KaChava and LyfeFuel Shake Review - Are they REALLY Super Foods?

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Ka'Chava and LyfeFuel are both complete nutrition products based around Super Foods and Super Fruits etc - and claim to provide complete nutrition. But what is in them, and what do they taste like?

In this video review, I compare two superfood shakes: Ka'Chava and LyfeFuel Daily Essentials. The review delves into the ingredients, nutritional content, and taste of both products. LyfeFuel offers a blend of 25 whole food ingredients, while Ka'Chava emphasizes plant-based proteins and super greens. The host finds LyfeFuel more suitable as a snack or dietary addition rather than a meal replacement due to its low calorie content. The video provides insights into the flavors, sweetness, and overall experience of consuming these superfood shakes. If you're looking for an alternative to traditional complete nutrition products, this review offers valuable information to help you make an informed choice.

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I prefer the LyfeFuel for the value... Vanilla flavor I add to a smoothie that has wild berries, coconut milk, 3 frozen bananas and a date... blood work looks great. Chocolate flavor i add to a 3 banana, peanut butter, frozen avocado, coconut milk and coconut manna smoothie... this one has alot more fat so i have it twice a week and the other 3 days... i paid about $45us with coupon codes... Be well


Thanks for the detailed review between the two products!


I drink KaChava first thing in the morning and I am satisfied until lunchtime albiet I used to skip breakfast. I have noticed I don't crave sugar anymore and I have lost weight. I feel better in general drinking this than I felt before I started drinking it.


Very good presentation. Thanks for your value.


Kachava really should be cheaper. I feel like it’s good stuff, but every time I get charged $60, I cringe, look up to the heavens and consider cancelling. It just shouldn’t cost this much to eat healthy. Worst part of being alive, being a person that likes to go to the gym. This stuff is not filling at all, so I drink it as my final meal of the night with a scoop of vanilla protein that gives me actual animal protein and helps fill me up so I can recuperate overnight while I sleep. I’m still on one of their plans and it’s def a love-hate relationship. Something definitely needs to change on this planet with regard to diet being something we need to ‘figure out’. I just want to feel good, perform well in the gym, sleep through the night and feel well rested when I wake up. Can’t believe that’s something I’m longing for as someone who doesn’t do drugs at all, rarely drinks, if ever, and hits the gym regularly. Crazy stuff.


When I make my lyfe fuel shake I usually add some half and half or heavy cream, I'll have that along with beef brisket steak or chicken. That seems to work for me


Health is whealth
Chai flavor kachava 2 scoops daily am in a bullet with tsp cinnamon berries and a tad of bourbon maple syrup 😋


I was given the Ka'chava from a food pantry its decent defently eaten with a light meal or its not enough to keep you satisfied


TBH, I'd rather they just toned down all the sweeteners in general and had more calories from grain products or other ingredients. If I want something sweet to eat, I'll just eat a fruit of some kind, or add it to my shake. Once the sweetener is already in there, you can't undo it. Also if you eat a lot of sweetened stuff, it kinda ruins your ability to enjoy the natural sweetness in things like fruit.


Should have compared Chocolate for both of them! Same flavor for each


I don’t like any kind of Artificial sugars, even Stevia . NO, won’t buy this. Thanks for your explanations 😊


Can you share why you are hesitant about stevia? I grow stevia and use a leaf to sweeten my coffee, water, and tea. So now I am wondering what I do not know. . .


I really love this shake. HOWEVER, with the size of that bag, and high price point, they SHOULD'VE had 30 servings, NOT 15. This is the disappointing part. I will post this comment everywhere so they can see it and correct this, or they lose me as a customer.


Looking for a supliment to keep me going. I’m in a wheelchair and my appetite is down. Do I like something that is easy to drink and the feeling I got something in my stomach.


What about all the saturated fat? Seems like alot.


Ka’Chava made me gain weight as soon as I stopped I lost the weight


I found twigs with bark still on it in my first bag of ka'chava.
F that.


Food of a technofeudalism future. First it's an alternative because you don't have time to prepare a real meal. Then in some not too distantant future maybe when we who know that some meats, vegetables, grain, and clean water is all you really need, this powder food will be consumed by the wage-earner as the elite class consume meats, vegetables, grain, clean water....
