Elden Ring Confessor Class Guide - How to Build a Paladin (Beginner Guide)

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Elden Ring Confessor Class Guide - How to Build a Paladin (Beginner Guide)
In this Elden Ring Build Guide I’ll be showing you my beginner Confessor Paladin Build. If you’ve been looking for a good starting build that buffs everyone while doing respectable damage then you might want to check this build-out.

0:00 - Elden Ring Beginner Paladin Guide
0:08 - Paladin Character Creation
1:11 - Paladin Equipment
3:33 - Barricade Shield Power
4:22 - Paladin Stats and Attributes
6:56 - Final Tips

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• Choose Confessor
• Bonus Item: Golden Seed

1. Get the Brass Shield at the Waypoint Ruins
2. Get the item in the chest in the basement in there, which will allow you to equip Ashes Of War
3. Go to Stormhill and kill the mounted knight there to get Ash of War: Golden Vow for your weapon
4. Go to Weeping Peninsula and near a cavern near a bonfire and a merchant kill the mounted knight to get Ash of War: Barricade for your shield
5. Learn incantations at the round table prophet NPC

Stats and Attributes:
• Strenght (16 quickly in order to wear the Brass Shield)
• Endurance (a few points to equip heavier armor and have more stamina to block)
• Vigor (15-20 points quickly)
• Faith (crank almost everything here afterwards)

Like to get more people see this! Thanks for the vid btw!


This is a massive open world with a map. You gotta start showing the locations on the map to make this easier for everyone.


I realize that there probably isn't a lot of late game content out yet, but I did want to take a moment to say thank you for posting a build for early and beginner characters. Almost every build video for any game shows off what you need late game, and especially for a game like this, it is refreshing to see a quick guide on "here's a few items to set up flavor and give you something to look out for".
Being able to have a direction or get into that character early on is very cool.


Note: When you talk about farming the Brass Shield, those are the Gatefront Ruins, not the Waypoint Ruins.


This is exactly the build I wanted to go for. Thank you for showing me how I should set up early game. This is my first "souls" experience and I'm loving every minute of it. I'm just kind of lost


For the Ashes of War talked about @2:15 you need to go a little further than just the jump up the cliff with the giants on it. The rider is up a further cliff towards the large overhead bridge, if you look to your right you should see him cresting the hill and you'll need to go around to get up to him.


I just beat him! It was really rough but I found a way! In regards to the black knight you have to kill, bring a spear (the partisan from the commander of those guys take carry the Brass shield can work too). You’re going to use ONLY the heavy attack of your spear (R2 or RT). Then make sure you’re on your horse the entire time (much easier to dodge attacks). Use your wondrous psysick? Flask either mid way through his health or in the beginning for an edge (use Golden Vow too if you want but it won’t last long). Keep readying your heavy attack and close in on him just enough for an attack of his to miss. You should be able to get a good three hits in with this. Keep going and keep an eye on your stamina (at 10 endurance I could get one good hit in then had to retreat). Rinse and repeat! Good luck Tarnished!


Man I've spent 2 hours trying to get that shield. Got 5 swords, a war pick, 2 full armor sets.. no shield !!

EDIT: Finally got the shield - just PS it would be great if you actually showed the map for some areas, took me forever to find the knight for Golden Vow and I have no idea where to go for Barricade


It took me 2 1/2 hours to get the brass shield. And that was with using a descent stealth route that allowed me to kill four enemies holding brass shields in about a minute. I did level up a lot though in the process.


To find the mounted knight "on the cliff" for the first ash of war (golden vow) I have found the time stamp in which he actually directly has his cursor on the exact location of this boss (and am posting below), I hope this saves everyone some time and stress as I have spent hours trying to find...

Pause exactly at 2:36

Hope this helps guys!


Thanks for this build!! started with it and it did really me, specially the shield ash. Didn’t really like heal or golden vow though, found sacred sword ash which also makes weapon scale with faith and is much better IMO. Also replaced heal with lightning strike incantation to have some ranged power too and my god that is wonderful, i feel like an overpowered badass now enchanting my weapons and throwing lightning spears


10-15 mins for the shield... yeah try 2 and half hours and still no shield.


Confessor has to be my first play through pick. Seems like a great melee/casting middle ground. Excited for all the new vids that are gonna be on this channel now that elden ring is actually here! The demon souls content was a game changer for me since I never got to play the original and had no clue how to make a build worth using. Best RPG channel on YouTube.


I caved in and bought Elden Ring, and this is what I'm starting with, a tanky battle nun. As this is my first FromSoftware game, this has been really helpful for giving me some early direction in the game. Still trying to take the Night's Cavalry down--for now, I'm just exploring and trying to level up more.


Been running a similar build only with the Lordsworn's Greatsword equipped with the Sacred Strike ash of war (found by the Third Church of Marika place of grace north of the Mistwood, it's just up the cliffside path to the north. Kill the gray scarab in the middle of the road near the updraft to get the drop). However if you follow this guide for a shield build, and do a lot of Co-Op, I'd also recommend picking up Shabriri's Woe as your keepsake since it will help you draw aggro as a tank. Praise the Sun!


Y’all the knight is not in the area where he jumped. After you jump you gotta head more towards the north past the foggy forest and he’s near the castle and big structures. He’s around those cliffs.


For anyone else having trouble finding the lonely knight w/ the Golden Vow, it's quite a ways into Stormhill. You'll want to look in the spot which is just east of a building which is positioned just south of a break in the large bridge. If you know where the Deathtouched Catacombs are, it's the spot just to the west, but, that's just to help locate it. You need to approach the cliff area from the west. You can also think, go north from Warmaster's Shack, through the forested area, then veer right before the bridge to go up on the plateau. Go through the plains toward the building directly in front of you (you'll be traveling NE) and on the eastern side of that building you'll find a sole knight, pondering his thoughts.

"Should I have taken this vow? What would my life have been like if I never took up the sword? I remember when I was a child, my mother teaching me to bake. I can still smell the fresh bread. I could've had my own bakery ... It's too late now. Some days I almost wish someone would venture out here, actually challenge me. And to best me? All the better. They can have this vow. It's only left me lonely."


I’m so glad you taught me about the brass shield. My biggest issue with the starting one is it uses just so much stamina to block


The Black Knight was ridiculously hard. This guide undermines this fight for some reason. Large health and VERY tanky. I beat him by staying on the ground and blocking his attacks with the gold shield he said to farm for.

By blocking I got couple of hits in whenever he was close. You lose no damage by blocking. Also, he does a move where he does a heavy slam and if you’re right up on him he can miss and you can get a lot of hits in. He also runs at you on the horse but doesn’t attack and I got hits in that way too. My method took long to fight him but worked.


IF you are doing a Dex build for your Confessor, use the Twinbird Kite Shield (medium)...it is lighter than the Brass Shield and only requires 12Str. The Twinbird Kite Shield also have a passive that boosts your attack/defense when your health is under 20%.
