8 Food Habits Keeping You Unhealthy | STOP the Self Sabotage

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Eating is a routine, so we develop automatic subconscious habits that guide our day to day choices without us even realizing it.

Today we’re gna take a look at 8 bad food habits that keep us unhealthy

Before I realized these bad habits, I was getting unhealthy. When I replaced my bad food habits with good food habits, my health changed dramatically.

you’re probably thinking it takes a lot of time to eat healthy and it’s a sacrifice, you can never eat anything you like. truth is I spend LESS time cooking and I enjoy my food more due to good habits being in place and dodging the bad habits

bad food habit #1 is relying on willpower

we’ve all made new years resolutions but time goes by and we go back to old habits. we put pressure on ourselves to change but don’t set up the conditions to succeed. success is less about willpower and more about skillpower.

willpower instinct: great willpower is not about fighting instincts, its about harnessing them

We can make our willpower battles easier by using leverage

self-control is rooted in self-knowledge

bad food habit #2: fear of standing out. eating is a cultural and social event

It’s normal for people to notice your change of habit and ask.

What if you live with people who have different habits?
In some ways it strengthens the habit

the 3rd habit to kick to the curb is shopping for the advice we wana hear

most common health concerns, losing some weight, lowering cholesterol or glucose are doable with some tweaks to our lifestyle

Bad food habit #4 is the one-size-fits-all diet. why shouldn’t our health goals be personalized?

We decide to eat xyz, then we don’t stick with it and we feel like a failure.

basic principles apply to everybody. Smoking isn’t healthy for anyone and neither is a diet full of ultraprocessed foods, added salt and sugar and saturated fat. But there is a lot of wiggle room

If your eating plan is so strict it requires u to cheat, maybe you're going too far too fast.

it’s ironic that one of the main obstacles when trying to fix our eating habits is to bite off more than we can chew

Who wants to lose 3lb in a month? We wana lose 30 or 40. or overhaul our entire diet overnight

The yo-yo of losing weight and putting it back is destructive. So kick the habit of choosing goals made by and for other people.

4 habits down. Bad food habit #5 is identifying with our habits

We say things like I wana get fit but I just don’t like to exercise. I wana eat healthy but I just like junk food too much. our preferences are just habits we built

Bad food habit #6 is confusing simple with easy

Eating healthy is simple but not easy. Fresh fruits and vegetables, easy on the processed stuff. that’s 90% of nutrition. you already know how to eat healthy

Bad food habit #7 is obsession with the short term

the habits you built 10y ago are still with you. losing weight is good, but it’s 1 component of health. Every healthy dietary pattern will help you move towards and maintain a healthy weight, but not every diet that helps you lose weight is healthy.

what goes for weight loss, goes for the obsession with muscles and six pack abs. I see people throwing their health to the wind for the promise of bigger muscles

theories that you need to load up on saturated fat or cut fiber-rich foods to get buff and lean. None of that is true, you can get fit and build muscle on a health-promoting diet with adequate protein intake and the right physical activity

you don’t need to compromise your long-term health to get short-term results so do not settle

last bad food habit is minimizing the impact of food habits

Warren Buffet: chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.

get started as soon as you can. you don’t need a grand new years resolution like losing 100lbs or getting a 12 pack

here are ways to save money while eating healthy and 7 things about food I wish I knew long ago

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Animations: Even Topland @toplandmedia


Disclaimer: The contents of this video are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor to replace medical care. The information presented herein is accurate and conforms to the available scientific evidence to the best of the author's knowledge as of the time of posting. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions regarding any medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of information contained in Nutrition Made Simple!.

#NutritionMadeSimple #GilCarvalho
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As someone who is studying food science and technology and is currently working on her thesis in food chemistry, I love your job. The way you approach things from a scientific and also unbiased perspective is a breath of fresh air in the nutrition community. Please keep up the frequent uploads. The effort put in these videos is much appreciated. ❣️❣️


My tip: tell people your feelings and needs

I use to order salad on pizza day at work. People did not like this. The secretary would give me my food and yell "boring!" and everyone would laugh. I took her aside and said "it's hard to be healthy, I'm trying really hard to keep my weight down and my heart healthy. I'm afraid of getting heart disease, my grandmother died from it. I would like it if you could help me by being supportive? What do you say?" She actually started ordering salads for her self after that and one other joined us. After that it wasn't so weird and people didn't act as much like they were being made to feel bad for their food choices.


My #1 tip: have the strong you help the weak you. Use the days that you're well rested and have plenty of time and will power to set things up for when you know you won't. Make a grocery list. Meal prep. Pack your gym bag. Anything that requires effort, do as much of it as you can when you have effort to spare.


This man is a LIFE coach not just a nutritionist


So true. Willpower doesn’t work long term. Habits do


My tips:

1. Eat before grocery shopping and have a rule as to how much unhealthy food you allow in your cart. For me it's one to two items maximum. I sometimes pick something pretty junky too like cake or potato chips. I don't make the rule any more complicated than that.

2. Have the same first meal of the day every day, and make it something super healthy and contributing significantly to your daily calories and nutrition. I find this works well in the morning when I have good willpower and don't want to have to decide what to eat.

I have overnight oats that are prepared with ground flax seed, kale powder, soy milk, water, and spices. I mix it with fruit in the morning, and then also have some trail mix.


Best video ever. Well gone Gil. I’m 62 and keep up with the 22 year olds whose jaws drop in the gym when they find out my age. And yet I can always make improvements.


Underrated advice. Making the healthier choice, the easier choice, seems like one of the best practices to actually make a long term change.


Good video, except for "It is very simple: fresh fruits and vegetables..." Uh, no. Frozen fruits and vegetables are equally healthy and shouldn't be discouraged. It is also easier to eat healthy when it's easier on the wallet and reduces food waste.


