Tonsils and Adenoids Surgery

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Tonsils and adenoids can cause frequent infections and inflammation in children. If these problems become frequent enough, a surgery to remove the tonsils and adenoids, called a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, may be recommended. Watch this animation to learn about tonsils and adenoids, as well as tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy surgery, recovery and more.
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For everyone going through issues with their tonsils, I wish you a speedy recovery, in Jesus Name, Amen❤❤❤ it’s the worse feeling everrr.


I had my tonsils and adenoids removed when I was three because I would suddenly stop breathing in my sleep. Best decision mom ever made 😔👍


Thank you for showing this in a simplistic way without anything to gross/graphic.


I just had my tonsils removed today. Thankful to God because he guided the doctors and the operation was successful.


My son got his adenoids removed and tubes put in his ears 4 days ago. He is 2. First day home hours after his procedure he had so much energy. He sleeps a lot better still has a runny nose but he is sleeping through the night now and is so much more talkative 🥰 hopefully the runny nose goes away it has been a constant battle since he was 4 months 🤞🏽🙏🏽 great content ❤
surgery date was 1/25/2023

My son is doing amazing! Still has a slight runny nose but no green or yellow mucus which came from the reoccurring ear infections everything is clear and no drainage from ears. His appetite has even become better! He is enjoying way more foods and textures. His speech has improved and My son has passed his hearing test with the E.N.T Specialist 💃🏽🙌🏽. So excited for his little life! 🤗🥰


My daughter had this surgery when she was five. I'm so glad she got it done because she sleeps so good now


I wanna get them removed cuz i keep getting tonsil stones


Who else is watching this while they are in severe pain from tonsils


I was about 6 and I remember my aunt taking me to the hospital and leaving me there. They took me to the operating room that night and I remember waking up with a sore throat. Didn't know my Tonsils and Adenoid were removed. My mom fetched me the following day. I was so angry at my aunt for leaving me there for them to hurt me like that. . But I am thankful today because I can see what people got through when their Tonsils get infected.


I got mine removed when I was six because I would stop breathing in my sleep and I would snore super loudly, great choice mom! Love you!


Took the doctors almost 2 hours to remove mine. They also did surgery inside of my nose (both nasal passages) and removed a cyst from my ear.


I had my tonsillectomy on July 15th 2020 due to recurrent strep throat and tonsilitis. It was very quick and not as painful as I thought it would have been. The first day was really tough as I bled quite often but I managed to move around pretty well though still feeling light due to GA. The severity of the pain was very well coped with adequate analgesics, in fact, I could already eat porridge by the second day and I was allowed to be discharged on that very day. Today is my third day, I am still finding it hard to speak normally as the surgical site is still swelling and feeling lightheadedness sometimes. I think the surgeon (ent specialist) did an excellent tonsillectomy and an investment that worth for my health.


My 4 year old had his tonsils shaved and adenoids removed yesterday so here I am showing him the procedure afterwards. He wanted to understand what was going on and this video was clear and perfect. I could not rest easy often checking on him since he would stopped breathing in his sleep. Last night was a good restful night for the two of us in a long time.


My son had he's tonsils and adenoids in his nose 👃 the surgeon said, my sons adenoids were the biggest he had ever seen...and my son recovered thankfully and gratefully 🙏 💖


My baby just got hers done she's 3 and it's been a few restlessnights but it made a huge difference, she doesn't have blocked air or breathes hard anymore. Mamas out there make sure your babies gets their throat checked even at 3 because they're still at risk for sudden death syndrome because of not having oxygen in their sleep. That shit is scary. I'm so glad I did, it hurts so bad for her but it's saving her life and she will grow better.


day 7 and i still can't eat easily but i can drink a lil ..
and saliva n mucus are really annoying tho tbh


I got my tonsil surgery a year ago, if your watching this because your going to get one in a few weeks, let me tell you something, DON'T BE SCARED I actually want to get another surgery because of how good they took care of me 😭 no but yeah when they put you anastasia you won't even notice you went through surgery until you feel your tongue that has pressure, for me after the surgery I went to my room and I got to watch movies and got to eat meatloaf for the first time, they also give you soft foods like yogurt and popsicles.


Had both tonsils and adenoids removed when I was 4 (in the 80s when they cut and stitched instead of burn them off). They grew back. Adenoids were so large they covered the opening of my ears in the back of the throat. When I was 36 I had my Adenoids removed a 2nd time (along with tubes put in my ears) but left my tonsils. My ENT said he had never seen adenoids so large that you could see it just by my opening my mouth. Also was unusual for adult to need tubes.. Guess I am a medical weirdo... Oh also found out my father had his tonsils and adenoids grow back too..could have been genetic issue as well. My daughter had to have her tonsils and adenoids removed last year. She was so lethargic and not herself for almost 2 weeks. Good luck to anyone having this done, or parents of kids having this done.


Who else got their tonsils removed when you were younger but now curious how it was done 😳😳


My son had his tonsils and adenoids removed at 15, he had a very difficult, recovery, two months, we did everything right, and it was still tough, he should have stayed in the hospital, at least for three days, it isn't right that insurance companies force patients out so quickly, hope that anyone else, that has this surgery, recovers quickly ! Merry Christmas and happy new year!
