul, and comfort thy heart, remove sorrow far from thee: for sorrow hath killed many, and there is no profit therein.

Even if you're not religious, this is an example as to why self love is important.
I mean if you give a poor man all your time and money, you'll lose your job + money, and be in the same position. Master yourself before you help others or attempt relationships (unless your partner and you are growing together)


I really liked this video. thanks! top notch explanation.


Awesomely insulting. As a male who was raised on the idea of "chivalry" and self-sacrifice for the interest of those who you find important to you, I find this insulting. It took a long time for me to drop that indoctrination. As soon as I stopped operating under those assumptions and became myself, characterized by many who were used to my "nice guyness", as becoming an asshole, I just started looking after my own interests first, I became quite successful in the dating scene. It's amazing how some of those early users that I came across suddenly found it within themselves to be very interested. Most of them were not all that skilled in bed.


Nice guys fails in career, . Love and everything


People who fancy evil people are evil. It is evil to support evil.
People who fancy bullies are supporting evil.
People who want the evil people to win are supporting evil people.
It is warped, twisted, nasty, narcissistic, cowardly, creepy selfish, cruel and evil to fancy evil people.
Evil is not attractive to good people.
Niceness and goodness are the most important qualities in personality.
I love women. That is my view.
If someone fancies evil people then they are evil also.
I hate bullies, wife beaters and rapists.


i think your confusing desperation of wanting to be liked with good integrity. just because someone does a lot of nice things doesnt make them desperate for attention or friendship like a 'car salesman'. I honestly think alot of the words used were too harsh and you made both spectrum look bad. not very well done its a shame i came for answers and just was personally insulted the whole time because its not true at all what your saying. I guess its back to the 'dealership' for this 'car sales' person even though i tell myself im just 'doing nice things' because it will 'please others'. do you hear yourself talk???


Very good channel and information. I'm glad that you don't incorporate PUA bullshit into attraction and gettings gurls factor.


Girl ask to drop at 11pm since she asking a guy whom she have trust, as well as she asking help to admit grandma to hospital.. This is common thing any man can do this help, there is nothing nice and bad guy in it. This example misguided All, what happy being a bad guy can say I can't come.. Nothing point in it. A bad guy alpha should help a girl or women in need




What if ur in between that’s the best where ur a gentleman but ur honest and be yourself and not give a shit


What if u make yourself manipulative and u know she is doing 🤨🤨


That's your Opinion
Nice Guy is Nice Guy
Bad Guy is Bad Guy
Get your word correct
Or you wanted me to think that That man is so good at math but aren't really not good but bad??


nice guys finish last.

nice guys pay for what charming scumbags like me get for free.

women hate nice guys.

women love charming scumbags like me.

go figure


I don't even open doors for women. I don't do fuck all for them unless it's a family member. lol
