How Long Should I Take Finasteride For? | The Hair Loss Show

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In this episode, we tackle this often-asked question. We discuss the long-term use of Finasteride as a medication for male pattern hair loss.

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I’ve been taking it for 20 years. I haven’t had any negative side effects. I would completely bald without it.


Started Finasteride at the age of 21 when I was experiencing severe hair loss. Hair loss stabilised due to this. Now age 34. 13 years so far. Still have a head full of hair. Stopped only twice for a month each time in 2016 & 2018 when me and my wife were planning children. Would have been bald if I had not started Finasteride at an early age.


Great video as always.
May I ask your idea in liquid cortizon aka butnavate scalp application, and what about mixing it with minox?


What do you think of Soap Nuts as Shampoo/ Washing Hair?
Is it any better than the normal or Medical Shampoos?


Hello experts
I am a constant follower of your channel and wish to visit you all as im about to go to Australia soon for my studies.
I have a question which is bothering me a lot, i had a repeat surgery for a humerus fracture which did not heal well and im worried if finasteride can slow or interfere with bone healing?
I would be really grateful if you answered my question and saved me from a lot of worrying


Almost on my 7th year I forgot my hair loss problem my life is totally change full of confidence with full of hairs 1mg is my dose I am father of baby girl and soon to be father again in few months I am not facing any single side effect


Hello Doctor, is this the same case with Dutasteride? Use it as long as we want to keep our hair?


Could you please elaborate more in a separate video about the ‚turning on’ and especially the ‚turning off‘ of the hair loss gene, and what it means for finasteride treatment when getting older (40, 50, 60 or even more)? For me, that is a concept I have never heard of so far. Thank you!


Hey is it alright if you do a video on acell? I would like to know more about it's use in regrowing hair


I have a finasteride dosing question. I'm a woman with post-menopausal overall hair density thinning and miniaturization that occurred over a 3 year period. So gradual that it took me awhile to even notice what was happening until the volume loss began to seriously impact hair styling.

I've been using minoxidil for 6 months and so far, so good. I recently added finasteride. My doctor prescribed 1mg per day. So far, no side effects. I got a second opinion on the dose from another doctor and was told that anything less than 5mg is not an effective dose for a woman. Both doctors are board certified dermatologists who specialize in hair loss. If 1mg per day truly is insufficient for a woman, I may be wasting valuable time. What has your experience been in your practice with respect to effective finasteride dosing for women?


Cn you make a Video about genes, how the dad or mum genes effects your mpb (i know thats not certain) and how genes can turn them off. Can epigenetic play a role and how could we have an influence on it?


I love this channel.. its like i think of a question and then i find it here lol


Quick question, is it normal after a hair transplantant that this indices Some more hairloss after the treatmwnt? Still taking dutasteride for 1, 25 years and i feel like i shed more after te transplant.


You mentioned how the balding genetics could "turn off" at a certain age. It makes sense to me theoretically that as you age, you produce less T, therefore less T to be converted into DHT. So would you assume that reducing Fin as you age is a good idea? Perhaps lower the dosage after 35-40-45?


really hope someone or the hair doc can see this and respond im someone who is on testosterone replacement and about to start finasteride I want to try x3 a week but how do I know this is a good starting point if I'm using exogenous testosterone don't want to start with x1 a day and chance any side effects but also don't want to take x3 a week and waste weeks if nots months of lost ground any help would be great on how I figure out what dose is working


Sir I just got my hair transplant and I have been taking finasteride and applying minoxidil it has been a month now can you please advise me when should I stop taking finasteride and minoxidil since my doctor never asked me to take finasteride but gave me multi vitamins and told me to apply the minoxidil spray so please advise me when to stop minoxidil spray
Will be thankful


8.5 years here with great results. Have slowly lost ground I'd say but it is very gradual. Plan to get a hair transplant in the next 5 years


Help me.when I take finsturide and same night .nightfall. I take finsturide for a two weeks and alternative day nightfall
.plz what should I do?


Hello sir, If I stop consuming finastride tablets after using that for only 15 days. Do I still experience hair loss. ?


Does Finasteride have side effects on the heart? I get palpitations a lot, I'm not sure if it's the medication.
