2023 Tokyo Tech Research Showcase

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The 2023 Tokyo Tech Research Showcase was held on March 22 as a hybrid event with the theme "Medical Devices".
0:00:05 Opening Remarks
0:01:49 Prof. Nobuhiro Hayashi, Vice President of Tokyo Tech
0:06:19 Dr. Sarun Sumriddetchkajorn, Executive Vice President of NSTDA
0:10:10 Assoc. Prof. Akitoshi Okino FIRST, Tokyo Tech
0:44:33 Prof. Yoshitaka Kitamoto, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Tech
1:16:52 Closing Remarks
0:00:05 Opening Remarks
0:01:49 Prof. Nobuhiro Hayashi, Vice President of Tokyo Tech
0:06:19 Dr. Sarun Sumriddetchkajorn, Executive Vice President of NSTDA
0:10:10 Assoc. Prof. Akitoshi Okino FIRST, Tokyo Tech
0:44:33 Prof. Yoshitaka Kitamoto, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Tech
1:16:52 Closing Remarks