Selecting A Fake Faith Healer - Miracles For Sale

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After selecting 3 candidates, Derren gives them a crash course in hypnosis to go onto performing a hypnosis show in front of an audience. These skills are the same practices that faith healers use, so Derren selects Nathan to give him the opportunity to become a fake faith healer.

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Did Nathan get chosen because he looks like Jesus?


This is insane! Honestly I would explode of I got the chance to be taught hypnosis by you, and then have my own show...woah,


It'll be an agonizing wait till next week.


Hypnosis and faith healing do have simular techniques implied and used. Derren Brown FTW! He is like God and then Jesus is Nathan lol


That guy in the video does a terrible southern accent haha


The uploads need to be closer together. Eager to see the end of this one


Awesome job guy's to help people know they have been scammed


Pray for God only and ask for forgiveness but don't full in scams hand and they will rippe your money for nothing 👍💸


Where is Derren's full video of why he did what he did--from start to finish!


4:29 For all Atheists who think Derren Brown is trying to destroy religion in general like you are.


Maybe I was just recognising the hard exterior


What does/did Jesus look like, do you have his photo handy? None of the artists who painted the more familiar rendering of Jesus had ever met or seen Jesus, it’s not likely that they came close in guessing what Jesus looked like.


The thing I hate is Derren saying he "de-hypnotised" the audience after the show. This is BS that comes from the hysteria of hypnotism years ago. They made rules that that a full hypnotic induction could not be shown on TV because they feared people at home would be affected and it would cause permanent injury. In honest truth there is no need to "de-hypnotise" anyone but is goes with the showmanship and just as importantly it is for legal liability reasons as people could blame their own mistakes on the hypnosis before which could win in court. Hypnosis is much like the placebo effect and like with homeopathy, it only works if you believe it will work. Penn and Teller did an episode of Bullshit about hypnosis claiming that there is no such thing, I would not go that far but I agree there is nothing magical about it. "De-hypnotising" someone is much the same rigmarole as putting overdose warnings on homeopathy pills. It is all part of the showmanship that makes it work and it is for legal reasons in both cases but serves no real purpose. You can achieve some amazing things with hypnosis, like increased pain tolerance, implanting false memories and beating polygraphs though all those are things people could do on their own if they truly believed. Polygraphs do not work if you have no fear of being caught. If you lie about what you had for breakfast on a polygraph it would be much harder to pick up than something important. If you visualise a made up scene over and over, imagining the smells the sounds etc eventually you would not tell the difference between that and a real memory except for one reason, that you would remember you implanted it. Anyone can increase pain threshold just by swearing as they experience the pain. There are many studies on this and you can try it at home by timing your hand in ice water. So anyway, the only thing that makes a good stage hypnotist is showmanship.


It really saddens me that these 'faith healers' are doing it in the name of religion. They're using such a sensitive subject and worse still, making people dislike religion as a whole because of their actions. No-one should exploit people's faith. >.<


This is dumb to all real Christians. In my life I have been healed many times. I have never gone to a faith healer though.


Anddd this is why I'm no longer Protestant. Glory to Holy Orthodoxy.
