Derren Wants To Stop Fake Faith Healers - Miracles For Sale

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Derren is wanting to show how faith healers are manipulating audiences into believing that they cure any illness but for a price. So he sets out to find someone who could play a fake faith healer, then travel to America to see first hand what faith healers are doing.

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This feels like Houdini's quest to discredit spiritualists almost a century ago. A very noble project then and now imo.

All the best, Mr Brown.

: ) > -


Everything you do is absolutely FASCINATING and I'm trying my best to learn more from you. Thank you for sharing your amazing knowledge of the human mind and human action with the world!! :)


*Derren walks in to the room*
"They lied to us, they said we'd be pleasantly surprised- now we're shitting ourselves"

That's the kind of presence I want honestly


~Thank you, Derren. Thank you and all fir for all you do. Much love to you all ♥️♥️♥️~


It must've been so hard to film that entire project, it totally blows my mind everytime watch it on all4


Remember the South Park episode where Cartman turns into a faith healer?


It’s not faith healing it’s Jesus working through 1 month ago I met a guy who had lost his voice for three months, completely mute!!! That Saturday afternoon people prayed for him and the next Sunday he was leading worship at THATS MY GOD!!!!


great job deren...I'm living this series


I can't wait to see next's week episode!


So sorry to see the Scouser leaving. Seemed like a great bloke.


Praise the Lord for slip on shoes! LOVED that bit.... ^-^ Derren I swear is like the atheist Jesus.... doing Miracles through evidence and truth and with such a kind heart What a legend... I hope he gets remembered though out history like The real 2nd coming of Jesus =D


ive just discovered these i am super amped!!!!


🙋‍♂️ What's your oppinion on Prophet TB Joshua & The Wisemen - Deliverance & healing - their over in Sheffield tomorrow & flying into London in a few months, interested in your views? 👈


I have seen the end of this show but not this part before and watching it now I can tell that scuba guy will be a bit of trouble


Proof that Derren can not "actually" read people is on display in this special by his choice of performer. The guy he chooses turns out to be real difficult prick even if Derren would not concede that himself


I would of picked Jim for this ridiculous "plot" "project" "trick of the mind".


need your help...on the 29th a "healer is making his way ro elpaso tx. google miracle crusade


Jesus is the healer and he moves thru his children. Many Christians are healed just by reading and believing what God's word says on healing. You can find fakes in anything, but you'll never stop what Jesus died for!


Were women ever really going to get interviewed. Hope you didn't waste their time knowing you wouldn't hire them, Derren.


First of all. Jesus healed all. As 17x said in the Gospela. He explains that we are one with Him, Holy Spirit is in us, that we have received power/His Kingdom/divine nature to do the same things He did. He tells His first 84 friends to go and heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons and explain everybody they encounter what He explained to them.

And so they did. They healed all (twice written in Acts). Paul healed all on Malta. Stephen did great miracles that got Him stoned by ingnorant Jews, in the shadow of Peter the sick got well. Etc, etc.

Paul, John and Peter explain it in their letters. Its is a gift from God. Out of His fullness we have received. We are complete in Him Col 2:9-10. Partakers of the divine nature 2 Pet 1:3-4. Gifts of miracles, healings, tonques, prophesy, knowledge, wisdom interpretation of tonques (not translation of language), etc. We are in the last Adam. Co-cruisified, co-raised, co-seated in Him who is the head of all. God in Jesus and we in Him. Oneness.

So as i came to understand all this, miracles started to happen when i prayed for the sick. On several occasions all i prayed for got well. So people are getting healed by the love and power of God, to continue to be transformed in to the image of the Son. 2 cor 3:18.

Of course there is also the other side of the unseen world. People who gave themselves over to spirits that pretend to be light but are deceiving. Jesus meant these wizards, magicians, voodoo guys when He said "what are you calling me Lord, Lord, i do not know you".

And of course there are christian preachers that boast on their miracles and getting rich of it. They are still taking a piece of the fall (pride, empty identity) with them on the pulpit, a bad representation of how Jesus meant it to be.

So be open for the 99% of words spoken on healing, transformation of life, gifts of the Spirit, who we are in Christ and don't cut off all the good by the 1% that seems to say otherwise.

For instance. In Africa i was in a village of wich the whole region laid under the power of a voodo guy. At night he stirred up the whole jungle, visit people in the spirit, etc, very manipulative, disturbing. So as i heared about it and experienced his power i prayed: "Jesus thank You for the unlimited power You have given me. I come agains this witchdoctor and renounce all of his spiritual power. I call it null and void. And Father touch him, open his eyes, he doesn't know what he is doing".

That night the whole region remained quiet. We explained to the people in that vilage the fall of mankind, Gods resolve for it, Jesus dying on a cross, raised from the dead, seating above all and our freely given oneness/completeness in Him. The free gift of righteousness. We spoke healing and freedom over the sick and demonized. Guess what. All got healed. Every demon ran. 75%, around 500 people were "saved", got on track with God and were changed by Holy Spirit. Just as in Acts.

So discern what Jesus meant. Do not throw away the baby with the bathwater. And do not stigmatise everyone who walks in the power of God as a fraud, occultist or "experience seeker".

In Him we recover from the fall and grow in to Him (Peter speaks about becomming godly) in all things.

"When we turn to Him (thats your prayerlife), He removes the veil and we reflect His glory and are being changed in to His image by His spirit, who is the Lord". 2 Cor 3:18. That leads to Christlikeness. Jesus is amazing.

