How To Get Your VA Rating Code Sheet To Check For Routine Future Exams

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Here is what your rating code sheet will look like. Look for the seal behind the text. This will tell you if your disabilities are considered static and if you have routine future exams.

The rating code sheet is essentially a blueprint of each veteran's claim and payment history with the VA. If your VA rating decision does not include a rating code sheet, you may request a copy of the code sheet by personally going to your assigned regional office to request a copy.

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Hill and Ponton, PA is a nationwide VA-accredited law firm based in Orlando, Florida. Your contacting of Hill and Ponton, PA is Not a guarantee that the firm will assist with your claim. Hill and Ponton, PA does not make any representation, warranty, or guarantee about the accuracy of the information contained in this YouTube channel or in links to other YouTube channels or websites. You enjoy this YouTube channel and its contents only for personal, non-commercial purposes. Neither Hill and Ponton, PA, nor anyone acting on their behalf, will be liable under any circumstances for damages of any kind. Any information shared on Hill and Ponton, PA’s free case evaluation form is confidential and secure.

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Thank You for being vulnerable and brave enough to share your personal medical conditions with all of us to help educate us. 💖🙏💙


Combat Craig is killing it with another great video. Thank you for your military service and continued service to fellow veterans like myself and the people in here watching your videos. Probably the best content creator out here for this.


Combat Craig I admire your style you speak with no hold backs you say what you feel.and I like that Happy Veterans Day Sir.


Great information Craig. I'm going to be calling my local regional VSO soon to get mine. Thanks for including me in this. Take care brother. 🇺🇸


For not being an Lawyer, you surely know your stuff buddy! I mean that. You have given me a lot of info in regards to the VA! Thanks ..


This is more how to read it, than how to get it but still a great and helpful video. Thumbs up.


My VSO printed a copy for me. 7 pages, front and back! 26 years of active service, and my VSO submitted a claim for every substantial ailment I ever had. Sure, some were denied, but the remainders landed me in the "Hundo Club!"


Always get your study it..great explanation CC


Just received my entire claims file on a cd. It took forever and I actually went through my Senator's office for assistance because it was taking forever and got it in the mail yesterday.


CC keeping me company virtually while I am working from home 2020/21. Thanks CC :-)


Hi CC,
Nice to see you back in the saddle! Sorry I missed this one. I've been working on an appeal for my flatfoot (C&P Feb 20th) and also working with Eugene on filing a TDIU claim. I think I have a good chance to make it to the 100 club. I would never have made it this far without your persistent kick in the ass. I was lazy and deserved it.


I remember going to my 5 year exam with the VA. My first exam lasted less than a minute. My 5 year exam the same thing. I have PTSD, during the exam, I could not talk about Iraq- I had to write it. The person said “we are finish”, I was out. Now I am rated at 100%


As always great Job my brother as usual! Hold the line that I received my C-File today you are spot on.


As soon as I started this video gave my rep a call for it, thanks for this info!!!


Going In to see the vso Thur. And file for increase in insomnia, appointment with primary care provider Fri.! Thanks for motivating me to get after what I deserve again!


Easiest way it know if your conditions are “static” is looking at the Routine Future Examination box. If it says “None” then all you service connected disabilities are considered static. The caveat to that is if you claim an increase for a service connected disability that will open the door for a potential routine future exam for that condition based on what the increase exam indicates. Now if your routine future exam box does list a date, scroll down from top to bottom for each service connected disability and you will see a corresponding date listed for the condition that matches the date listed in the routine future examination box. Hope that simplifies it for everyone.


Love you Combat Craig. Keep up the good work!


Sweet video CC as always. Definitely good information, we can all use. Thank you.


You've helped me alot man, I really appreciate your knowledge.


You are right If You don’t have your CFile you cannot pursue you claim properly!
