Was the Titan submarine really controlled by a $40 game controller? (Titanic submarine)

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We've all heard of the tragic story of the titan submarine that was exploring the wreck of the titanic on a planned dive on June 18th, 2023. In this video we're not going to look at the disaster itself but are going to focus on the report that the sub was being steered using a 40-dollar games controller. In this video we're going to look at whether this was true and why a game controller would be used.
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So, the short answer is Yes, the submarine named titan was being steered using a $40 dollar game controller seen here. The Logitech G F710 Wireless Gamepad. This is the ceo of ocean gate, the company behind the sub, holding the controller, the thumb sticks are modified as we can see to allow precise control. Apart from that there is no difference to one you can buy yourself for $40. So why did they used this game controller? The answer is simple, cost and ease of use. Ocean gate could have spent millions developing a prosperity steering system that needs 1000's of hours to fully master. Alternatively game controllers are extremely cheap, easy to use and almost everyone has experience using one at some point in their lives. This saves on costs, doesn't require a massive amount of pilot training, and means if a pilot is unable to continue to steer the sub someone else can likely take over. Pushing the analogue stick in the direction you want to go in, just like a simple video game. The sensors and other crucial equipment are managed and monitored by the on-board computers but for steering is just easier to use a video game controller. It's important to mention they did have backup controllers on board the titan but for an unknown reason they chose to use Bluetooth rather than a cable connection to connect the controller to the sub. If you've ever had Bluetooth headphones or speakers randomly disconnect, you'll know it's not always a reliable technology, it remains unclear why ocean gate chose to use the controller wirelessly rather than wired.
If using a game controller to steer or operate critical equipment just because its easier still sounds ridiculous to you, its not as uncommon as you think. In the US Xbox controllers are often used to control certain equipment on submarines, the USS Colorado costing around $2.7 billion dollars uses an Xbox controller to manoeuvre the photonics masts, which replaced periscopes. The US navy commented that using commercial off-the-shelf technology saves money, and young sailors report to the submarine knowing how to use it.
Would you ever get on a submarine controlled by a games controller?
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#oceangate #titanic #titan #missingsubmarine
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So, the short answer is Yes, the submarine named titan was being steered using a $40 dollar game controller seen here. The Logitech G F710 Wireless Gamepad. This is the ceo of ocean gate, the company behind the sub, holding the controller, the thumb sticks are modified as we can see to allow precise control. Apart from that there is no difference to one you can buy yourself for $40. So why did they used this game controller? The answer is simple, cost and ease of use. Ocean gate could have spent millions developing a prosperity steering system that needs 1000's of hours to fully master. Alternatively game controllers are extremely cheap, easy to use and almost everyone has experience using one at some point in their lives. This saves on costs, doesn't require a massive amount of pilot training, and means if a pilot is unable to continue to steer the sub someone else can likely take over. Pushing the analogue stick in the direction you want to go in, just like a simple video game. The sensors and other crucial equipment are managed and monitored by the on-board computers but for steering is just easier to use a video game controller. It's important to mention they did have backup controllers on board the titan but for an unknown reason they chose to use Bluetooth rather than a cable connection to connect the controller to the sub. If you've ever had Bluetooth headphones or speakers randomly disconnect, you'll know it's not always a reliable technology, it remains unclear why ocean gate chose to use the controller wirelessly rather than wired.
If using a game controller to steer or operate critical equipment just because its easier still sounds ridiculous to you, its not as uncommon as you think. In the US Xbox controllers are often used to control certain equipment on submarines, the USS Colorado costing around $2.7 billion dollars uses an Xbox controller to manoeuvre the photonics masts, which replaced periscopes. The US navy commented that using commercial off-the-shelf technology saves money, and young sailors report to the submarine knowing how to use it.
Would you ever get on a submarine controlled by a games controller?
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#oceangate #titanic #titan #missingsubmarine