The FullyRaw 21-Challenge Meal Plan!

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The 21 challenge starts Monday January 5th and goes until January 25th. I am going to be hosting this FREE challenge for you! The purpose of this video is to get you READY for the challenge and give you access all 21 meals and recipes so that you can get your days planned properly and ingredients ready to go!

When you sign up for this challenge, you will receive 21 recipes. That’s a 1 meal a day recipe plan for 21 days, and I am going to be posting 21 NEW videos and recipe videos DAILY for 21 days to help inspire you and coach you along the way! 21 DELICIOUS MEALS, 21 VIDEOS, 21 DAYS...AND TONS OF GIVEAWAYS!

To sign up for this challenge and receive access to your 21 CHALLENGE 1 MEAL A DAY MEAL PLAN AND RECIPE LIST, click on the link in the description of this video. Remember that to participate in this challenge, you will need to do 4 things:

Subscribe to my channel here at FullyRaw Kristina

Comment on ALL 21 videos and LIKE if you LIKE it

Follow my daily posts on YouTube, facebook, instagram, twitter, and pinterest. I’ll be posting my videos and recipes DAILY to help you! This will also keep you accountable and motivated to complete the challenge!

I’m getting ready to completely blow your mind and have FUN with you these next 21 days! It’s time to get healthy, and I am going to help you get there! Are you ready to transform your life!?

THE 21-CHALLENGE: 21 meals, 21 videos, 21 days….and giveaways! Are you ready?! Sign up below, and I’ll see you on the 5th!

Can I get a YA BABY?! :)


❤ Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel, FullyRawKristina ❤

Follow Me:

About FullyRawKristina:
Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram lives to inspire a FullyRaw or 100% raw vegan healthy lifestyle. Raw veganism incorporates fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Kristina posts new videos every week that include recipes, tips, tricks, vlogs, motivational, fitness, exercise, and inspiration on how to be the best version of yourself!
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Hey you guys, the recipe list is still updating so you will see around 10-14 right now, but they will all be there within the hour! Give it some time to process and upload for you. :) YAY! Thank you for your patience! :)


Thank you SO much for your appreciation!! It means the WORLD to me! I have been working SO hard on this challenge, and making it available for free for everyone is something that I really wanted to do so that everyone can really take charge of their health. It's something that we can ALL DO.  Please use this opportunity to the fullest! We are IN THIS TOGETHER! I am doing it WITH you and will be here to help guide you as much as I can every step along the way! 


Have been trying mostly raw (75-80%) raw for two weeks now. It is amazing how much better it has made me feel and the weight has just dropped off. These recipes are great and your videos offer great information.


The challenge runs from January 5th-25th, and I will be posting the new videos anytime between noon and 3 PM central time daily. Please remember that if you want to be qualified to get my FREE e-book, 10% coupon code, a Vitamix blender, a year’s worth of Evamor water, and even a Kuvings slow juicer, you MUST sign up for this challenge by submitting your email to the challenge email list, subscribing to my YouTube channel and by commenting on ALL 21 videos and LIKING if you LIKE them! WOOP!


You are simply wonderful and the dishes you post are absolutely delicious! You inspired me so much that I have gone raw since jan. 1st and I am trying all your recipes. Thanks!!!


I love that you are offering this up to the you tube community as a free way to make a start towards eating well. It's great to try to incorporate raw foods in one's life.


Wow, fully raw is wicked expensive! I just went to the grocery store and spent about $180 for only 7 days worth of raw food, only for me, and it's only about 1, 500 calories a day! I didn't get anything overly expensive and a lot of produce was on sale. The only expensive items were the medjool dates, persimmons, mulberries and pine nuts. Someone should make a channel for Fully Raw Vegan on a Budget! Anyhoo, I'm excited to do this challenge!


Kristina, your energy level is so high. I am just sitting, watching your video and thinking about my transformation. I would like to be at least in 50% optimistic and energetic like you.


I start this amazing journey about 8 days ago...but i left comments on your fb page!!!!


It is so much easier when you provide a shopping list ! Thank you so much! It can easily feel overwhelming and you make it so simple! 


I've been a raw vegan for three years now and I'm always open to new challenges to better my life! Thank you!!!!


I don't think I was successful signing up for the challenge!!?? I have subscribed to Youtube Channel, Facebook, Instagram, and twitter...I have attempted to sign up but have not received a confirmation ...I will keep trying.


I'm a year late finding you, but I'll start it Jan 2016. Any others wanna jump in with me? I don't need a prize, just want to be healthy.


I have been doing this 21-day challenge for a while now and have loved every day of it.  Thank you Kristina for making the experience that much more enjoyable by providing the convenience of a shopping list lol :)


I have learned more in these videos in the last week than I have in my 61 years! Thank you for doing this Kristina!!


Hey Kristina, I would like to thank you for your channel ! I'm from France and since I discovered your channel two years ago, my life has changed ! I have tried excellent recipes, modified a few things in my alimentation and way of life, ... Thank you again !


I have been vegan all my life and I recently went RAW vegan JUST in time for this 21 day challenge :) I am so happy you are posting SUCH helpful videos. Seriously... life saver right now. I dont have any equipment yet (very expensive) but I am trying to get by with my cheap blender and knives haha. But I'll get there! WOO HOO 21 DAY (entire life)


As I have mentioned before, I am just coming back from a seemingly endless bout of the flu ... thanks for all your support and incredible information ... I will try and catch up as best I can.  


Hi, my name is Andreea and I'm from Canada. I came across your videos a couple of days ago and I just want to say you totally inspire me! I have been a tennis player all my life but I always struggled with making the right decisions food wise! Thank you so much for all the awesome recipes and I shall fallow your challenge !


dear exuberant Kristina.. thank you for all these wonderful FREE resources! Be blessed!
