BYP Responds EP 19 Thank you President Russell M. Nelson for the Inspiration!

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President Russell M. Nelson, prophet of the LDS Church read a passage of scripture from the Book of Mormon and the light bulb went on for me. Here is my response.
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There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and in you all.

Ephesians 4:4-5


Dear Kerry I was part of apologist for many years and followed many times and referred to the wisdom and knowledge you had. Knowledge will get us further in the next life. A good is of God. Truth doesn’t change but is absolute. Truth can be found in all types of beliefs.
I know that you struggled with the LDS teachings. I was sad that you changed from a book that you read. I’m glad that you have gone through this struggle in your life again. When you finally receive a true witness of where truth comes from it will give you a testimony that cannot be broken or be threatened from outside influences. You’re a good man. When I look at other beliefs I find truths are common. Differences come from what I believe to be man’s misunderstanding.


Excellent podcast and information. I enjoy your intellectual well-researched information. Thank you!


Chat GPT seems to assume the unique mormon doctrines like pre-existence plan of salvation, deification, etc. are in the Book of Mormon. I don't see any of those. It's like CGPT responds using all mormon teachings--not what's explicitly in the


I would like to give you a bit of food for thought. Rene Decartes, Said that God exists because all people have an innate understanding of God as an infinite being. William James also wrote on the phenomenon of spiritual experiences, All peoples have accounts of spiritual experiences. All peoples have accounts of spirits or Gods From the American Indians to Amazonian tribes, to Eskimos. All peoples have a sense of spirituality and this is throughout history. So while dogma changes spirituality doesn't. That's what's so common. Anyway I thought that might seem interesting to you.I know it doesn't really have much to do with what you were talking about. Its just an interesting tidbit. Great show, I enjoy your work


Speaking of Hinduism, here's an interesting thought. I'm not well-versed in Hinduism so I'm not saying I agree or disagree with this, but I thought it was interesting. I heard someone say that in Hinduism, the original Buddha is considered to be the sixth incarnation of Vishnu. However, some people say that can't be correct because what Buddha taught and what Vishnu taught were almost complete opposites. Instead, they propose that Jesus was actually the sixth incarnation of Vishnu.


The same Gospel was originally given to all of the patriarchal fathers, but is was corrupted in a variety of different ways over time. Just consider the manifold doctrinal divergences within Christianity. Consider the future tense employed in the prophecy. Many scriptures are constantly being uncovered that near witness to the veracity of Joseph Smith's restoration, else why have a restoration at all?


Enters: Ananda K. Coomaraswamy into this adventurous discussion…


Thanks for sharing your thought with us tonight.It seems to me that my mission as a Mormon was to teach all mankind that they must give up their religious culture, if not all, at least most of it. Sadly for me, I ended up giving up all of my own religious culture and finding little to nothing of religious value from my understanding the bits of other religious cultures that I have learned. My deep dive into Judeo-Christian-Mormon culture have taught me that I want no religious contact with their god or holy ones. By the way Mr . Nelson has never impressed much. He probably is intelligent; however I do not see much depth or gravitas in his religious understanding or teachings. I think he needs so much attention from his peers and followers that he is willing to lie to create the charisma that he seems to me to lack.

By the way, my boy, you done good, very good, tonight; at least well. Take care, you big Shirt! Your friend, the little chit.


With all due respect, you’re completely wrong in your analysis here and unintentionally fostering deception.

First, the premise is misled. No intelligent Latter Day Saint would say this scripture means all doctrines should be the same across the world. That would be nonsense and completely negate the need for our massive missionary efforts. Latter-day Saints believe There is only one true church that still contains the fullness of the gospel.

The scripture is clearly speaking of the 2 witnesses of the Bible and Book of Mormon. Nobody ever claimed any other religious tradition maintained God’s word accurately through the ages.

