How To Make A Living Off Music | What You Need To Do!

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I've helped dozens of people learn how to make a living off music and most of the time this secret is the game changer for them. I know it was for me. Once I started doing this myself I finally made a six figure income with my music. Something I never thought would be possible. You can do it too, but you need to understand this...

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The more important piece of advice I think is "Be so good they can't ignore you" ...everyone that is and is also a nice person to be around has no problem making a living in music.


Your content should always be for you, stay true to yourself and people will relate, don’t ever make music for other people do it for your self ‼️


I always feel like the best way to become a full time music maker is to just do it. Make music full time. Not RELEASING music all the time but working on music all the time. Not sure where the drawback or failure would be if you're just doing what you leave, making songs like every day, and never stop practicing at your craft. And it's cool cause if you have 30 songs in the vault, you definitely have at least 5 amazing songs in there. And if a lot of them sucked, at least youve learned things! But if you can put all your time into music then that's how I feel you could really make it. Screw the people saying you suck. Screw the crazy marketing strategies. Screw worrying about imperfect songs. Screw society wanting you to work 9 to 5. Just focus on your craft that you love. Also surround yourself with better musicians than you. Sit in on sessions with them. Like a lot. And you're set.


Started songwriting more seriously, about 10 years ago. I write music continually, so content production isn't the problem but at 70 years old, and somewhat amazed by social media, admittedly I DO get “jazzed” when the “LIKES” come in. I liken your videos to a “Chiropractic Adjustment” of my, all to common, musician/songwriter mindset. Thanks AdamIvy … I'm walkin' straighter now!


Fetty wap pushed Trap queen for over a year on social media, but when he got someone to invest and put some money behind him for a radio campaign and hiring the right people to get the record in the right places that's when it took off. No matter what it still takes a certain amount of money and the right people behind you to go to the next level. Dropping a joint every week or every month can be effective but not for every artist, social media is to over saturated with artist, every body wants to be a rapper or singer or both, and you can put out a Dope joint every week but it doesn't mean people will pay attention just because you drop 52 records in 52 weeks. make quality music and hire the right people, also be strategic with what you drop and when you drop it, and also get some good merch to sell and giveaway. Peace.


bro I really like how you deliver your messages. very stern, honest, and TO THE POINT!!! so refreshing!! thank you!


That's why I'm going to go platinum!!!


thanks for the harsh reality check from this video man, I've been busy chasing other things and putting practicing production for months. I think it's time to get back on the bull and try and make this dream a reality. I really appreciate it


Hey man great video! This really opened up my eyes. Thank you!


Simple, Short, and to the point.. you just nailed it bro, i was, or still am guilty of some of those things.. this may have been all i needed to watch.. thanks !


I like the honesty you bring to this channel.


This advice is the fucking truth. Good work, sir!


This is exactly what I'm doing wrong as an artist, but its so true! I'm glad I found this video. Thanks !


This video just helped me realize what I was doing wrong years ago while pursuing my music career. I guess I still have a little fear of failure however, I just need to get my team together to improve on what we lack in. Great eye opening video.


I really appreciate you honest and direct approach. There's a lot of "master classes" and "pro tips" on the internet, but rather than smack me upside the head with your brand every few seconds, you deliver quality true info that I've seen put into action by multiple artists. Thanks for removing the fluff and getting to the core of the issues.


Thank you, I have made a decision to go on my own and be a solo artist because of some the things you have just mentioned . My band mates always want everything to come to them and if I work on things on my and people compliment me they get upset . I am going to bust my ass from now on and do it the right way record and promote endlessly. Love the channel. Thank you


This is really speaking to me, it's hard but perseverance and talent is not always enough, strategy and a way of looking at it as a succesful business make difference. Great videos Adam, they really helping


It's good to put out music constantly, but it's too much 10 beats a week. It just shows that you're kinda amateur and that you just cook up your beats for 10 minutes and put it out, art takes time.


FACTS! A lot of artists want to believe that their talent alone will carry them to the top but the reality is that the industry is more of a marketing game. When it comes down to an artist that has amazing talent + poor marketing VS an artist with a LITTLE talent + excellent marketing, the latter will win 99% of the time. At first glance this may seem like a bad thing because there are sooo many amazing artists out there that may never get to shine however, it can also work in your favor. If you have the talent, you already have the advantage because real talent is harder to come by/attain than a marketing team or marketing knowledge. All the talented artist would need to do now is acquire that knowledge, get busy taking action, and maintain the consistency! Don't get too discouraged if you run into some roadblocks during your journey because it's all part of the process and EVERYONE experiences them. Those obstacles are what TRULY separate those who succeed from those who don't. I hope to see the artist reading this at the top someday! :)


Nice advice, but If we only focus on shipping it, when is the good time to do the viral marketing?
