Car Insurance to Avoid

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So what insurance do we need to avoid?


Insurance is the biggest ripoff in the world


I bounce between insurers. They increase rates every 6 months, knowing most people won't remember how much they last paid and just go with it. I keep track of it, and bail when they bump up the rates.


I was with Allstate for 12 years- every six months they raised the rates even with a totally clean record-no accidents, no claims or tickets. In the final year they increased the rate 20%. Dropped them and went with a much better company at a much lower rate. And now my premium is further reduced at each renewal. Also avoid the trap where you give one company all your business (home, auto & umbrella).you think they would reward loyalty but forget it. Shop around!


When you get in an accident (either not your fault or your fault) you know if your insurance company is good or not.


Well, one thing is for sure. These insurance companies are ripping off people. After COVID many are working from home and don’t travel much. Ridiculous premiums to say the least. Why so much even when modern autos have all the safety features?


Had All-State for 21 years. Late payment one time when bank system was down. Called. Phone payment. Went on 10 day vacation and got back, cancellation notice in the mail same day we paid on the phone. Dumped them and went wit Travelers


I had ERIE insurance for over 20yrs. Never had a ticket or accident during that time. My insurance agent called in August and said they found us a better policy 600 cheaper. Of course we took it and have already received a check back for good driving. Oct 30th, neighbor came home at 2:30 am backed directly into rear quarter panel ripping bumper cover from car, both taillights causing 5, 400 in damages. Called ERIE on the spot, said " yes he's covered and an agent will call you tomorrow". Adjuster showed up the next day and gave us the total. Been calling ever since and they claim they cannot get a hold of their insured. Say to turn it in to our insurance. Don't use ERIE


I make it a rule to never buy insurance from a company (Geico, Progressive) that spends more on advertising in a year than the US government "gifts" to Ukraine.


I was with USAA for almost 20 years. When I moved to MD, their quoted rates for home and auto was just too much, so I decided to shop around. Ended up with Progressive Ins based strictly on their rates. BIG MISTAKE on my part. Service was terrible. Rates roses by nearly $400 in less than two years. Found out the reason for the sharp increase was I had used roadside assistance once when my vehicle needed a tow. I couldn't believe they had the audacity to rates my rates that much for using a service I PAID to be included in my policy. Needless to say, I moved on and shall never return. I wonder if USAA will take me back (for a reasonable price, of course)????


As for any insurance that you does not matter if you get the absolute lowest price for coverage...IF their claim handling is terrible. Unfair and untimely settlements. Slow to respond to your reported claim. Unwilling to use OEM parts for repairs. Unfair and slow third party claim handling. You are paying for insurance coverage and the associated claim handling services offered. You may have pay slightly more to get the coverage and services you expect and deserve.


I’m retired now, but I was an Independent Multiline Insurance Agent for 38 years. I began as a company agent but I quickly became aware of the limitations that come with being a one company agent.

I left that company after 8 years and opened my own Independent Insurance Agency. I eventually obtained contracts with 20 Insurance companies. An independent agent’s advantage is obviously the ability to represent multiple insurance companies.

Single company agents obviously attempt to sell and maintain insurance based on their companies name, reputation, and national advertising. The company trains their agent to sell their products based on service and the companies nationally recognized name. They are cautioned not to get in the habit of selling on price because insurance cost are subject to frequent changes.

Independent agents can sell on price because they represent multiple insurance companies, so they can easily move their customers to a more competitive company when that’s necessary. They can also provide coverage for virtually any vehicle or any driver with multiple tickets, accidents, or DUI’s.

Insurance companies that contract independent agents don’t advertise very much or at all. They leave that up to their agents to advertise their agencies. Obviously that lowers their cost of doing business and that allows them to sell their products at a lower premium.

Most folks aren’t aware of Independent Insurance Agents so they naturally gravitate to the State Farm’s, Allstate, and Nationwide type companies assuming they have the lowest rates.

An Independent Agent can easily feed your information into their computer and shop your insurance needs with multiple company’s in less than five minutes; and then provide you with a printout with all the companies prices.


Check the homes of most insurance agents. No surprise here. If you ask them for a lower insurance price on auto and home, they can't seem to find one. But they can sure find a reason to increase your rates. Most everyone I talk to despise Insurance companies, who really don't give a damn if we like them or not. It's a racket to get rich.


Surprisingly, you don't want USAA in Florida. 21 years with the company. Zero tickets and zero at fault accidents. Two drivers age 66 for regular driving, and I live in a primarily rural part of a primarily rural county. Have a Tacoma and a RAV4--our current rate is $10, 540/yr. (The Tacoma alone was $1500 in March.) Needless to say, I'm shopping around.


I was with Allstate for 33 years.2 years ago, when i bought another used car, i found out my daughter (who is now in her mid 30's) was still on my policy, even though i received a letter about 15 years ago that she will be no longer on my policy.I dropped Allstate like a hot potato and switched to Progressive for a lot less $$$.


My situation is COMPLETELY different from all that BS. First of all, I simply do not buy new cars. I did once, back in 1987, and seriously regretted it. The payments and crazy full coverage insurance ruined 5 years of my life. That was also the last time I bought a car from a stealer dealer, and I will never go near another one of those. I strictly buy used cars from private sellers. I only buy cars at least 20 years old, and as time goes by, my cars will get older. I am currently driving a 2006 Mercury Grand Marquis, which I bought about 7 years ago, with 47, 000 miles on it, for $7200. I'm still driving it, now with 218, 000 miles on it. So far, repair cost has been under $500 (parts only, I am a mechanic) It is extremely unlikely I would ever buy anything newer than that. I want nothing to do with the guaranteed to fail TRASH technology they are putting on newer cars. I will likely just replace the engine/transmission/whatever it takes to keep my current car going, or buy another one just like it with fewer miles. And because the monetary value of such a car is so low, I have only ABSOLUTE MINIMUM insurance. Only what my state requires in order to legally drive it. No comprehensive, no collision, no glass replacement, no uninsured/underinsured motorist (I have medical insurance) no towing (I have a separate plan for that) and I am the ONLY covered driver. I am 63. Perfect driving record, own my own house, credit score of 837. My insurance rates are significantly lower than anything you listed, and I use a well known company. I could save even more, but I refuse to deal with a no name company with no customer service and could go out of business at any time.


All the insurance rates are headed up. My good friend owns body shops and parts and labor costs are going through the roof. His comment was that normally State Farm is the best to deal with at claim time as far as doing the right thing for the customer.


Currently in CA paying $506 for six months and limits are only 25/50. Moving to WA and carrier doesn't write there so went with State Farm. $370 for six months and my limits are maxed at 500/500. I am 53.


I went with The Hartford from State Farm. I saved $35 a month vs State Farm with the same coverage...


Very good feed into Insurance costs and providers! Thanks and God Bless.
