1-Year-and-3-Month Differin Update: Using Benzoyl Peroxide (& Cica) with Differin for Blind Pimples

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1-Year-and-3-Month Differin Update: Using Benzoyl Peroxide (& Cica) with Differin for Blind Pimples

Hello beautiful people 👋 I’m back with my 1-year-and-3-month Differin update! In this Differin update, I’m sharing with you 2 new skincare products that I added to my skincare routines. One contains benzoyl peroxide and the other cica, AKA centella asiatica. They’re purposeful additions! I swear 😁 The day after I filmed this, I decided to make a dermatologist appointment. I think my acne troubles are a lot more… troubling than I originally thought. Differin might be great, but it’s not a cure. I think I have an internal issue. 30 is going great, guys! /s I just need to let the huge scab on my chin fall off before visiting 😳

Side note: I mislabeled a card in my video =(



0:00 Intro
0:35 Tube Update
1:36 Skin Update
6:13 Skincare Update
6:26 Benzoyl Peroxide
8:34 Cica
10:38 Applying Benzoyl Peroxide & Cica
12:43 Outro


*Affiliate links (“magik”) are used. Purchasing through these links that are of no extra cost to you helps support my channel. Thank you.*

⇢ Star Product
*Differin is safe to use for ages 12 and up (it says on the box)*
⁺ Alternatives:

⇢ New Additions/Mentions

⇢ Previously Used for Dark Spots/Scars/Hyperpigmentation

⇢ Products in My Skincare Routines (all fragrance-free)
⁺ Alts:


● I now have a Community tab on my channel page! That’s where I keep you updated of my schedule, end each week with a thank-you message, and ask for your opinion on topics through polls. I hope to see you there!

× Not sponsored.

#differin #benzoylperoxide #centellaasiatica #drugstoreskincare #skincare #adultacne
Рекомендации по теме

I live in London so no Benzoyl Peroxide for me! Dx I am definitely going to have a look at Cica it sound really good!. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!


I’m so excited I love seeing my friend your amazing my friend


I've been using Differin for 4 months consistently (at least 6 times per week) for acne. My skin tone has improved so much and my pores are barely visible, I don't get irritation or redness, but I still get pimples regularly (4-5 per week sometime even more). I started to think my acne was better regulated before when I used benzol peroxide gel, but I hear and read everywhere that Adapeline is the most effective treatment. I'm confused, I don't know if I should quit Differin and continue with Benzol Peroxide or continue with Differin for a few more months and hope for change. Thank you in advance for your help.


I started Differin 7 months ago and kept dealing with pretty bad acne on my chin area so I started incorporating Benzoyl Peroxide and I’ve been using it for nearly 3 weeks now but I seem to be breaking out more. I’ve seen it can take weeks to kick in but I’m not sure I should stick it through


I’ve used differen for 7 or 8 month and I introduced BP less than 1 month ago And until now I hatit but you really need 6 week to see results also it’s git’s worst before it’s git better I’m using 2.5% so result may take longer


If I live in malaysian, so I want use differin, or benzoyl peroxide? I have many agne scar and red skin😭


I barely started using benzoyl peroxide because Im also still using differn


i have a same acne problem like yours... m at the 4th month of differin ... but i still breakout 😣😣 i think m never going to get rid of pimples..
