What Happens When the Narcissist Sees You With Someone Else?

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#narcissist #narcissism #hgtudor

The Formal Relationship with the narcissist is over. You are with someone new and the narcissist sees this. How does the narcissist feel? How does the narcissist respond?

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"better off without them" is what every empath eventually concludes of a toxic person.


So the narcissist is like a two year old that throws his toy away and then goes ballistic when another child picks it up. Got it. Disgusting creatures all around aren't they?




About 3 years ago, I came to a point where I started to believe firmly "I do not want this & I do not need this." I broke free and have remained fully cutoff since. I can see how my empathy triped me into the ensnaring traps now, which led to me feeling rather foolish for a while. The biggest benefit was accepting it was never love. I went on 3 dates last year and saw very clear red flags and removed myself, I was very pleased with myself. Am still single and approaching it with caution and awareness!!


My Narcissist Lives in the Same Apartment Building.
He put me on the Shelve for 7 Months,
One of the My Friends took me to The Shore, My Narcsissist Seen me Giving A Hug & Kiss afterwards in Our Parking Garage.
He was So Wounded to No End.
He was Done with Me, At Lease I thought, Until I Got A Car.
He Did A 90° Turn Around. Thereafter he Came Back being Nice. He wanted to have sex again after Shelving Me for 7 months to Try to Mark what he Thinks is his Territory.
I have No Contact, Finally walked Away, and Will be moving Soon.
Your Videos have Help me So! 😉


I had this happen to me .. showed up at my new place of work ... ignored my new partner, giving no greeting whatsoever to him . He then showed up a week later with his new supply, low hanging fruit .. to "parade" her in front of me . All of it was uncomfortable .. but hearing this ..makes it all make sense ... so so accurate .. thank you


And when the victim leaves the marriage the narcist then corrupts the children against their father/mother to isolate them.


This happened to me. I was ghosted in a long term relationship with a narc after a lot of future faking was exposed. He was with new supply two days later when he blocked and in turn I blocked back. Fast forward three months later he saw me in public while I was on a date as I was trying to move on. He started raging with theatrics and crocodile tears...I keep thinking you walked out, you made the decision, you blocked me, what do you expect? Why are you so upset when you have a new girlfriend you were grooming instead of working on the relationship. It was insane to witness his meltdown when he caused the problem.


Couldn't go no contact with my ex as we shared children. We did go low contact and I had court orders drawn up so that the only contact was in writing (letters or texts). Best thing I ever did.


With all the wounding they create during the so called relationship they deserve whatever they get. They live in such a sick delusional world. I would laugh in his face if he came over and said something stupid like that.


Mine saw me at the grocery store 3 weeks after we broke up tonight. I was with a guy friend but looked like date. My ex narc stopped, turned to make sure I saw him then gave me a nasty horrific look and then walked out. Before I could got out to the car, he had emailed me twice b/c I have him blocked via text. He sent me one compliment to let me know he saw me. Then he sent me one telling me his sick father had died. He knows I would want to respond to the one about his father but I'm not...I can't help him. He was at the store getting alcohol and he is supposed to be in recovery.. but he goes to AA meetings then goes by store to get alcohol. It's quite the charade. I'm done with his fake reality, lies and games. I did not respond.


The sob actually came to my table while I was on a date acting all friendly like nothing ever happened after abandoning me at the worst time possible, because he knew that seeing him would crush me, Mission accomplished. He then hoovered me back a couple of months later. Only to discard me again. Turned me into secondary source a month after he disengaging and kept telling me things about her, things I would have love to hear myself from him, because he knew it would hurt me, and still making it sound like it was ok to still sleep with me, because she was just occasional dating. I have to give it to them, these people are good at what they do. Time to say good bye.


My EXTREME COVERT MALIGNANT soon to be EX-husband emailed just yesterday, that he will kill anyone he sees me with, even after divorcing. He actually said that I BELONG to HIM, no matter what.
I think I'm going to have a problem. But thank God, I have PROOF of what he said/thinks


HG, the most powerful part of your videos for the empath, is to finally not feel like it is personal. You go through your whole life, from one narc to the next, and you cant put the pieces together. As an empath, you cant figure out why you attract this over and over, and it always presents differently, but ends up just being a different level of narcissism. I believe I have been with almost every kind....including a psychopath and an upper range narcissist. I am glad I am alive, and can now understand what it all was and is. And now i understand why it is so difficult to end relationships with these people if you try to be nice and get closure. I am now realizing I am surrounded...family, friends, lovers, followers, and an almost ex husband. Thank you for sharing invaluable information for what has occured my entire life.


Thank you HG. I will not let my narc to kill my new relationship. She is persona non grata.


The best way to get over someone is to get under someone new. That's what my ex wife a diagnosed vulnerable narcissist, used to say. My god, I have to be honest what an exciting lot to deal with.


Good job on saying the brainwashed new victim, you could not have worded it any better...


It seems interesting to me that a narcissist upon seeing you - their former victim - with a new partner would come up and try and smear your reputation by saying something like mentioned in the video 'It all begins well, but it then goes down and you better run now' or something to that effect. To me, in the role of the new partner being under the attempts of the narcists to triangulate us, it would look extremely immature behaviour and a clear sign of why the victim left them in the first place. It would sound in my mind as 'well, no wonder you left that piece of spitefulness and pettiness, unable to move on and behave in a dignified manner.' Because honestly, it does show pettiness and comes across as undignified.


Oh Yey! I did it today. He’s a British guy and I’m an American. He discarded me a few weeks ago. Then I realized I was dealing with a narcissist and got over him. As I was deleting naked pictures I had of him today he sends me a message. I know he has wanted to connect with someone during Covid but hasn’t. I have just yesterday! 😍 he’s a fabulous non-narcissist (I’m always looking for flags though just in case) the narcissist wanted to know how I was. I told him I was working on a relationship with someone and hoped he had found someone. I am sure it wounded him. He hasn’t messaged me back. He’s an upper midrange I think or maybe even an elite.


No dating . Get better Get strong . No fornication. One husband one wife so that no one burns. otherwise be a servant of God which I am this is how I'm living my life today
