My Ranking of Jane Austen’s Novels

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My confusion about the sun was that it was also reflecting through the porch ceiling's sky light!
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Faith, what a fun idea for #JaneAustenJuly! I have trouble with Emma, too. It's super stressful the way she tries to match everybody up 😅 And Mansfield Park + Fanny are my absolutely FAVORITES! Completely agree with you!!


I appreciate the rankings and reviews - I've read only three of those novels and read them all for the first time during the last few years. I wish I could stop everything and read more Jane Austen this month but don't think I can fit it in. *Emma* was the first I read, and at first I didn't like her at all, but by the end of the book she softened and I did too. I didn't expect Emma's relationship, but am okay with it. My youngest daughter is with a man about thirty years older than her. I didn't like that at first but our entire family has accepted him and like him now. They've been together about 12 years and my daughter seems happy with the situation. She's the one that lives here in this small town with me. My other two daughters are on the East Coast - Georgia and South Carolina.


Thanks Faith! I am reading my first Jane Austen now, Pride and Prejudice and also Love and Friendship. I am enjoying it so far. Funny and subtle irony everywhere!


That creeps me out too! If you are going to marry someone, you should not have known them as a baby!


Very interesting opinion. Your videos are very enjoyable and I hope to see more jane austen videos! Also this is my list:
6. Mansfield Park
5. Emma
4. Sense and Sensibility
3. Pride and Prejudice
2. Northanger Abbey
1. Persuasion
Also this list is based on the film adaptations. I have not had the pleasure of reading the novels yet!


Your ranking is the same as mine except I think I just like MP over P.
