The Torah (the Jewish Bible) and the Old Testament are not the same

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I am a Jew that converted to Catholic Christianity. I must correct you. The Old Testament is exactly the same in Judaism as it is in Catholic Christianity. Protestant Christians have removed some books, but what they have left is exactly the same old testament as our Jewish holy Scriptures. So you are very wrong in that assumption. It is not because Christians were “taught that“ it is because it is a fact. Christianity grew out of Judaism, and in that sense they are very closely united. All of the Old Testament is included in Christianity. Judaism of today, however, is not even close to the Judaism that was during the biblical times. So while they are indeed, separate religions, now, their origins were the exact same.


She's partially right, they are not the same. However, beyond that she has no idea what she's talking about.


I’ll keep this comment simple.

You don’t truly know your own religion.


What are you talking about, the Old Testament is part of the Tanakh. It’s just not called the Old Testament (as there isn’t held to be a “new” one). I’m Jewish, this is a fact unlike your supposed facts


As a Christian I must agree; Judaism and Christianity are not the same. However, I must ask a question of Linda Strauss: How does the Tanakh and Christian Old Testament differ, other than different organization? I have a copy of the Tanakh on the shelf here. The title page Identifies 1999 Edition, published by The Jewish Publication Society of Philadelphia. The entire book is translated into English but the translators are not listed.
Looking over the table of contents, I see no overwhelming surprises. The first five books are the same.  
The Prophets are in a differnent order, but I see nothing not in the Christian Bible.
The Writings, in a different order, but the same titles.

A major difference is the interpretation of some passages. Orthodox - classical(?) - Jews do not recognize Jesus but do accept some prophesies speak of the coming Messiah - Mashiach.
Christians read these same passages and see Jesus as that coming Mashiach.  
That is clearly a difference in interpretation here and both 'sides' (I really don't like that usage) agree that is the point of contention.
I cannot understand the difference in the recorded words and thoughts.


I’m a Jew and I would like to correct you, the Torah references the Messiah (Jesus). The only reasons that we never acknowledge that fact is because our ancestors didn’t want to.


Christians may interpret the Bible differently. Reorder some books. And they did add a "new testament" but the actual text is identical. They both are based of the exact same Hebrew. This video is so monumentally incorrect. Please point to a single difference in actual text, not interpretation


Jewish people waiting for the messiah is like waiting for a crow to turn white as dove. Yeshua is the messiah and He will return to fulfill the messianic prophesies.


Ben Shapiro, who is a devout Jewish man, stated the books are exactly the same. I wish she explained whats the difference between the texts


How does the Torah differ from the 5 books of Moses in the bible?


“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! See! Your house is left to you desolate; for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’ ”

Matthew 23:37‭-‬39 NKJV

“You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you. Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who foretold the coming of the Just One, of whom you now have become the betrayers and murderers, who have received the law by the direction of angels and have not kept it.”

Acts 7:51‭-‬53 NKJV


I see where you are coming from, but you failed to explain why the two religions are not the same. Don’t label the Torah as the Jewish Bible. Many people don’t know that the Torah (first five books of the Old Testament) is only part of the Hebrew Bible known as the Tanakh, which is an abbreviation of the the three parts that make it up: the Torah, Nevi’im, and Ketuvim. And i’m not Christian, but the Old Testament is the translation of the Hebrew Bible, at least the Protestant Old Testament, Catholics add another 7 books.


I am a Christian and I totally agree with you that Christianity and Judaism are not the same. Thank God for Jesus, who is the difference.


I have never heard a Christian say that the Tanakh mentions Jesus (at least directly, though they do believe some of the prophesies are about him), and every Christian I have ever heard from knows that the ‘New Testament’ is not part of the Jewish canon. If any make those mistakes it is important to correct them, but those are not Christian teachings.

I have heard many say (and most I know believe) that ‘Christianity’ is the same as Judaism but with the added belief that Jesus is the Jewish messiah (Greek ‘christos’) and the implications that follow from that. Christians believe in the God of the Tanakh, with their understanding of that God being informed by the teachings of the one they believe to have been the Jewish messiah and his disciples. They hold that Christianity is Jewish in its roots and at its core (all the original disciples and leaders were Jewish and the ‘New Testament’ is written by Jews), and the gentiles were just granted the opportunity to join in the service and worship of the God of Israel (thus blessing all the nations of the earth through Abraham) because the Jews rejected the messiah, though he will reign over the world as the king of Israel from Jerusalem when he returns.

As far as needing to be saved, I don’t understand your point; Christians do not hold that anyone should have whatever religion they want, and so only Christians need to be saved (surrender to and be
forgiven by God for their sins), but that everyone needs to be saved, and that the messiah/Christ is the only way. So if you are rejecting the way to reconciliation with God by taking a different ‘religion’ instead, that is ALL THE MORE REASON to repent (if they are right).


You are wrong! It is the same. The Old Testament is the same as the tanak and Torah. Sure there are linguistic differences, but it’s the same. There are prophecies about the messiah in the Old Testament, which us Christians interpret to mean Jesus. It is the same text with two different interpretations!


I grew up Jewish Linda. Everything in the Tanakh is about Jesus (Yeshua) the Messiah. It takes Adonai’s Spirit to understand this. Rabbinic “Judaism” and the larger “religiousness” of our world by the demonic forces has blinded you to the truth but it’s time to wake up and be saved! I pray you encounter our Messiah—the Savior of Israel and the Savior of the world. When the Jewish Messiah came and brought the Kingdom of Heaven to earth aa in Daniel 7:13-14, The Psalms, 2 Samuel 7, Isaiah 9:6-7, the power structures of the jewish "religion" (not the people as a whole) rejected Messiah because He, the Son of God, challenged everything about the evil ways they had turned away from God to fulfill their, and our, own self-righteousness. Jesus was Jewish, the apostles were jewish, the first believers when the Spirit of God was poured out on humanity were jewish—and this was prophesied in Isaiah 44:3, Joel 2:18, Zechariah 12:10-13:1, Ezekiel 36 and 39, Isaiah 32, etc. Yeshua is the Messiah, Emmanuel, The Only (Yachid) Son of the Living God! And there is NO other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved! In Jesus' Name, may the demonic forces blinding you from the light and truth of the Gospel be shattered!


If Jesus is not mentioned in the Torah then why do Jews claim him as a Jewish prophet?


yes Jesus fullfilled The Torah and the prophets


I attended a Jewish/Christian bible class in the Synagogue in my hometown in the 1980s. Half the people read the same passages from the Torah and the other half from the Bible/Old Testament. If it would be true what you claim this would not have been possible. Explain that to me! At the end we all felt a deep connection to each other.


She completely understands her truth!! And she clearly has not encountered a relationship with the person of the Holy Spirit, her persistence of getting her point across is her right! PLEASE people it’s with love and kindness we have been drawn to understand who Jesus is! He came to his own and they received him not! The way to God is through the son ! His kingdom come, his will be done in earth as it is in heaven! Without love it’s useless anyway!🎉❤
