Introduction to Developmental Psychology: Piaget’s Stages

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Developmental psychology tries to study how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, emerge and change from infancy through to adulthood. This is a vast field, so in this brief introduction we will focus largely on Piaget's stages, developed by psychologist Jean Piaget. We will also talk about some of the methods researchers use to study child development, such as longitudinal studies, cross-sectional studies, and age of onset studies. We will also tackle the age old question of nature vs. nature. There's a lot to talk about, so let's dive right in!

Script by Caitlyn Finton

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This kind of stuff needs to be taught to parents before they have kids.


Thank you for mentioning Nature vs Nurture, too often people can't see that and it's a shame.


Glad you are going here. Fascinating subject, effectively explained for us all from the basics.


thank you, i really like the topic and im glad youre covering it


Thank you for the recap. It was very well presented and easy to follow. 🎉


Excellent assessment. Definitely programming, starts with the parents and eventually education/entertainment. We are an experimental society.


I have a final on developmental psychology in a couple of hours🤣😅..Great timing


Well well a can of worms right here. I can attest that things going “wrong” early on will have a lifelong effect


I have children from ages 1-7, and I like to research about their development on my own, so I know most of these concepts by now. However, unlike some videos I've watched from others, you included even more intriguing details, and what to expect moving foward. Wonderful. I believe every parent should inform themselves of these milestones.
Another great video from this channel ! 👏


So I've heard of how babies don't have object permance before. And I've read about the idea that when a parent leaves an infant to cry, it is traumatic for that infant. I just realized the two come together. They can't not. When an infant is screaming it's lungs out, and the parents refuse even enter the room because they're "teaching it to calm down by itself" to the infant the parent do not exist.

Side note: infants can NOT learn to "calm themselves down" - that is a complex process that they literally lack the physical 'hardware' for at that point. Also no one learns to calm themselves down all on their own, parents co-regulate for children & the child's brain develops the wiring for calming down by having the parent take them through calming down for them. You have to do it to learn it in this case. When an infant that is left alone finally stops crying it has not "calmed down" or "soothed itself" it is in what's called dorsal shutdown. The act of crying is stressful, as in it places phsycial strain on the body, and said process has been going on for so long that their lower brain has shut off the cry for help so the infant doesn't die from said stress. In some ways, the infant has given up on survival.

I wish I wasn't the only person in entire extended family that understood this. My family has this myth that attending to an infant when it cries spoils it, producing an entitled sh*t for a child, where as leaving a baby to cry produces a child that will be a "better" child. And ever parent in my family wonders why all their children have such problems.


He knows alot about the science stuff professor dave explains


Thank You endlessly, for this video of Piagetian child development. Ive literally been banned on facebook for citing Piaget's theories that state a positive masculine and positive feminine role model are paramount in the home for the proper psychological development of a child. Stating that good intelligent men do indeed server a primary function in the childs development was deemed as hate speech towards a protected group. Essentially, i said that no woman is so perfect that she can assume the role of a positive masculine and positive feminine role model to perfection. Stating that men are not useless is somehow hate speech towards all women. I love when the scientific community speaks out on the truth, regardless of what fringe radical groups demand we believe. Science and truth must be voiced loudly. We cannot allow ourselves to be driven by misguided ideological presuppositions. Thank you for this video. Thank you for all of your contributions to the truth and facts as we know them to be from the litany of scientific disciplines pertaining to the hard sciences.


Professor Dave, thanks for the lesson, have understood why developmental psychology is important.


Iam studying psychology thought distance education, can I able study it better? Education through distance is valid for me?


7:30 the brushy end is arguably the horse's head Ignacio


Bro how do you even have so many well made videos for every class im in.
Do you work with others to make these videos? Their genuinely so fucking helpfull bro.

im subbing to the patreon shit lmfao


Interesting video clip you used to illustrate "personality". She looks like the kind of personality that likes living in the New Mexico desert with a lot of turquoise stuff to channel energy vortex... stuff.

I've just been watching your videos on quantum electro and chromodynamics; good stuff. But listening to you talk about "mediating the force" makes me really wish that you would do an April 1st video on _the_ force and how it works in the same style of video XD


At this point, Dave is gonna become the entirety of the scientific literature in one person


👍 It's content like this that makes me glad I SUBBED! ✌


Object Permanance sounds very interesting
