Spiritual Growth vs Sexual Desire (Tom Campbell & Eckhart Tolle)

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Most of us have at one point experienced the strange, the spiritual or paranormal. This is doubly true of when we delve into the more mystical nature of what it means to be human. We take up various practices designed to enhance consciousness and deepen our understanding. During such a time of personal development, I had a psycho-emotional encounter similar to what some describe as a 'kundalini awakening'. This is not unusual - thousands of reports of such experiences are reported. The strange thing to me was how this event influenced my physiology. As a feeling of deep, profound peace settled over my being, I noticed that my libido - a force that had driven me my entire adult life, became greatly diminished. To use a metaphor, it felt like my physiology was running on another fuel. I drifted through life feeling lighter than air and untroubled by the events around me. At some point I reintegrated with this energy and found my libido returning. However, this got me thinking that perhaps there was a converse relationship between Sex and Spirituality. In ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine it is taught that one should strive to 'Preserve The Reproductive Essence'. What do the Monks who take up the ascetic life, or the Taoists who eschew orgasm in favor of a deeper energy know that the rest of us don't? I became interested in this potential dichotomy...
I was very lucky to have had the chance to meet Physicist Tom Campbell - who gave brilliant insight into my perceptions on this subject - in relation to his Big Theory of Everything, which can be found in his Trilogy of books: My Big Toe.
Eckhart Tolle has also been a very influential figure to me these last few years, and it was interesting to see how he addressed this issue - with his inimitable style of humor and insight!
Thanks to Tom and Eckhart for their contributions to the world of health and consciousness!
#tomcampbell #eckharttolle
I was very lucky to have had the chance to meet Physicist Tom Campbell - who gave brilliant insight into my perceptions on this subject - in relation to his Big Theory of Everything, which can be found in his Trilogy of books: My Big Toe.
Eckhart Tolle has also been a very influential figure to me these last few years, and it was interesting to see how he addressed this issue - with his inimitable style of humor and insight!
Thanks to Tom and Eckhart for their contributions to the world of health and consciousness!
#tomcampbell #eckharttolle