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INTROVERTED THINKING EXPLAINED based on its position in the cognitive stack.

In this video, we are talking about Ti (Introverted Thinking) based on where it is in the function stack.

1. Hero Ti (INTP, ISTP)
2. Parent Ti (ENTP, ESTP)
3. Child Ti (INFJ, ISFJ)
4. Inferior Ti (ENFJ, ESFJ)
5. Nemesis Ti (ENTJ, ESTJ)
6. Critic Ti (INTJ, ISTJ)
7. Trickster Ti (ENFP, ESFP)
8. Demon Ti (INFP, ISFP)


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What is your relationship with Ti? Share your thoughts below :)


Ti and Fi dipping into each other makes a lot of sense to me. When I was younger and depressed a lot, I felt a lot of difficult emotions and was still analyzing everything at the same time. Now that I’m healthy, I have much more difficulty accessing my Fi. I try to do it through sad music and sometimes it works too well and I have to change the music. ISTP


Great job with explaining the manifestation of Ti in different positions. Lofty topic & you did a good job covering it while maintaining the Ti accuracy. 🙂


I find it very hard to separate Ti from Fi because I can think about my feelings and what is important to me in a very rational way to make a decision.
I think the goal of your "whole-idea" is to become a more balanced personality. So if that is the case, I have to say that it is very recommendable for each one to reflect about oneself and work on one's weaknesses. On the other hand being balanced is just another word for being boring or "characterless". The people we love are only lovable because they stand out from the crowd. Everybody being balanced would mean a very unhuman and indifferent world, but luckily we are very far away from something like that, so working on weakspots is a good thing (if that is your message)


WOW - especially to the last few minutes about Fi/Ti wholeness do I resonate the most, like - yes! 100% This. You know


ISFP here, though for all I care I could be INFP too. Or INTP, or ISFJ, or INFJ. The more I learn about the cognitive functions the less relevant it seems to be to separate them.

I Ti analyse ideas, techniques and stories I encounter, but am Fi fine with liking or disliking stuff for no particular reason. I can come up with reasons for a lot of it, some of it not, and mostly I don't care to. I used to care because Ti reason seemed to be Fe expected, but after embracing Fi I stopped worrying about it.

My mind can be an Ni library constructed by Escher or dark theatre for any kind of performance, or an Ne mind map where if you follow the tangents far enough they'll loop back on themselves and can always be traced back to their origin.

Se is constantly running in the background and can't be turned off, Te is constantly battling for the right to make absolute statements without Ti-Ne-Fi interference.
Fi will have gut reactions to violated values. Ti will rationalise Fe values the Fi ignores.
Si... Si is busy cleaning up after everyone else and checking in with Se whenever one of its random alarms go off.

Well, this went... places.
It's late, and after finally settling on ISFP (and literally feeling something within myself solidify) it's driving me nuts that I'm inclined to start questioning my type again.

I do like your videos though.


Another great video!! So relatible and what I have been thinking for years but could never put it into words. Thank you!!


Ti doms value (Fi) their own reasons (logic)
Fi doms understand (Ti) their own values (feelings)


Shalom. Toda Raba. A very well done video. I subscribed. I picked up a deeper understanding of my Ti.


Ti is my 8th function, and it's so completely alien to me. Whenever I try to access it I think I only end up mimicking it.


The Ti and Fi teaming up and their possible relationship has crossed my mind as well. Thinking and feeling is a married pair when you consider that putting feelings into thoughts and expressing them in language is something we have to do to learn how to speak. So why would the thought of them being disconnected be “out of the realm of possibilities?”

I would argue that there is a deep relationship with the two... it’s mastering the expression of the pair.

Quick example: my Fi is in the third slot. But I use my Te (2nd slot) to make sense of the relationship. My Fi gives me intrinsic value to why I have ethics and morals. If a personality type lacks Fi in their first four function slots, then how does that individual gain intrinsic reason to have values and a moral compass? I would argue that accessing your Ti to analyze and add value to your Fi is the key to a balanced and happy relationship/friendship. Fe and Te play a role on expressing those values and moral compass.

