The Outrage Cycle - Mark Manson

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In this episode of After Skool, Mark Manson explains the Outrage Cycle, a wave of reactions that predictably follow any major event. In our social media age, the most extreme reaction is often the one that gets the most attention. This incentive fuels the outrage machine. When a major event happens, there is an initial viral wave, followed by a reactionary viral wave, followed by an anti-reactionary viral wave. Once these 3 waves play out, people's attention moves on to the next event, and the cycle repeats itself.

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This helps explain why people are often blind to the important problems in their life... People are addicted to the drama.


The picture of the phone face-hugger is fucking haunting. Well done yall


Absolutely nailed it. This has actually been the case since before social media as well. Once news stations began taking partisan positions this exact cycle appeared.


Half of YouTube channels are just outrage channels these days where they sit and talk to the camera whilst all reading the same articles. For some reason they ask for Patreon support as well. They need constant outrage for views.


Remember poisonous and toxic insects, amphibians, and reptiles usually wear bright colors.


100%. Realised this and got sick of it. It's draining, nobody involved is informed on the basic facts (e.g. for conflicts, the basic geography or the actual demands of both countries). Also, the vast majority of it is stuff we shouldn't be caring about. I'm all for staying informed, but no facts and all emotions is NOT information.


God you have no idea how much happier and more content with life I am now that I barely use social media. Life is a beautiful and precious thing man, and we aren’t here for that long.

I hate that there’s a whole market in literally making people miserable because they are constantly comparing themselves to others. I’m about to turn 22 and every single one of my peers who are the most mature, well adjusted and down the earth either don’t have social media at all or just barely use it. There’s no right or wrong way to do it (unless it doesn’t involve harming someone else) just live life man.


It wasn't until Will Smith slapped Chris that I started to take a step back and look at whats going on. I remember looking online and feeling the energy from that incident. People were going nuts. All the bloggers were live. Chats are going crazy. Clips had already amassed tens of millions of views.

I realized these moments are energy vampires. I didnt like the feeling of seeing everybody so invested in one thing. Not something like this. Now I stay away from certsin stories until some time has passed. Or just outright avoid them.

Diddy house raids. The fallout from that. Trump assassination attempt. Who's next to get taken down? For those of us who aren't profiting. What do we get out of being so invested in these moments? This type of news is addicting. Sometimes, I miss the days when we didn't have constant access. And when the internet seemed fun and exciting.


Very good job highlighting why it's actually harder than ever to get sound information despite supposedly living in the information age.


What a perfect concept delivery!
As a footnote, people can resist the mind cancer by getting themselves a good old-fashioned hobby and engaging with it the good old-fashioned way, with hands and minds. It doesn't matter what it is. It is the thinking and doing of it that gives immunity against the mind cancer. Satisfaction guaranteed!


I find the Chinese Farmer story the best way to reset after anything goes "negative" Generally speaking from experience, it is correct...

"Once upon a time, there was a Chinese farmer who lost a horse.
All the neighbors came around that evening and said, 'That's too bad.' And, the farmer said,
The next day the horse came back and brought seven wild horses with it. All the neighbors came around and said, 'Why, that's great, isn't it? And, he sald,
The next day his son, who was attempting to tame one of these horses and was riding it, was thrown and broke his leg.
All the neighbors came around in the evening and said, 'Well, that's too bad, isn't it?' And, he said, 'Maybe!'
The next day the conscription officers came around looking for people for the army, and they rejected his son because he had a broken leg.
All the neighbors came around that evening and said, 'Isn't that wonderful?' And, he said, 'Maybe!'
- Alan Watts


Yeah, realised this 4 years ago and opted out. I realised there's nothing i could do about things except get depressed. So i created my own little bubble. i don't let shit in life is fantastic for me. You illustrated this really well - kudos.


So here we stand, distracted, polarized, conditioned and intensively misinformed. Meanwhile, there's some quite mundane global governance stuff happening at the UN tomorrow which could lead to some big changes in the near future. Anyway, those alien cat abductions. Crazy, huh?


This is exactly what i was thinking yesterday...give any news story 3 days and its lost its luster and gets perpetually worse...this has increased my anxiety but like your wonderful background ready to get off this merry go ground...they want my peace and peace of mind and i cant do it anymore. So I will see a story... go touch grass...sit and make a list of what i can control and what I can't. And then go work on what I can. Its sad that is what has to happen. Its sad. But we as a social community, connect over drama...and our brains are constantly looking for patterns of danger. Its enough to make you dizzy!

Whoever is reading this. You are loved. You are valued and needed here. You are amazing and THIS will pass. Everything is a cycle or season...up and down...just give yourself permission and love to step away from certain media if need be.


Drama channels and commentary youtubers in a nutshell.


Partly true. There are outrageous things happening, they just get replaced by new ones. Look at Justine Trudolf.


I like the mobile phone being depicted as a Facehugger.


Seems most everyone watching this particular content are the ones in the boat. Thanks professor Mark from skool.


4:20 That drawing of the iphone being a facehugger hits hard!


I like the expression of the kids at the table at 1:45. Since they grew up in this they kinda see through the whole facade of it.

I kinda feel that way myself and actually enjoy listening to 2-3hr podcasts and going on walks without music.
There's hope.
