7. The Songhai Empire - Africa's Age of Gold

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Today, the Songhai Empire is all but forgotten by history. But this medieval kingdom was once the most powerful force in Africa.

Find out how this civilization grew up on the fringes of the Sahara Desert, among some of the most extreme conditions that nature can throw at us. Discover how it grew and flourished, passing through a process known as the imperial cycle, and learn about what ultimately caused its sudden and dramatic collapse.


Sound engineering by Thomas Ntinas

Voice Actors:

Jake Barrett-Mills
Rhy Brignell
Bryan Tshiobi
Pip Willett

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The absolutely best history podcast on YouTube


This is better researched, written, spoken, produced, and edited than any history lecture or podcast that I have ever heard. The quality is absolutely astonishing. It is a true pleasure to listen.


These podcasts are remarkable and fascinating. They answer questions I've had about some civilizations, corrected misinformation I've had about the demise of others, and showed me cultures and places I never knew existed. Ditto to the comment about the audio. The narrations are so well done and although the musical and sounds selections to accompany them are terrific, they stay in the background and don't over power. The them music that introduces each podcast is perfect.


This chap is a great story teller - he brings history to life.


Thank you for this Narration. The Western Sudan Kingdoms as they are known are really interesting. I am glad to have studied my History growing up in Ghana. I took this past my A' levels.
The information is spot on. My favorite of all is Askia the Great of Songhai.👏👏


I just recently discovered this channel and I'm hooked. I'm super impressed with the depth of these podcasts.


Some of the best content of YouTube. Thank you, genuinely, for doing this.


Thanks, I love consuming these non-mainstream history topics. The audio FX help greatly to form images of Songhai civilization, it's also very good that they stay in the background and are not too loud, just subtle enough not to interfere with the Voice over. so well-done on the sound balancing!


This is the history of Africa that I dare say most of high schoolers and college students never had the chance to learn. Some of these people are then led to believe Africa was never able to build such advanced societies.

I learned about the Benin in an obscure art history class. Thanks to this podcast, I now know more about the fascinating history of africa.


I have to say I have become thoroughly addicted to this channel. I am disabled so even though the restrictions because of the virus have us locked up I am not much more restricted than usual. I don't want my brain to turn to mush on TV and Facebook so I am always looking for something new. As a lifelong history fiend I don't just go other places but other times. This is such a novel channel. You find shows about the fall of certain cultures or countries or place occasionally but not like these. I am learning so much from these. Thank you for keeping my gray matter going. These videos on the fall of various civilizations are exceptional. Not an aspect of history with that gets the most attention usually but there is so much more information about how they lived in here too.


My friend, you truly are a rare rare gem of a presenter. David Attenborough kind of quality. I'd love to hear you do an early Hebrew history around the exodus years. God bless you and keep up the absolutely fabulous wait till you do another one.


I am glad to see someone of European Heritage (no slight or insult intended, just an honest observation) trying to give an unbiased account of African history. First by giving accolades where they are due to the peoples that deserved them. Secondly, by having the courage to include in your research the often discredited accounts of indigenous Africans. And thirdly, by using and citing plenty of reference material in your presentation. I am a keen observer of language and you seem to make an attempt at presenting your information in a fair, unbiased and erudite manner. For this I commend you. I have truly enjoyed your documentary. Thank You. Truly


This is such an astonishingly well done and fascinating presentation that I have without exaggeration listened to it at least 20 times back to back... it has triggered and stimulated my deep craving for knowledge of the history of this region and perhaps even changed my life in inspiring me to travel to that region and study the music there. I have been interested in West African culture for a very long time but this podcast is the very first thing which I could really get me teeth into which brings this area to life. Thank you so much for making it... your work is truly life-changing!


My dream in life is to become an archaeologist or a historian and learn more about these amazing civilizations that most people do not know about. Thank you so much for creating this.


This has been my first podcast listen in a long while and it was 100% worth it. Thank you for the adventure!


Your podcasts are so amazing and informative. Thank you so much for sharing this. I feel privileged to hear them


A brilliant mix of fact and storytelling. This is truly world class.


I'm really enjoying your podcasts...you weave skillfully researched facts with history/legends told by contemporary voices in a seamless way, which is no easy task. I appreciate the fact that the podcasts are long enough to avoid any feeling of potted history. Effective portraits of individuals as well, which makes each era and region you deal with seem as though the events happened only recently - thank you for widening and deepening my education.


Got my DNA tested recently the majority my heritage is Hausa, Fulani and Mandinka. I am so happy to be connected to this empire s a african american I can’t tell you how important it has been for me to learn about all these great people nations I descend from


So well narrated it felt as though I was a silent observer being ferried across the endless Sahara desert.