That said, your second major flaw here is looking at surface level doctrines (using ChatGPT nonetheless). Symbolically, the God of the Old Testament and Christ of the new are truth. Gods word brings us into complete unity with truth and liberates us from the suffering of separation from truth. At this deeper level there is stunning similarities among all major world religions. There are many other interesting connections, many of which connect to the temple between ancient religious traditions. It’s honestly shocking. Check out the ancient tradition podcast. I do believe if you look deeper there is evidence that God taught the same principles to all of his children that over time was lost but restored through the Book of Mormon and now we call on all men to bring the truth they have and join us in the restoration of fullness of truth and a complete understanding of how to achieve oneness with the God of truth.


BYP, your undertanding is WAY OFF. The CORRECT interpretation (according to the mormon church) of Rusty Nelson's specific reading from the BOM in the video is different from that of the BYP. The 2 books or "sticks" referenced in the BOM are the stickof Joseph (theBOM) and the stick of Ephraim (the BIble). The BOM, again, according to the mormon church, makes NO refrence and was never intended to make ANY reference to any other book of scripture (not even the Torah), regarded as such, by any religion that does not regard either the Bible or the writings in the BOM as the word of God.


Ok. God said he gave his words to many nations. But the scriptures of other nations do not agree with Gospel doctrine or Christian scripture. Their scriptures are the philosophies and ideas of men, not of God.

BUT every religion and every nation has some form of ethics and some idea of good. The spirit of Christ has influenced every nation with this idea of good behavior or ethics. So, you see that God has spoken to all nations to invite them to do good, and in so doing, to seek God.

So God’s word is true as given in the book of Mormon.

In addition, God scattered the house of Israel through all nations of the earth, including the eastern ones and Africa and the islands. All these nations that value good, and ethics and that seek God shall be gathered, and eventually brought to Zion, and to the fulness of the truth. Their scriptures may be united with Christian scripture, at least those parts that are true, don't you think? There is truth everywhere. With the Holy Ghost we can identify those truths.

And the records of Joseph and of the lost ten tribes will be gathered in one.

Mr. Backyard, you suugest that Joseph Smith made up the words in 2 Nephi, that God has given his words to all nations, and that God did not say those words. You need to go back to the books, if that is what you believe!

"And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; 27 That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: 28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. 29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device. 30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:" Acts 17:26.


Professor, what I heard from your descriptions is that Jesus Christ is not the Savior OF THE WORLD!! We don’t have the same scripture doctrine throughout the WORLD … YET. The scripture says WHEN the scriptures throughout the world are brought together…. It’s OBVIOUS! Either you are ANTICHRIST or haven’t found the scriptures in other parts of the World that HE gave them! Just because you compared the “scriptures from throughout the world”, doesn’t mean THOSE are the “scriptures’ that Jesus Christ gave them. For as you CLEARLY explained, Christ is only declared in the Book of Mormon. NONE, save the Quran, even mentions Christ, let alone that HE is the Savior of the World!! So what are you…Athiest, Scientologist, or ANTICHRIST??


This is great. I guess god forgot to speak and give his word to nearly the entire eastern world and Africa plus any civilization outside of Israel. But that’s how it works right… “damnit nephi I forgot we need those plates before we sail across the ocean to god knows where”. I’m worried St. Peter will forget the keys to the gates of heaven when i get there


I'm astounded at the farcical notion that a deity has any relationship to a believer. Men have always known God as a tool of fiction, propaganda, & rhetoric.

The Christ fantasy ignores Jesus saying, "This is a wicked generation seeking signs, the only sign given is Jonah, " a believer murdered by a larger number of believers. The King of the Jews is mounted on a stick, because Romans made a parody of the avatar, the icon. "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13


He is NOT a prophet. Nor is he a Seer or Revalator


Somebody needs to do an intervention for BYP. He is starting to sound like the gobbledegoop of Deepak Chopra. Sometimes, high intelligence is counterproductive.


Mohammed split the moon in two. How do we know? Allah is all-powerful and can do anything

Books don't have views. People do.

Of course they have different beliefs. Its all made up by humans. Combining a bunch of myths doesn't make a truth.