This is why I love breaking down functions... it encourages growth.


I really like these videos. It is helping me understand a lot! :)


Fi and Ti are DEFINITELY similar. I see it as 2 sides of the same coin essentially. (Ti Dom here) The #1 difference is that Fi does what it does with meaning and "gut" feelings (obv) while Ti does it with "reasons". Logic is an overused word, but it's a type of logic. I truly believe that I'm doing exactly the same thing with Ti that Fi 1st/2nd slot users are doing with their Fi, it's just a slightly different shaped tool so it looks quite different to the outside world.


These last few months a coach helped me create a checklist for work/entrepreneurial ideas and opportunities. As an nfp (omnivert I guess, i or e depending on what you look at) I was drowning in all the possibilities I had and how enthousiastic I can be about any new ideas and prospects. My Fi is normally very clear on what suits me and what not, but in this phase/situation my sense of self was leaving me with too broad an interest. Digging into my values, talents and preferences (Ni) and using that to create a checklist/logic for assessing future options (Ti) was extremely helpful, and helps me be even more sensitive of my feelings and needs.


INFP here! I think that Fi and Ti are kind of used together. I regularly use Ti to model the system of my emotions. For example I ask myself "What is the reason that this thing makes me feel like this?" or "What part of this process makes me don't like the process" or "How is this feeling connected with that action?" or "Is it logical to feel that way about this?". In general, I would say that I use Ti to validate or dismiss my emotions, in order to keep the ones that are logical and make more sense and push through the rest of them. I see them as antagonizing functions rather than synergistic. An this brings the balance.

However, I am not sure if what I just described is Fi+Ti or just Fi. Maybe the definition of Fi that is "going deep on emotion" is making a model and evaluation your emotions. I don't know...


INFP here.
When I recognize how Fi and Ti are related, things become easier for me. When I need to exercise Te, I can extract motivation from self-definition. That is, my Ti is used as a method of feeding Te through Fi. If I define myself as x, then it follows that I must do the things that x does, regardless of how uncomfortable it may seem at first. In other words, Ti piggy backs on the ideals formed for the self in Fi so that Te execution can take place instead of merely doing what is part of Si routine or getting lost in Ne idea and perspective seeking.
If it is a situation where the INFP is stressed out or otherwise put under psychological duress, the most negative expression is acceptance of a negative definition of self. The negative definition of self, if accepted, leads to the potential execution of actions not consistent with the positive self that the INFP may have publicly asserted through other actions.
The INFP may also allow themselves to be taken advantage of through accepting a negative definition of self. They may ignore their Si personal needs and ignore Ne expressions in order to Te execute based on the Ni will of another person or group.
Ti is otherwise the source of blame when Te execution does not take place as The INFP believes it should. The solution is assumed to be that the systems are not fully understood and demand more research. The Ti information gathering isn’t executed with the same expertise as an INTP Or ISTJ. It’s done intuitively, making unwarranted and seemingly random leaps to find information that may or may not lead to real solutions.
This, of course, is based on my personal experiences and your mileage may vary.


Wow! Thank you for explaining how TI can show up in each position. As an FI dom I definitely highly respect TI doms, and I can understand the possibility of looping between FI-Ti, as from time to time I see myself analyzing and reasoning on the logic behind a thought, feeling, or decision. What is it based on? what are the facts, not assumptions...i'm not sure if that is the same, that's why I say, I can certainly see how FI can respect TI, at least that is the case for me - ISFP


nice video, good content, well structured, keep the good work... the last question reminds me the work of António Damásio, there is no inteligence without felling/ emotion/ FI :)


Thank you for sharing this video, I completely agree with what you have said. I am an INFJ as well.


I think, fi helps infps and isfps to know what they like or don't like while ti helps them to actually see what is good and bad for their selfs without any biases of fi, which ultimately helps to make good decisions. ( Infp)