Great messaging! After I lost 80lbs in 6 months and have easily maintained this weight for another 8 months, I will offer this advice. If you are going to do this health thing, embrace change - not accept change - embrace it. After your umpteenth attempt to lose weight you have to realize and accept something has to change for it to work and stick. So…. I looked at it this way, find things that I like, find things that are easy. This became my “journey of discovery” everyday and I can tell you there is more good/easy stuff out there than you can possibly imagine. I took the time to research, debunk and experiment and here I am - loving healthier food choices and not missing all that junk that literally weighs you down. Again, change is necessary, but it doesn’t and isn’t about missing out on anything. I enjoy everything I shove into this pie hole!


I see this gift was given to us two years ago, but I just found it. Thank you !

I am 76 and after a spinal cord injury, a heart attack, and a hemorrhagic stroke I am working on my health.

I have already outlived many of my friends and that is not a good feeling, but I'm not giving up!

After searching YouTube I learned that you can find many people who will tell you anything you might like to hear.

Thank you for "fact checking" several of the ones who seemed to know what they were talking about.

My wife says "please stop losing weight", but I was not even trying to lose weight.

Buying a blood glucose/ketone testing device I now see my fasting blood glucose is 85 !

That was even lower than I hoped, but warns me to add back a few quality carbs.

Can't wait to see my cardiologist again. He may be surprised at my weight and blood panel.

Everyone should see your video before they leave high school and watch it again every 5 years.

They will live longer and look better if they listen and take your gift very seriously !

I don't make a lot of comments, but this video is stunning.


Planting some of my own vegetables on the deck helped me. Radishes taste different when cooked. I was able to have radish, short carrots, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, parsnips. Now that I have a yard I have more space and have added a lot of herbs and other things. I find I eat more of them when I went to the trouble of creating a raised bed and keeping things watered and mulched.


What great advice. For years I tried using just willpower to avoid processed, unhealthy foods from my diet but my waistline kept expanding. Plus when my willpower would fail and I ended up eating the wrong foods in amounts I shouldn't, I would criticize myself for being "weak" and giving in. This became an ongoing cycle.

Once I did some research on diets with an emphasis on eating plants and their benefits, it became more than just relying on willpower. It provided me the structure I needed. Eventually my diet plan become a lifestyle.

At least in this realm, the old adage 'If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail' holds true.


You are my first stop for nutrition information. Then I go to Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, PubMed, and read the clinical trial or meta study conclusions. NOT a scientist, so the papers are beyond my scope of understanding, however, I'm a retired teacher and understand how to acquire reliable information. I just started Chemo yesterday and rewatched your video on your experience with your mother, God bless you. You're a fantastic son and the ideal support for her. My biggest support is my daughter who just went through this with her mother-in-law last fall - stage IV colon cancer, and she knows the questions to ask. She is also now a religious watcher of your channel. Thank you.


Make a salad for 5-7 days at one time. Chopped cabbage (red & green)(small bits), chopped romaine lettuce, sliced brussel sprouts, broccoli bits, slice carrots, sliced celery, tri-colored sweet peppers, one bunch of chopped Lacinato Kale (ribs removed). Put all prepared veggies in one super large container in the fridge. Hungry??? Your salad is ready to go. Get creative by topping the salad with sprouted pumpkin seeds, avocado, and your own healthy salad dressing. Add it as a side or make it a main meal by adding brown rice, or quinoa. Remember to use grains sparingly and keep them whole. Add protein by topping salad with baked Tofu. Alway healthy and always easy. The great thing about this combination is that the premade salad veggies have a long lifespan. If purchased fresh, they can last for days. If you have a lot left over at the end of the 5 days, you can use them in a stir fry with brown rice and tofu. Hope this helps you on your journey to easy, healthy eating.


I've noticed that people like to follow advices, diets and rules that appeals to them and not always what's best.

The "health advice" to drink red wine every day is easy to fall for. But we get the same antioxidants with onion or by eating an apple. But drinking wine is more appealing eventhough we get side effects like liver damage that doesn't come with eating onions or apples.

The same can be applied to LCHF diet. It's appealing to us cause we can eat fatty sauces, unlimited amounts of bacon, meats and things most of us love. We even fall for the false assumptions that high LDL levels is ok just so we can overeat cheese, fats, bacon and meats.

I got a wake up call when I started to get angina after two years in LCHF-diet. My cholesterol levels were sky-high.

Thanks to the highly informative videos of Gil I'm now on the right way lowering my cholesterol levels.


I realised leaving behind jealous dumb family and friends was the best thing to do not just in terms of diet or healthy choices but FREEDOM OF THOUGHT way back in my early twenties and THANK GOD for blessing me with courage to walk away and discover my own brain 😂


These are great tips and are so relevant now that I’ve lost 50+ pounds! I’m finding the one about just saying “I’m making lifestyle changes” works much better than giving a bullet list of what I’ve changed, because people listen until they find THAT one item they can debate or relate to themselves, and the conversation becomes about them and isn’t positive anymore.


I always had (and still have) habits that made me stand out and I always been criticized for it. I exercise, read about diferent things, eat healthy, think about my financial future, etc. In my culture this is not normal for a young person to do (I am 24). I undestend this criticims very well. it is just people being envious beacuse you are doing a change they're not doing. I cut out all of those "friends" that didn't support me and I am thankfull for it. Alway look for peaple who lift you up not dragg you down. Great channel, keep it going 💪.


You are such an inspiration for me, i am 21. I was always interested to get healthy and i’m working out since 16 but with your Vids i got healthier than ever out of that i gained over 15kg in water and muscle and also used this energy to go for my dreams, now i have my own Company, making sports everyday and also feel like everyday blessed. I hope someday i can say in your face how much u blessed my life.
