When You Argue With a Narcissist

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Tune in to hear the perspective of a self-aware narcissist. That’s me - Ben Taylor, a narcissist in recovery trying to promote awareness, healing, growth, and change. I do that through these videos on here, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook.

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You nailed it! One misspoken word makes the entire point moot to the narcissist.


I wish I had understood what word salad was when I was going through it. Such a confusing time!


Mine will tell me everyone has these problems with me and that I love drama, yet he is the only one having a tantrum. I asked him for more affection and he told me no. When he wasn’t getting sex I said you told me to pound salt. Well because he didn’t actually say pound salt he acts like he didn’t reject me. It is crazy.


Exactly why I've been sleeping in the guest room. I feel my season is changing and God wants me to find peace. Just last night, we were talking and he immediately said he was right and ofcourse I was wrong. Mr can't be wrong about anything and I can't have a different opinion.


My sis finally came out and told me.."i love you..but i really don't want to be friends..." all because she could not Control me and what i wore and what i ate.. well thats fine! AND it was nuts bc we hadnt seen or spoken in over a year ...mostly bc she is a controlling toxic person.😢


Pisses me off quite a bit because of you reminding me of "talking with, arguing with crazy"! Nuts! Me and him! Why do I keep doung it!? Idk but tgank you for reminding me who I'm dealing with. Sas to say he's f^€ Nuts, and majing me look and feel nuts for playing into his sick gead games.
Thank you gut, and qewdoes to your wife!! She's got to be my hero for whatever she did to make you acknowledge what you do and helping others with that break through.. Thank you Sooo much Kayla!!


Mine also told me that he doesn’t have it in him to put in any effort in our relationship. He wants it just to be there when he feels like it.


I just can t believe all the things he has done and why i have accepted this toxid behaviour of this devil for more than 4 years.
I feel so very sad and broken.
Evrything you are telling in your videos is true just exactly the way it all happens and how they misstreat you.
My heart cries my heart is broken


Lord. She was sooo bad. Did not care about my answers to her questions. This was a workplace. Cost my job. But I can hold my head up because I was at least speak


I still want her to change and I want my family back.
