New Testament vs. the Torah: They Can't Both be True!

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Do the New Testament and the Hebrew Bible really work in tandem as Christianity claims? Join @SeekingToServe and @investigandolabiblia as we discuss how Christianity and the Hebrew Bible widely differ on the concept of the Messiah and Satan.

#christianity #messianic #judaism #jesus #yeshua #bible #newtestament #britchadasha #satan #god #hashem
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Torah (The Instructions) of HaShem is the Way, Truth, and Life!


Excellent interview!!(Rabbi) Dr. Aurus Sanchez is so knowledgeable, articulate, intelligent & interesting. Ruchie Reese is also all of the above; so I enjoyed their interaction; seeing how she understood and was familiar with all his Biblical/Tanach passages & references; & seeing how they are on the same page. Ruchie is a class act, plus she’s a phenomenal interviewer: asking the right questions but as she said, taking a back seat, while giving Aurus command of the the floor. Great job. 👏 ❤️


An absolute gem! This video is like water in a dry land. It’s been years of diligent study in the same search, coming at it with a very similar family background. Loaded with questions, and a desire to serve Hashem, I too discovered just as Dr. Sanchez, the very same things!! As I watched, I found that I kept boldly saying out loud “YES! YES!” as the video/interview progressed. Thank you, thank you, for sharing/doing this interview with Dr. S. Indeed some will misunderstand us, but nonetheless we continue to pursue Judaism and yiddishkayt. As the generations in our family of the past have said, it is what it is, and we are who we are, and nothing can change that. Very glad to see this video as a matter of encouragement ❤️


Talking about learning your Jewish. At the start of this current Arab Israeli war a Muslim in turo college (the Jewish college in Brooklyn) learned that he was Jewish and put on tafilen


Yes they can both be true. There's different covenants. Noah had a covenant with God. Adam and Eve had a covenant with God and each covenant is based on different instructions though in similar fashion. The Bible even says in the New testaments reflect on the Old testament but you're not bound by the same rules.


In the Book of Job, Satan is working with God. God ordered Satan to inflict Job except taking Job's life. So Satan is ally with God and doing his purpose.


If G-d does not lie and he meant what He said throughout the TaNaK that simple repentance brings about forgiveness, there is no need for a Jesus.


Good show! Is there going to be a part 2?


Shalom sis I appreciate your work keep spreading the HOLY TORAH


I recomande read isaiah 43:10-15. And so have many more cleary scriptures baruch habah hashem yahuah.


Today there are so many deliverance ministries. The people are getting rich casting out demons. If there is anything going on in ones life its blamed on a demon! I have actually attended these deliverances. Never once felt a demon come out.


In Torah, it says when Mashiach is here supposed to be peace on earth. That's the first thing question Christianity. I was raised Evangelical also but am Jewish. Also the tradtions in Judaism is very important and Christians don't do those traditions. We need to keep our trations to honor Hashem. I grew up with a huge fear of Satan nothing I did was enough to always have fear of G-d it was very scary and asking questions was not allowed you had to only have faith and not ask anything.


Jesus bore the sins of every human being to ever be born....what more do you want?


I have jewish ancestry but paternally, so I am not jewish by law. sadly I cannot convert into orthodoxy because the chabadnik shuls are not accepting converts. but I still learn about the religion daily by reading the torah, attending shabbas services at Chabad, and watching videos like these. לילה טוב


Nobody has been born into a world that didn't know war and the knowledge of God has not yet covered the world as the waters cover the sea. All other discussions about messiah this or messiah that are moot. Any debate/discussion of the topic is proof it hasn't happened and the "messiah" cannot be made true by argument.


Please help me to understand this.
Zachariah 3:2.
Thank you.


19:27 - "Never does it say that the Messiah is going to heal people and do miracles"
I guess you did not read Isaiah 35. Isaiah 35:2 says "they will see the glory of the LORD" and Isaiah 35:5-6 says...
"Then the eyes of the blind will be opened
and the ears of the deaf unstopped.
Then the lame will leap like a deer
and the mute tongue will shout for joy."
All things Jesus did. Even the Talmud calls Jesus a "magician" because they did not understand how He did these things.
Now read Isaiah 35:10. You were saved by a ransom. Purchased back or redeemed for a price. So how was that paid? By the love of GOD and the LORD paid the price because we couldn't save ourselves.


In the 1st century, the most faithful group of Jews in Hashem were called Christians by Pagans.


The more I learn the Bahá’í seem very attractive


1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Bible
“Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures”,
