5 Early Warning Signs You’re getting Sick

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If you want to avoid spending time celebrating under a box of tissues and a heap of blankets to keep you warm and accompany, you will certainly want to familiarize yourself with the early indicators that you’re getting sick.

There are not many pre-cold signs as they typically come with something more serious like the flu.

Getting sick can often take people off guard as you can easily go from one minute of being well then the next thing you know, you’re sneezing, have a runny nose, and feels tired all of a sudden.

Colds are common, especially during wintertime.

Nonetheless, anyone can get sick any time and any day, especially if you’re having an extremely stressful time, as stress puts a strain on your immune system.

It’s time for you to be extra cautious.

You wouldn't want to stay cooped up in your home because you’re down with something awful.

Fortunately, if you just stay aware of these signs, you can prevent spending time being sick.

Here’s a list of early signs to look out for that indicate you might be getting sick:

1. Sneezing
Does it feel like something is building in your nose that begs to be let out?

Sneezing once is okay, but if you find yourself doing so a couple of times for the past few minutes, then chances are, it’s a telltale sign that you are coming down with something.

Sneezing accompanied by frequent coughing, plus a runny nose, are all warning signs of the start of the common cold.

In symptoms persist after two days, you should see a doctor.

Don’t forget to cover your mouth the moment you feel like you’ll sneeze!

You don’t want to pass germs to your loved ones.

2. Sweating
Sweating is a good thing, at least when you’re exercising and want to lose some weight.

But if your body is releasing buckets of sweat out of nowhere, you’re feeling feverish, and having chills, then it’s safe to say that you have a viral or bacterial infection.

Excessive sweating is usually a sign of an impending health issue.

3. Runny nose
Some people often get an itchy nose as an indicator that they’re getting a cold.

If your nose is pouring like a faucet, you can expect to experience congestion and sore throat afterward.

You may want to stay at home, maybe watch some movies, and drink some soothing tea.

4. Sore throat or coughing
Usually, when your throat starts to get itchy or sore and you’re coughing, that’s when your body is trying to get rid of an irritant in your lungs.

If a steamy shower won’t help, then be wary.

A sudden acute cough means that your body is probably preparing to ward off a virus.

Clearing your throat helps with infections.

5. Low fever
A low fever--somewhere under 100 degrees--typically goes hand in hand with a cold.

When you have flu or even just a common cold, it’s normal to come down with a fever.

You may also frequently sneeze and feel congested.

Either way, if you have a low fever, don’t hesitate to take medicine.

It’s best to get rid of the symptoms early on before it develops into something severe.

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That's the exact thing that happened to me... I was sleeping then i woke up just rn... I feel well then I started sneezing a couple times then have runny nose and got tired all of a sudden... Thank you for your sign. Hope this is not fever and just because it's raining here.


I tell sickness NO. I make sickness sick. I make sickness feel uncomfortable and demand it to leave and never come back. I am healed, I am healed, I am healed.


I searched “How to know you’re getting sick” why?

Because my throat is going sore now, and I am very tired! How can I SLEEP WITH A SORE THROAT?!!


These are obvious signs. I thought they won't give us signs that are like hard to spot or something.


I’ve been sneezing but I’m wondering how can I get sick when I’ve been inside for three months and live alone is that possible??? Thank you


Thanks, Body Hub🙌 Great videos, useful information💝👍


Ya I have been sick 😷 since Jan 1 2020... Happy New Year! ... Lol 😆 I am still sick 😷 with bronchitis! Now taking cough medicine and Mucinex and puffers for people with asma! All from my doctor! 😷 and drinking orange juice🍹 and water! And sleeping a lot! 😴💤 ya still still from Jan to Feb. Hope I get better soon! 😲.... Thanks for the video 💒⛪⛪⛪🌈


I hope that bear at the end heals well.


Right now I realized that I'm sick


I never got sick since July 2019 with is a ear infection.
I did have cold like symptoms and than it’s gone after thinking about the medicine. I am 14 years old and yes my parents gave me parental consent. I had a stuffy nose and I ending up watching a acupressure video and it vanished.


The thing is, I was like a month ago and now my nose is just stuffed and idk if it’s allergies or the common cold, I need answers.


Now I realise I'm sick, I've been feeling tired and sweating, running nose and sneezing a lot, so umm when I ate some chocolate powder I suddenly feel less tired IDK,


My throat hurts 😢😩 I’m not going to school


Thank you very much my sickness got worse


Nah I felt all off these and I literally was congested like only 2 weeks ago-😶


If only my mom(who is a nurse) would have actually believed me when I showed this to her and presented my symptoms ;-;


I remembered getting sick as a kid, my mother would make porridge and said it's good for my body and there are certain foods I should avoid. I didn't believed her. I still ate foods she told me to avoid cuz I "believed" it had nothing to do what foods you eat but what you believed can heal you.


I'm scared bc it's new years eve toomorow


It is the mettle of the summer so I don’t got cold😊


Dude my brother and my mom got sick and in the middle of the night I sealed my spit and my throat started hurting and I was thinking in my head:

