Causes of Itchy Bruise on Thigh and how to manage it - Dr. Amee Daxini

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There are lot of causes for Itchy Bruise and little difficult to manage especially in inner aspects of thigh and around the waist. But bruising generally is because of the itching but first we need to find out what is the cause of itching, during summers the commonest cause is fungal infection, you notice little bit of sweat collecting in the area and that leads to the fungus proliferation. So first an anti fungal is really good it reduces itching and spread of the fungus in that area. Another course could be certain bugs at times there is a insect bite or a Bug bite at bed you could do this a little bit of bruising . There could be also other conditions where the blood has a coagulation capacity which reduces which is why you notice bruising. Its important figure by the beach has come first or the bruising, in case of its itching that is coming first boost probably it is a fungal infection or an insect bite to find that out and take the right treatment.
Causes of Itchy Bruise on Thigh and how to manage it - Dr. Amee Daxini
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