How Morroco Destroyed the Songhai Empire.

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So the Songhai Empire only fail because it refused to modernize its military matter of fact the only reason why Morocco had those weapons is because they were enemies of the Portuguese in the Queen of England decided to give them weapons because England was enemy of the Portuguese as well. If you go more than history is more of West Africa standing in its own way not necessarily the Europeans in the north Africans really couldn't conquer the area they never could because they tried the same thing with Ghana and all they did was split the empire into two. But like I said earlier the Songhai Empire had the trading routes to meet with other weapons dealers they just never evolved and that was their weakness they already had a great Navy that was kicking the Portuguese ass where the Portuguese couldn't just grab anybody. And that forced the Portuguese to be trading partners with the Songhai. And even that messed up the economy and the country like you said earlier bringing in plague and diseases that are from Europe in making slave raiding a valuable option were you lose Manpower that way. But let's not forget that West Africa especially the Sahel area ran Morocco let's not forget the king of Zafu where he protected Moroccan merchants and Traders throughout the Sahara and gave them Passage and they didn't want no smoke with the Empire of Mali as well. And let's not forget a lot of Muslim Scholars did not like Sonni Ali because I thought he was an Infidel and he did not practice Islam and he slaughtered a lot of Muslim Scholars in conquering of Timbuktu. The man believed in traditional African religions and for the most part he was kicking butt they let European trade get in which they shouldn't have they should have got weapons from the Middle East in modernize like every other military that was their own fault in that sense because even so Morocco couldn't fully conquer the Kingdom. And they also attacked the country at its weakest because they knew they didn't have a shot when they were at a strongest and when it wasn't a slave trading country.


Morocco saved africa from european invasion therfore he needed gold and money to compete spanish and portugese empire


Morocco is the greatest african power because songhai lost against Morocco 😎
