Dr. Boz Reviews Guidelines on Cholesterol, Statins, & Risk for Coronary Artery Disease

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00:00 Intro
01:50 Pre BHB Dr Boz Ratio
04:44 Poll Review
06:15 New Documentary
09:33 Book Discussion
11:00 Who should have a CAC
25:53 ASCVD Risk Estimator Example
31:20 HbA1c Test Score graph
54:25 Post BHB Dr Boz Ratio
54:54 Q&A

Should you do a Coronary Artery Calcium score? Should you stay keto?
Find out in this episode.

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Рекомендации по теме

I went to a doctor a few years ago with high total cholesterol, high HDL, low triglycerides, high total LDL, coronary calcium score of ZERO, and NO cardiac risk factors aside from stress. When my doc suggested that I consider statins, I changed doctors.


44:31 is where the "who should" answer is addressed.


Thank you again for the continuous education and all the effort you put into these presentations. Have a great week. Can’t wait for the next episode of American Traddiction. I will fasts again in the coming weeks. I’m made a pause to adapt to be more carnivore while ditching a few more carbs


Received the free Keto Continuum (Global, Canada). Thank you very much Dr.Boz. I will use it well.


Just left a lab follow-up apt. with my new PC doc. I am 56 yrs. old, post menopausal, & labs were fantastic except for a big red flag for cholesterol. Total cholesterol is 284, which doc says would normally scare him to death for me, except for the following: Triglycerides=72, HDL=104, LDL=166, Chol/HDL Calc Ratio=2.73. He said that as bad as he hated to say it (why?!) he could not argue with that ratio, that I would definitely not qualify for statins, & that he could not explain how my HDL & LDL could be so high, but the ratio so perfect. He knows that I adhere to a keto lifestyle, & was supportive of that, but was stymied by my results. Also, BP=110/60, BMI=18.6. I fairly danced my way out of the doc's office. Love, love, love your videos, Dr. Boz!


Dr. Boz, after being pretty deep in lipidology for the last year I have to admit your little clogged artery animation was pretty good.


I have an instagram, but not on there much. Still followed Michelle. Ty for all you do Dr. Boz 💗


Listened and listened, so much filler and not cohesive talk that goes a long with the tag on the photo of the video. I love Dr Boz but just don't have the time to listen that long to get to the substance. Had to wait until 3/4 of the way thru to find out that it is people who have been on statins that should not bother with a CAC test.


My first CAC was in 2008 at Milwaukee Heart Scan. Agatston score was 0. My second CAC was in 2018 after10 years of low-carb diet. My score was 0 again. I went on KETO in 2018, lost about 40 lbs, and have remained at same weight for 5 years.


On keto..Chol was high and LDL but HDL was 97, Trigl are low and VLDL was low...but Dr was concerned and wanted CT done.
Just had a CT scan of heart and came back at 0 Calcium Score.
I'm on a mission to have all blood tests done on my own..


Dr Boz do you recommend taking Serrapeptase for lowering cholesterol? It sounds amazing!


I went into a keto and intermittent fasting for a dx of pre diabetes. My LDL was elevated like it is been all my adult life. My HDL and triglycerides good numbers. Dr pushed statins since the beginning. I am also a nurse and I see what statins can do to people. I refused, requested a CAC; dr ignored me. Next lab A1C dropped 3 points into the 5.6, HDL 90, triglycerides 47 but >LDL 210 (higher than ever on keto). Still pushing statins, finally gave me order for CAC. I was a bit nervous since I was 66 and still IR I would have been satisfied with a score of close to 100. I got a 0 score. I have no familial risk, only age and IR (DM from my moms side).


This was a very useful video, but it left me in a rut. I was told 25 years ago that I had high cholesterol and to take statins. That was a long time ago and I think I took them for about a year or two (i dont really remember) and then stopped. Later, about 6 years ago I was told I had high cholesterol again (not realizing it was just genetic) and took the statins for about a year then stopped.

I was a smoker for about 42 years sadly, but quit about 13 years ago thankfully. Unfortunately smoking not only increased my risks for areterial damage, in fact I found out 3 years ago that I have an abdominal aortic aneurysm. I had it ultrasounded two months ago and the aneurysm is lined by a soft plaque wall.

My doctor recently told me to take statins (regular physician, not knowing about the aneurysm) 4 months after I went carnivore.

I believe I am in a dangerous situation, but I am so greatful for all of the Carnivore and Keto support that is available. I was very scared to be honest. I have 3 adult kids and just want to be alive and healthy.

My liver was damaged years ago and I feel that having COPD (mild to moderate) is an added risk factor because oxygen is neccesary to burn fat and for exercise. I exefcise often but can see my performance deteriorating in terms of stamina. I am 60.

My hope is that carnivore will help to heal what is left of my liver tissue and that being in ketosis will lengthen my stay here. The more I learn the more optimistic I am that this is the right path.

The question I have is, should I stay on statins if all my bloodwork is good and if I remain on ketosis and continue a mostly carnivore regimen through life?


Will you be producing the combo BHB/MCT in the Cucumber lemonade flavor? I much prefer this flavor over the other. 🤞🏼


I specifically tell people to get the audiobook rather than the kindle or paperback . Only you can put the emphasis and emotion behind your own journey in your voice .


Love your sessions. Yvonne in Quebec Canada


Outstanding info. I could write a book.
Statins 25 yrs. Caused afib and PVCs. After 2 ablations I feel great. Keto/ carnivore almost 3 years. So much reversed. LDL is 485. Dr. Wants me to do infusion ever 6 months for "possible" soft plaque because my CAC is zero and he says that only measures hard plaque. So having coronary angiography next week to see if soft plaque is a problem. I sought-after this test, not my cardiologist but he didn't argue with me and ordered it. I'm 70.


Will the gooey plaque in a patient who has not been on a statin, be minimized with a patient who has been on a low carb ketogenic diet and included a vitamin k2 regimen? Dr. Gundy always talks about patient "Ed" who had inoperable blockages and thru a diet and lifestyle change with numerous supplements went to a no blockage situation. Does it really happen or is it only a wished for situation?


how long do you have to stay on Keto after you reach your desired weight goals


Started keto about 2 months ago and my bloodwork was done midstream. The changes were so dramatic I dropped all meds and the my Dr. concurred. From five meds to zero. I had my Dr. order a CAC for me. The hospital wanted a $320 co-pay. Called a local xray clinic and it was $150 with no insurance. The keto urine test is meh. It is hard to read and the increments are large. I immediately bought the keto/glucose meter that gives accurate numbers. Have been in high ketosis for over a month straight.
