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Does your puppy cries when you leave him in its dog crate? I'll cover some tips in this video so you know what not to do and what you should do.

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In a nutshell; to stop puppy crying you need to know why your puppy cries:

2. Is 3 a.m. usually the time at which your puppy starts to cry? Chances are it needs to pee or poop.

Furthermore, it is good to prevent crying from happening in the first place. Please follow these tips:
1. Give the puppy a nice treat that will keep it occupied for a few minutes, like a chewy bone, for instance. Don't leave your puppy alone with a toy or chewy bone, though.
2. During the first 15 minutes, put a bowl of water in the dog crate and allow your puppy to drink.

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Smokey, our 11week old puppy relaxes in his cage twice a day and at night.
We’ve never crate trained before this, but we have received great advice!
Gentle with the puppy…..they are still babies!
Thank you for your advice .


I just got my 2 month old great pry and he cries but wait till he stops and reward it with a treat. So he knows when he stops whining he gets rewarded. Hope it helps!


My puppy went to the bathroom, ate food, was not forced into the crate but led into it with food. She was properly introduced. And yet she still cries erratically. My other two dogs were awesome in the crate after following the tips you mentioned. This third one is different.


Thank you for this info… I and my husband have a 3 year old Boston Terrier named Freya Lord and we just got a puppy who was born with a bum front paw.. she is a Boston as well and we named her Ares Butler “the boneless” 😊 She is not quite 7 weeks old and she was given to us even though we had planned for her. It’s a bit of a story. Anyway, Freya is the love of my life, my❤ heart and it’s been hard on her because we didn’t know anything about the introduction process. Would love to talk more but am thankful for the info in your videos!


Bro this dog is so annoying. I haven’t gotten sleep in a whole week. I’m tired of this dog bro


Hello, what to do when placing rottweiler puppy in crate during day so I can get things done. He is 9 weeks old and sleeps well without crying at night when I go to bed. Thank you !!


I got a 5 week old chocolate shih tzu for my 16th birthday 5 days ago. Her name is Mocha and I absolutely love her! So far my only issue is crate whining but that is to be expected. I’m so excited for the future with her and can’t wait for the next few weeks when she’ll start understanding some training. But I want to start her off right, I hope she’ll be a great dog 😊 thank you for your video!!


The way this man said "poop" was golden


Hi we have a 12 week only puppy who cries as soon as the door closes on the crate. She screams as if someone is choking her. I need help. We haven't slept in 3 weeks.


So my dog is 3 months old and he's a rescue so he isn't really crate trained and might even be afraid of it


My puppy cries when she is alone in a crate or not and we have an older dog that stays with her


My 6 month old pup cries out due to loneliness. And I ignore him. He is very close to go outside. I have missed sleep


My new puppy chihuahua has woken up at 4:30 am and will not stop crying no matter what I do. I’m pad training her and that’s going well but this is driving me nuts


I have a 7 week old shih-poo named Añejo and he is 100% fine until I put him in his crate. He cries historically but I can't leave me to roam the house while the wife and I are away from home. I've tried everything in this video yet he is never ok


my baby min pinscher develops a mouth for being crated after he pees and poops


I have a new puppy and he wines and barks slept next to the puppy for the first week and I feed him in his crate he runs to his crate but once I close the gate after two minutes he whimpering for about 5-10 and then gos to sleep idk how to make him stop weeping for those 5-10 I mean he does it if I am there next to him or not


My cavapoo Ernie is 12 weeks. He sleeps quite well in his crate at night from 11.30pm till around 5.30am. I have monitor on him and sleep upstairs. My problem is he follows me everywhere and when i put him in his crate he barks and whines loudly even when i am in the room with him.. I want to start leaving him for periods during the day and build up to maybe an hour or 2 at the most. He isnt scared of the crate and often takes himself into it for a nap. Mostly he sleeps by my feet.


My puppy does this and I make sure that he is clean and dry and not hungry. He usually stops then


I see many people here who thinks it's okay to just let them whine and whine and ignore them. If you do this with a baby it can leave abandonment anxiety, and mental scars. Same for puppy. And don't expect a dog at 6 weeks, 12 weeks 16 weeks to just never whine. I'd you put them in the crate too fast, it will be a battle. It will associate the crate with being ignored. Listen to this video, he explains it so well. Was just surprised about the comments where it seems no one listened to the video. And yes dogs are different, some dogs barl more than others, some cry more than others. Like kids, and infants. Only thing you can do, is comfort. So it feels safe, move ahead gradually. Praise when doing what it's told, correct when not obeying. And never attack, or punish a dog physically. Just like with kids. Fear does not give respect, it creates a scared dog, and those tend to be unpredictable. Hope this makes sense to someone.


My 12 week old golden doddle don’t like crate I keep him in ground floor since I’m upstairs with my kids can’t keep home upstairs he barks when I put him I crate then he sleep then he start barking at night then I have to take him out 3am then I put him sleep he sleep then he wakeup 5am and barhe none stop I give home last water at 7pm
