Why I Won’t Sell Wool (as a sheep farmer on youtube)

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PO BOX 4006
Alfredton, Victoria, Australia 3350

Typo - Australian Kelpie (2017)
Cooper - Spoodle (2014)
Delta - German Shepard (2017)
Sheep and Broadacre Cropping Farm - Merino, First Cross, Primeline Sheep. Over 4,000 acres in size, 7,000 mature ewes.

Are you Australian?
Yes, I'm from Victoria, Australia

What camera do you use?
I use my iPhone

My videos are for entertainment purposes only.
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Thanks for watching! Like or Slug will put you in the feedlot!

Edit: to clarify the title, we DO sell the wool via auction (like most wool) which it then becomes a carpet, etc. But the title is in reference to why I can't sell wool to youtube viewers and how much it costs to make it into a product.


Every time you get into the ute it spawns another dog


Hi Tara, I'm an Aussie knitter and spinner, living near Albury. I'd love to take a road trip to your farm and buy some fleece from you, maybe I could knit you a beanie and gloves from your own sheep as a thank you for the hours of entertainment you've given us with your channel


You're right about the wool selling issues. People don't realise the many hours of work involved in trying to create a product to a level suitable for sale. You didn't even bring up the delays involved. You can either sell a bale of wool at market value, or you can take it to scrubber, wait, go back and pick it up, then take it to the next process, go home and return another day to collect it... and so on down the line, it'll be days off the farm. Add the costs of packaging, the amount of money you risk by processing so much stock vs potentially limited sales. also you have to tie up money heaps of money sitting in a product that is only going to bought by people who want one small ball to sit on a shelf. You could be shearing the same sheep again next year by the time the whole process is undertaken.


Making a living by farming is much harder than you make it look.
"You know, farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil, and you're a thousand miles from the corn field."
Our Pres. Eisenhower


Nothing you show us is boring, Tara. ❤


"Like or Slug will spin you into wool". I wasn't feeling threatened until that statement. We don't know Typo's skill at spinning. Walking on eggshells❣️


@TaraFarms, I just wanted to let you know a little something about the knitting/crochet/crafting community… they actually are used to paying $20-$30 USD per skein. Every time I go to a yarn show or expedition or go to a new yarn shop, there’s always new yarn to buy… and it’s always pricey! It’s come to be expected. For a while I was buying raw wood and dying it myself, but that gets tricky because like some fabrics, not all wood will take the color the same way. I had even used one color and it came out a completely different one! I’ve knitted myself and a few friends and family members sweaters that cost a fortune! Almost $300 for my ex- fiancé and almost $400 for a matching heirloom baby sweater, blanket, booties set. Sorry for this long comment, but I want you to know that there is a market for handmade/hand dyed yarn. I just don’t know if you really have the time to invest in it with the farm and all! But you seem to have a lot more energy than me, that’s for sure! I’m an old lady of 49 years who couldn’t imagine running around with sheep all day and then are even entertaining the idea of picking up a new hobby… you go girl!


Sandi sells her wool for like $30+, they sell out almost instantly. You'd be surprised at what us Americans will pay for YouTuber products. I've been trying for MANY launches to get my hands on some from Sandi, I always miss the launch and even a few hours after launch, the wool is the very first thing sold out. Talk to her ❤ put it this way, can I go to a craft store and get it cheaper, yes, but just like you can go to a regular store to get Disney merch, it's not the same as getting it directly from Disneyland. People don't mind paying premium for special stuff. Your wool classifies as special bc you have built a community online of fans. Be proud of that.


Good to see green grass on pasture. You guys had a good system working sheep. Typo always looks like she's so unbothered. Always glad to see when you post. Thank you for all the entertainment!!!


I think Tara massively underestimates how invested we all are in their operation, how fascinating it is to watch the processes, and how much we genuinely enjoy her content. Boring as shit? Never!


So, something to keep in mind, Tara… in America, we can’t get 100 grams of solid wool for $6. I nearly cried in Spotlight. 😂 Just checking our version of, well, technically probably more like Lincraft, but whatever, and 50 grams of wool starts around $8 - $10. If I want 100 grams of American wool, I can look at paying around $18. And none of that is, of course, the nicer small batch yarn… but you might wanna spend a little time looking around American yarn shops to see what people spend on small batch wool yarn, … I think you might be surprised!


I'm marrying an American and I can tell you they will buy your wool with a mark up. They will buy it as a novelty. I love your videos, keep at it :)


“I don’t want to Yuck other peoples Yum”
“I just need someone to Spin the Fckin’ Sht”
🤣♥️♥️♥️ I love you Tara lol


The mind of a sheep is crazy to me. Theyre afraid of everything but once theyre caught theyre just like "welp. Guess ill just die."



Wanted you to know. Your biggest fan is here in USA. Hes 10 months old. I put you on in the background when he couldnt even open his eyes and hed fall alseep to the sounds of your lambs. Now he laughs and stares at the screen for you and Asmongold. He started crawling by himself to get closer to the TV just to see you better.

Thank you for being Will`s introduction to farming content. He cant wait for your next video he says...I think? He mostly babbles.


What you call boring and mundane, I find absolutely fascinating. I like watching the processes of my food.


And now the Happy Little Vegemite song is stuck in my head. Thanks Tara haha


Congrats on 300k subs, I legit thought you were past 1 million but you'll get there in no time.


i nabbed a bita wool from a local sheep farm and gave spinning it a try, fuck me it was an eye opener (as someone raised in london lol) it took faaaakin ages, made myself a handhelf spindlethingy, combed it out with a fine dog hair brush and DIY all sorts lol, yeah it took fucking forever and i literally didnt have enough to make a pair of socks with (probably)

the rant brought all that back. youve got such character, i love hearing you speak! fingers crossed some local spinners reach out that would be a cool thing for the universe to make happen
