How I 'Create More Time' (Using Einstein's Special Relativity to improve your life)

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This video is a personal development video that uses science (such as time dilation and Einstein's special relativity) as well as philosophy (such as the philosophy of Stoicism) to figure out how we can reach goals faster, slow down time (metaphorically) and live more life (literally).

Understanding how to slow time using self-help, personal development, stoicism, science and other philosophies can genuinely let you achieve goals as quickly as possible, truly experience life, live multiple lives in your one single life, be happier and more.

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"you are literally dying when you are procrastinating".


I'm watching this in the 1800s thanks man.


You are dying every second you spend ---> Sets video speed to 1.75x


I turn my clock back 1h every hour. I've not aged a day in the last 4 years.


Whenever my friends and I were doing assignments or projects, I used to say to them:
"Finish early. Early Fun."


Time Management is too often studied from a productivity point of view and not enough from a philosophical one.. thanks
The definition you just gave is far more refreshing and motivating and that’s the one I genuinely comply with..


This is why morning routines are so powerful. Kobe Bryant would wake up much earlier than his competitors and get 2 extra training sessions in. Compound that over 10-20 years through his career and you could see how much father he really got.


Me, a physics major after reading the title: By going really FAST


Being familiar and mastering the “flow state” is a big factor to improving on this


What’s beautiful about that channel is that it has ground breaking content and doesn’t use click baits.


Interesting video! Hell yeah it's great to use time wisely so you gain more of it in the long run, but productivity aside, being present and mindful is another way of slowing time. It can make small moments feel expanded and richer; eating a meal with savouring and gratitude, or taking a slow walk in the park for instance. Not everyone will be able to retire early, but most of us can make more space for these moments each day.


whenever I'm pursuing my goals, time flies by. I used to be so bored with life and time was slow. Now, when I write, read, workout, or do whatever, time zooms because I enjoy what I'm doing. Although I don't think your point was super literal.


"Working faster and harder" is extremely subjective. I think we can all agree that the thing that matters most is making memories and being with loved ones


This is great advice, and I love the analogy it comes with. A general word of caution though, to random internet strangers who might be reading this: if you attempt to continuously compress time like that, there's also a chance that it might result in a burnout. Not every one can (or should force themselves) to keep up with such a fast-paced way of living. Sometimes it's okay - or even a necessity -to slow down, to unwind, to have some breathing room for yourself.

Apologies for derailing from the topic, but I felt like I had to add in my two cents after experiencing a nasty burnout, because I was attempting to fast-forward everything in my life without allowing any 'gaps' in between.


I'm in my early 30s and I've already lived 5-6 lives by undertaking massive changes, living in new countries, speaking new languages, engaging in new careers. It's super interesting! But now, I can't relate with 'normal' people who have lived their entire lives in 1 place, with the same set of friends, interests and activities. It's a gift & a curse.


The point of view of someone who never had the experience of depression. “The more productive you are the more life you have”

Someone with depression: “What’s the point of having more life when you can’t enjoy anything? Just sleep all day until its over”


This implies time can be wasted.
If time is life
Then life can be wasted

Not necessary to take an uber.
But use that walk to the greatest degree.
Experience life :)


this video is so good!! Amazing way to look at life


This video is incredible. What you said in the second half got me rethinking how much time I spend on what I do in my day-to-day life, for me it's always been important to spend my time doing what gets me closer to my goals but I often find myself distracted by someone else or just dragging my tasks out.

Since the first time I watched this video I've become more effective in my work and I get done earlier with my tasks which gives me more time, i.e I get ahead of everyone else. I used to party every weekend but I've given that up, quit drinking altogether and I'm more consistent with the gym then I have ever been. Also, I removed all my social media.

I just had to comment his one since I only discovered you channel maybe 1-2 months ago and you've gained so many followers since, you deserve every single on of them and I know this channel will continue to grow at the same pace. Keep doing what you're doing Andrew!


This is litteraly the best and most helpful video I have ever seen.

Thanks man
