ADHD and Overwhelmed

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Those of us with ADHD typically feel overwhelmed even by simple tasks. Sometimes just thinking about tasks can be overwhelming.
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It's so frustrating that we need routine and structure, but creating routine and structure, planning etc is what often is the most difficult for us. 😵‍💫 Before I knew I have ADHD, I didn't understand why I would feel SO overwhelmed and stressed when my husband was trying to figure out a meal plan for the month. (he has ASD and loves planning) I just sit there and everything he says is swirling in my mind and I can't contribute much before I feel like I'm going to have a tantrum 😣


The fact I got sidetracked with like 7 things and had to rewatch this video 3 times tells me everything I need to know 😂


This is why when background music is added to these videos- my brain has to work extra to try to focus on what is being sad 🤨


Hearing all of this makes me feel so understood! I know my outbursts and anger are not acceptable but I am so tired of feeling out of control despite my intentions to get better. My poor memory basically forces me to forget what I'm trying to achieve. Thanks again


Great video. I do want routines. It's the spontaneous things flying in are the things that mess me up.


Quit my job today entirely due to overwhelm. Plenty of hard deadlines at my job and I could not continue to work days, evenings and weekends. Burnout was just around the corner...


I literally sent my wonderful/patient kids to play in in the basement so I could eat my lunch in peace and look up this video and not (continue) to loose my shit. 😢 thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU.


I hate immediatly forgetting someone's name. I try to use word association with how they look or are dressed etc it seems to help somewhat. Thanks for your videos...keep them coming👊


I will get lost just by the task of breaking down one of my 1000 of simultaneous high priority tasks I have... That's how bad is the place I'm currently standing. And BTW the most frustrating and crazy thing of all this is that my 1000 awaiting high priority tasks are really urgent and 1A priority (because they ae mid to long term solutions to immediate problems so... Not a minute to waste!).


Sooo overwhelmed… recently diagnosed, it explains so much of my life struggles.. recovering from a decade of debilitating & severe illness from tick diseases.. single mom of a teen girl also recently diagnosed who also has had many health issues for the last 10 years..

Now I’m trying to catch up as well as keep up with current life.. I am so overwhelmed I want to cry. There’s just so much to do! And like today I was able to do a lot but everywhere I look I see so much more that needs to be done. How will I ever catch up and be able to breathe again?


The number of times I had to rewind this video just to hear what he was saying. Each time, my brain would just drift away and start thinking about any number of things, past, present, and future! And I still only took in a out 10%

SOOO FRUSTRATING! The inattentiveness just never stops! smh 😢😢😢😡 😡


I really like this video. I see that your channel and content is relatively new so welcome! I have only just begun to get into the sphere of ADHD Youtube after being diagnosed later in life as a way to help myself develop coping techniques and strategies to manage my ADHD (which happens to be combined type and quite severe) when I don't have access to my meds (which is what's happening now and boy am I struggling!). Well anyway, can't wait to see what content you come out with in the future!

P.S. It took me like 15 minutes to write this comment because I kept mispelling literally everything and getting distracted lmao Oh the wonders of the ADHD brain. Sometimes I have to laugh at myself to keep from becoming frustrated and flustered haha


Hello there! Loved the practicality of this video. Really looking forward to what your channel has in store.


Thank you SO much for creating this channel!! Your pleasant demeanor and presentation are calming, all while sharing helpful info AND strategies to assist us in conquering! I find your videos tremendously helpful, though I'm not officially diagnosed as of yet, I've finally found what feels like a place I actually fit in and truly fully relate (and most shockingly, others who can actually relate to me!), within the neurodivergent community. I have been mind blown by how many aspects of my life, since I was very young, all tie to what have always been such obvious signs of ADHD (especially since deep diving and finding out the most random traits I thought were just my wierdness, are actually directly linked to ADHD - lol).

In addition, after a gnarly car accident and subsequent brain bruise, my challenges which I previously had created workarounds for (that seemed effective enough in the past), have become much more pronounced and my old systems of management and self regulation are no longer effective, even after my short-term memeory recovered to a more manageable place where I felt as if I could trust myself to cook and not light my quesadilla on fire in the oven (again), remember where I was supposed to be going while driving, or take a shower and remember if I put conditioner in my hair yet 😂. Took about 1.5 years of waiting and building some new systems which helped - but currently feel as if I'm chasing my tail and always a step behind while watching my life being on the brink of implosion because basic life things take me so long to complete with copious effort, distraction, overwhelm, procrastination, and losing track of time because I'm so intent on completing certain things at random times, to the point of completely blanking out on the fact I had a very important appointment and missed it. Repeatedly. Now I set alarms for when I need to leave for things (a perfect tip gleaned from an educational ADHD video!), so it'll pull me out when I get sucked into a project super hard). Even with many directive alarms, I still manage to lose hours of time without explanation. Also, what's weird is during the time following that bad car wreck, my long-term memory was insanely vivid and fresh. It's been almost 7 years since then, but then there was another car accident in 2020. Since then, I've continued to struggle, and a bit more so, but don't know at this point how much of the struggle is residual car wreck stuff (one was on the freeway, I shouldn't have survived at all), or ADHD symptoms that have been present since childhood and gone undiagnosed for almost 37 years (I am a female in the age group of "the lost generation") 🤔. I've read in some medical journals (I'm no pro, just have to learn all I possibly can about a thing from reputable sources) that brain injuries can indeed intensify already existing ADHD - mind blown again lol 🤯. Have you heard of this type of thing before? I'm curious to know your thoughts.

This was, of course, meant to be a very brief comment of thanks and encouragement to you, and here I've brain dumped an entire essay filled with too many commas and parentheses 🫢. If you've made it to the end of this mess of words, thanks again, Rob! I hope you're well. Rock on, and PLEASE keep creating your phenomenal videos!! 😃


Yesterday my boyfriend (who is an angel) sent me some food that is super easy to prepare because he thought it might help me with eating/cooking. But just the task of unpacking the food and putting it in the fridge gave me a mini-breakdown😭


Hi iv just learned a lot from you thanks iv always blamed myself with lots of things but hearing you say about doing things if iv got to much or iv planed it and it has all changed the feeling I get are overwhelming, im going to keep watching you, im in a world of pain and want out .


Loved this video, and found some helpful tips. I look forward to your next one :)


Technically Edison bought the patent to the lightbulb


Thanks for you awesome work! Do you offer individual or group ADHD coaching?


I think everybody forgets the name of someone you just meet
