Old vs New - A direct conversion receiver comparison

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In this video I look at an old homebrew direct conversion receiver built when I was a nauseating adolescent and compare it with the last project we built here:

The old design is by Drew Diamond VK3XU and is published in a number of places including the G-QRP club book “Radio Projects for the Amateur” available to members only here:

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A T-Shirt for every operator here (I'm wearing the Radio Guy shirt):

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Amazing you still have that old receiver from the 1980's. Thanks for sharing.


hi mark i like the island manhatten construction to your 80 mtr rx still use this method today its still very flexable you can add circuits unlike pcb, s where you are stuck with the circuit and unable to do any mods still got the qrp handbook by doug mcdrew jim g0wmj


Pretty cool, please plug it in and turn it on! 73 OM


Lovely idea for a video, I too made Drew's designs in my callow youth. You missed an opportunity to turn them on and demo the differences, that would have made a nostalgic and educational video. Oh well...
BTW Drew is on 160m AM weekdays almost without fail in Melbourne, I listen in from time to time.


Thanks for the info re inductors and wire size... 👍


Interesting build. Your soldering wasn't bad. Next question, does it still work? 73 Clark KG7LOI
