Why I Don't Prescribe Statins For High LDL Cholesterol

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There are two types of LDL cholesterol. One is healthy, and the other kills. When you take a statin, which one does it lower?

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Video says "Talk to your doctor." Well, I guarantee you the doctor isn't interested in some video the patient saw, or in anything that contradicts the "you must lower LDL by prescribing statins" orthodoxy. They'll just keep on prescribing the statins till the cows come home.


Just because they write you a prescription doesn’t mean you have to take it.


Your doctor will roll their eyes when you tell them you saw it on YouTube no matter how good the advice is.


My doctor has tried to bully me into taking a Statin and I absolutely refuse.


You can't talk to your doctor because most don't understand any of this - I was just admitted to the hospital because of symptoms I believed was due to starting BP meds. No one would listen to me. They put me in hospital and did EKG, Echocardiogram, Nuclear stress test, chest xrays and lots of blood work. All that to tell me all tests are good but your LDL is high. When I asked for the breakdown of the ratio of LDL particles, the PA and nurses looked at me with a dazed look and finally said, "we don't do that here", we recommend a statin. It is disgusting - my NP then told me they aren't really educated that much on this - of course not, they're only educated to describe a I'm so disgusted with our medical establishment and the lack of proper education by the Rockefeller schools of medicine. Thank you for this great explanation and information. I am learning more and more truth from doctors online than real life "providers" - they don't even call them doctors in the hospital because all you see are PA's or NP's.


Thanks you for this! I had awful experiences with statins and my doctor still kept pushing them on me. After trying 3 different brands with bad side effects, I finally put my foot down and said no more. All I needed to do is reduce sugar and carbs, intermittent fasting (at least 16 hrs a day), take high quality fish oil and regular niacin (not flush free), and exercise a bit more. My total cholesterol is still around 230, but my ratios are perfect. I also eat a lot of organic pasture raised eggs, which are high in cholesterol, but are really good for you, so I'm not worried about my total number. In my opinion, routine fasting is the best thing most people can do to improve overall health. I lost over 60 pounds and I'm in the best health of my life at age 53!


How many years and years and years have I heard from doctors and TV programs in videos about this subject, but it has NEVER once been spelled out like this? Incredible. I’ve taken my blood pressure from 150/100 down to 120/60 consistently in a two month timeframe by watching YouTube videos and learning what causes it instead of taking medication. We are responsible for our own health and to do our own research and make our own decisions not just take whatever drug pharmaceutical culture throws at us.


Awesome! I’m 52, been fasting and eating a low carb, keto type diet since my 50th birthday. Lost 65 pounds and feel amazing. Just changed my life insurance and received the preferred plus rate, that’s the highest health rating they have. I’ve learned insulin is the enemy, and that sugar, simple carbs, and processed food will kill you.
Thanks so much for the great video!!


Since being diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I get my blood tested every few months. Hypothyroidism caused me to gain weight and become insulin resistant, but since going on a keto diet, I've lost weight and lowered my triglycerides. But my LDL was high enough that a doctor prescribed statins. I'm 25. Clearly doctors aren't looking at the bigger picture. They are just trained to throw pills at everything. I'm glad I didn't ever pick up the prescription.


Well done video. Thank you. Unfortunately 99% of doctors won’t listen when you talk to them about this subject. That has been my experience.


Thank you so much. So many doctors are giving the wrong advice to take statin to reduce our 'bad' cholesterol. We need more good doctors like you who save lives. You are Awesome! Bless You!


Best explanation of how it all works I've ever seen. I was constantly at odds with my cardiologist about taking statins. I understood at that time how inflammation works.
I was a high carb low fat diet for many years before I learned about insulin and it being the real culprit.
I made the switch to a higher quality fat diet when my A1c was 5.8. 2 years later I have evolved into a one meal a day schedule.
A1c is 4.7 and my calcium score test went from 460 to 215 and I know will be lower next test.


This is the best simplified version of the cholesterol, insulin, and fatty liver explanation that I have seen. Thank you.


Great explanation Doc. Stay away from processed carbs and sugar folks, we were never meant to consume it in copious ammounts.


This video is very timely for me. I had a coronary bypass surgery 9 years ago and yes they put me on a Statin. My Triglycerides have historically been on very high, like the mid 300 mg/dl range. Earlier this year I made some changes to my diet, restricting processed foods, bread, alcohol. Started Juicing again, primarily with a Beet based recipes and exercised more. When it came time for my annual blood work, Triglycerides dropped to 179 mg/dl. I'll be having the conversation with my Cardiologist on the next visit to DC the Statin. Had the conversation last fall to DC Metoprolol and he agreed. Felt so much better within a couple of days.


Fantastic presentation. At 67, I lost over 50 lbs using the Keto diet over 6 months and went from diabetic 6.5 to not being diabetic at all i.e. 5.5. The combination of removing most carbs from what to eat, limiting when I eat (2 times a day in a 6 hour window), adding fat to make sure I'm insatiated along with regular low-grade exercise 5 times a week was what did it. I'm 68 1/2 now and things remain the same and are still going well.


Thank you Dr. Boz for this well illustrated and simply articulated way of describing LDL. This distillation makes the concept so much more accessible for the layperson, and it goes a long way to show how much context matters when viewing how detrimental LDL truly is. The statin drug industry does not want this level of nuance to be conveyed to the public, as it will destroy their profits.


I’m 84 was on statins 3 Yrs ago since 70 felt awful cuts never healed. I weaned my self off and became a carnivore. Lost weight feel like a 50 yr old everything works:)… any flab like under my arms went away…I may die from not taking my doctor prescribed statins etc.
But at 84 Yrs old I like the gamble because everyone asks what am I doing you look marvelous EGO :). OMAD works Keto works.. beef-butter-eggs 2 bacon is real food..should add MCT oil good olive oil tallow is the main oils I take…
Fat in meat is good for you…


The best cholesterol explanation ever presented. Finally I have a fuller understanding. Thank you!


Just so everyone knows, a bile deficiency can cause high cholesterol. My cholesterol was 9.4 and after 3 months of taking bile salts it went down to 5.4. Normal is 5.1.
