How to correctly fit your Zilco 'S' Hackamore

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Zilco’s “S” Hackamore should be fitted with the same principles as the Flower Hackamore, however, it is simpler, as there are fewer options as to where to fix the cheekpieces or reins.
The cheekpiece should feed through the loop on the top of the “S” and should leave the noseband sitting at the same height as other types of Hackamore. Not too high, but not too low that it could restrict the horse’s breathing.
The reins buckle onto the circular loop at the bottom of the “S”. The noseband and chin strap can then be adjusted to around 2 fingers width, or as desired.
These instructions are just a rough guide and we would strongly recommend that you seek the advice of an instructor as to what level of adjustment would be most appropriate for you and your horse/pony.
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