Getting High When You're Sick....

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Getting high when you're sick can be pretty unenjoyable for a lot of people. However there are some things you may be able to do to make the process suck less.
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usually it doesn’t help when i’m sick, it feels like the effects of my cold, or whatever have is amplified and more significant and noticeable, but the sleep is amazing. also, don’t ever get high when you’re constipated. worst poop of my life 🤣


I actually love getting high when I'm sick. Being sick sucks but getting high when you're sick makes it suck just a bit less. Also helps you get to sleep so you can recover faster.


nothing better than blazing up at 7am on a sick day and laying around stoned


I remember I had the flu once. Took one rip and I could actually eat shit without throwing up. Not saying it’s a cure-all but it definitely helps me with A LOT of stuff. Anxiety, inflammation, joint pains, etc


naw smoking when I'm sick be amazing, it be relieving my stomach pains and brings my appeitite back and way easier to fall asleep. it helps most of my main negatives


How do you get high when you're sick?


Got the flu right now and while considering taking a couple rips just to not feel like complete crap for a bit and saw this recommended. It’s a sign!


I absolutely love this channel! Just found out I had Covid today...Cewpins is a part of the healing process 🤙🏻


I think it depends on how sick or what your symptoms are, I was sick just a few days ago and didn't even want to smoke because I had tried with a sore throat/runny nose and it was miserable but next day or so I decided to try again. Wasn't feeling as bad but I still had a runny nose and was super congested. For whatever reason I was able to take the biggest hits but didn't get that high off them, personally I think it was all the mucus but idk.


I just don't even bother when I'm sick. It's not even about lung irritation, the high feels really off and it's not enjoyable.
Oh, except when I had covid. Getting high was the best relief for the shitty throat feeling, and helped overall.


Depends on the type of sickness, if you have the full on flu, even the heaviest smoker is not going to be smoking, that’s the last thing on your mind at that point


For me when I got sick a couple months ago I couldn’t eat I couldn’t keep anything down and had terrible pain in my stomach when I smoked I could eat and keep everything down and the pain went mostly away I feel like that’s what made me get back into a healthy state from smoking because I could eat i went to the er multiple times and they never found out what was wrong with me


Had a really bad ear infection that wound up taking over my throat. By far smoking was the last thing on my mind, but on the last few days of my infection recovery, I actually took a moderation hit everytime I was anxious, and I can say, it did help, but only towards the end.


I tried to smoke a bowl when I was sick with You Know What, and I honestly thought I was going to die for about 5 minutes afterwards. It really compounded the whole barely able to breathe thing. Would probably recommend edibles instead. Because you're going to be in the couch for a week, might as well be violently stoned.


I love getting high when sick! I have a really horrible cold right now, but small bong rips with plenty of warm water and a cold drink really helps.


These “let’s talk” videos are so dope. Keep ‘em up my friend


I got high while sick once. For me, being high heightens every sense I have. I know some people find that weed relieves pain, but for me, all pain becomes much more intense. When I got sick and high, the very minor headache I had became unbearable to the point where I was in the fetal position. It was not a good time.


dude this channels growing fast asf, i found it and subbed at ab 50k and that was 2 weeks ago now youre at 70k, keep up the good work dude👍


unpopular opinion... pens/carts are actually great when you are sick. i had covid sometime later in 2021, dont really remember when, but i do remember smoking during it. I legit couldnt do anything else, could barely move, yet my carts never really seemed to make me cough. just mellowed me out, or put me to sleep! they arent for everyone, but they do wonders for me.


Dabs are the way. Had walking pneumonia a few years back and them low tempers helped relax
