Simple Guide to Intercropping | How to Grow More Food in your Vegetable Garden

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Intercropping, also known as interplanting, is an excellent method to squeeze in more harvests in the same space. If you have limited growing space this is especially important and exciting. This video shows you what I am currently intercropping, different types of interplanting as well as the top interplanting tips to help you grow more delicious food. The possibilities are endless and I hope this video serves as a useful and inspiring introduction to this awesome method of growing food.

Follow me on Instagram: @huws_nursery

#permaculture #intercropping #homegrown
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Thank you so much for watching! Wednesday's video is 7 reasons why you need more nettles in your garden😉 If you have any video requests please let me know!


I combined leeks with lettuce, kale and chard this year and it's working out well. Took some left over leeks and mixed them in with carrots for an effective slug repellant!


Volunteer plants are always the best ones


I live in and around a rainforest area on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. I don't just have small slugs, or just medium slugs, I also have large banana slugs. Any of these slugs can wipe out beds of vulnerable crops like brassicas. I noticed that the slugs haven't touched anything I am growing in the onion/garlic family so I am experimenting this year by interplanting all my brassicas with onions. I may even plant a hedge of salad onions around the edge to act as a barrier. Also deer seem to avoid onions though I will still have to net my brassicas from them. I've been gardening for years but I find your videos packed full of interesting information that keeps me thinking. Thanks.


Hey Huw great video! I’m a new gardener and I’m really grateful for all your support! Keep it up!


huw and charles dowding r best gardeners in uk, ....


One really attractive and fun thing to do it to make an arched garden trellis from a metal cattle panel secured by a T-post and wire on each side. Planted with 3 contrasting varieties of climbing beans: green, purple and rattle snake (striated). Beautiful, delicious harvest.


Thank you for sharing. I’m a YouTube gardener too trying to learn as much as I can about companion planting and gardening. It’s my 3rd year and I know I still have so much to learn. That’s how I found your channel . Im so happy I did because you have so much to offer. I hope we can learn from each other. Happy Planting!


Thanks Huw, I’ve never tried inter-cropping before but I’m definitely going to give it a go now, and I also wanted to say, I was watching one of your videos recently and you mentioned Charles Dowding, WOW another AMAZING gardener with BRILLIANT ideas, I’ve now also gone NO DIG. Thanks again. Barbara.


Must say I have been gardening for the last 4 years and I still have lernt alot from your content and tips thanks


I just planted some bush beans yesterday and the package said 2 inches apart, which seemed too close together but after your comment about them supporting each other it makes much more sense. Thank you for all your tips. 😁🤗


The lattice frames with the plants climbing look so good! Definitely something for us to aspire to


If you save and replant the seeds of "dwarf" nasturtiums for a couple of years, they end up returning to being the climbing type again. Nasturtium flowers are lovely in salads.


Right on time! I'm very interested in intercropping and was having a hard time figuring out how to do it. Thanks so much!


Thank you for this! I just began intercropping yesterday. Perhaps an informative video on which crops compliments each other and lend to soil enrichment to feed each other Vs. plants that absolutely should NOT be planted together.
I recently read about tomatoes and which things should/should not be planted next to them because the vegetable would leach too much of the nutrients tomatoes need from the soil. However, the right plant done with tomatoes would benefit the soil and both could grow happily together.
Thank you for your information. You are awesome!


I'm back re-watching this video for inspiration and quick reminder 2 years on from watching it as we try and sneak just a little more production out of some new beds. Thank you so much for these excellent resource videos which support and supplement your books so very very well! All the best for the Highlands of Scotland. 👍 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🐂 😁 🌱


Thanks! Some new ideas for me to try - always exciting - for my spring planting in a few months time in New Zealand. Really appreciate the way you communicate with us - your style, along with all the information.


I just watched this video again as we start planting here in USDA 4B. You are a wonderful teacher. Thanks.


Would love to see a video on companion plants and crop rotation ideas.


I am in the PNW of the USA. I just received your book (Grow Food for Free). I'm only a few pages into it, and am delightfully surprised that it isn't at all what I expected. My thanks!
