22 Creedmoor vs Big Bucks--I'm skeptical, but I'll try anything once.

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Merry Christmas! Remember the Savior taught “Judge not that ye be not judged.” I think that goes for opinions on a first time hunter too.


I loved how patient you guys were with your nephew's first time buck as he was soaking it all in! That's great teaching and a great lifetime experience he will never forget!


My son and I used a 22 Creedmoor on 4 deer this year, worked great. One was a mature Muley buck, and my son got a nice 4x4 whitetail.


Well done Sammy !!! Keep the faith and keep on Hunting !! It is rare to get three encounters with one buck, However, That’s the magic of hunting deer ! One never knows what will happen, its magical !!!


Nice work, guys. I used to have a Tikka M55 chambered for 22-250. I had some handloads done for me using 53 grain Barnes x bullet. The idea was to have my son use it to learn. I took it out one day after red deer, bingo. Killed a red hind at 250 mtrs with a heart lung shot. Awesome little rifle.
Love your videos.
Merry Xmas to you guys from New Zealand.


I had a friend that had a custom made Ed Brown rifle in 7mm Rem Mag with a Leupold Mk 4 tactical scope. We dialed it in. I loved it. I really thought he needed more range time with it but he took it on a hunt in Wyoming, expecting up to a 300 yard shot. Took a shot on an elk at just over 100 yards and completely missed. Took another shot the following day and got his elk. We went to the range a few weeks after he got back to try to figure out what happened and he was doing the exact same thing as your nephew except he would sort of alternate which eye he would use with the scope. Left eye. Right eye... whichever he thought he could line up better, he'd go to that eye. Of course, we never stopped making fun of him missing at 100 yards with a $5, 000 rig on his $3, 000 (I think) hunt.


Congrats to the nephew! Brings me joy to see that. Hunting brings people together in a way many other hobbies and passions cannot do. Keep it ip with the videos. By far my favorite channel! Great educational content, entertainment, and motivation. Thank you


WOW! What a first time hunting story! Almost nobody gets 3 chances on a good size buck like that. Congrats Sam, the Lord was looking out for you on this one


Your results are what a lot of people are starting to see with heavy for caliber 22s. I shot my mule deer this year with with a 77gr TMK out of a 223 and it hammered him. He was down in around 6 seconds. Great entry and exit at 275 yards, right on the crease of the shoulder. The 77gr TMK, 73 and 75 gr eldm are all doing well. Just like you mentioned, the terminal effects are very similar to the bigger calibers. With a 223 you can practice way more, you dont worry about recoil, and its super easy to spot your own impact. The down sides are you're a little limited in range and the wind will push it around more, but you can improve both of those by pushing that bullet faster out of something like a fast twist 22-250 or the 22 creed.


That eye dominance hiccup is hilarious. When I first started hunting the guy who taught me to hunt saw me bending my neck over the stock of the gun then did an eye dominance test and sure enough I'm left eye dominant. Nice work!!! I love your experiments too!! Keep up the great work!


Congrats Sammy, One you’ll never forget. I’m left eye dominant also do some other things lefty. When I sight in my shots tend to the right, something to pay attention to. Great to see your family together! Sadly LH bolts always cost more, but you could always use RH rifle.


My brother is right handed left eye Dom.... He shoots all crazy like that with his left eye head across the rifle. I've seen him down a hog at 500 with a 7mm, just practicing and sighting in his own rifle and he's been solid for years.


Great video, that round has me intrigued for sure.

And I hope after putting that video together, that biggest lesson learned was that if you take someone hunting that hasn't shot a gun in 5+ years, you should probably have them first shoot that rifle at a target and not at a deer. Make sure they are hitting where they are aiming with that gun BEFORE hitting the woods.

So glad that deer gave Sam a 3rd chance. Hopefully he's hooked now.


I killed a lot of game with a .243 in my teens and 20s with 85 gr barnes running about that same 2900-3000 range of speed. It works damn well with proper shot placement. Most would crumble on the spot and all you would see is a head flop or two. Haven't looked at a ballistic chart but I would suspect that skinnier bullet at the same weight would travel better due to bc at extended distances. Also congrats on figuring out what was going on with the nephew and getting him a deer.


My buddy Austin Elbert is an inside sales manager at Horizon firearms and he's been preaching to me the benifits of the 22 Creedmoor for some time. I think maybe that may be what my next rifle is chambered in.


I love that high shoulder shot too. Been using that for years on our small properties here in Mid-Michigan to keep them from running. Legs fold up and they go straight down! Congrats on the buck Sammy and hope it’s only the first of many.


Great job Sam.. that's one fine Whitetail 😊

My favorite videos are the ones that are put together with family.. especially young hunters! What a blessing to see you teach your nephew and son the right way to hunt!

Great job to you all 😊

From Pennsylvania


Go back 20 plus years and Winchester did the same thing 223


Genetics don't determine antler color, what they run on does. In TX, the bugs in that brushy cedar country are commonly dark because of the resins from the cedars.


14:30 Kind of tells you the value of all that pricey camo when the hunter is wearing shorts and a black hoodie. LOL
