Why I, as an Atheist, Am No Longer a Humanist

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I no longer call myself a humanist. Here’s why.

In 2019, I was confronted with some ideas which lead to an ideological shift. Thanks to Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot, Jonathan Haidt’s The Righteous Mind, and Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation, I came to see morality a bit differently. Rather than humanism, I’ve taken to sentientism and ethical veganism (and have for some time now). Ultimately, I don’t think labels are nearly as important as the principles they’re meant to communicate, so I don’t care to squabble over labels or definitions when I could instead cut directly to the issues at hand.

The Great Demotions often contribute to the cessation of various kinds of human prejudice. Speciesism, I think, should be the next to go.

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Sources and other links:

The Emotional Dog and its Rational Tail: A Social Intuitionist Approach to Moral Judgment

This Is Exactly Why I’m an Atheist

-------------------------------------------Resources for atheists in need-------------------------------------------

This video contains 100% therapeutic grade skepticism.*

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA
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I can't wait to get mistaken for Cosmic Skeptic even more now


Person: Steals my parking space at the last moment
Me: "Why I, as an atheist, am no longer a humanist"


As a Christian, always trying to understand and learn new things and be open minded, I have found your channel exceptionally interesting. Thank u!


You can be a humanist and simultaneously burden yourself with compassion and empathetic thought for the rest of creation, including organic life forms other than our own. In fact, one could hardly call himself a humanist without holding close to his chest the concerns and the welfare of (especially) the animal kingdom. Which indeed includes humans, after all.


Damn it man this was like the only think differentiating us 😡

Wanna just merge accounts? No one will notice


""...man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons.”

― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


I never really understood where this entire "center of the universe" fantasy came from or why it's considered a good thing. I like how big the universe is. Brings me comfort thinking there may be many, many advanced alien civilizations out there who live (mostly) comfortable lives. But to think "nah, it's just earth and humans, forever" is kind of dull tbh. Not comfortable or an upgrade by any means, so I have no idea how people can be shocked or depressed when they find out the universe wasn't a creation for them specifically.

I'm also fascinated by the many prehistorical creatures and how they used to live. Makes me feel grateful to live in a time like this as this species, if anything.


As a Christian, I became a vegan over a decade ago when I really checked my whole "pro-life" mindset -- and the cognitive dissonance appalled me. I really appreciate how thoughtful you are. It takes a strong mind to constantly question their biases and mindsets -- and then be able to explain it all! Really appreciate your point of view.


I read the "Humanist" in the title as just "Human", and i was extremely intrigued-


When I realized how insignificant we are, I found it soo comforting it felt like all possibilities and opportunities were open. We are not special, we are not perfect, and we can be soo much more


I call myself a humanist and never thought it meant 'human only' as I thought humanism means using our abilities for the betterment of all life and environment.


Expanding your empathy range beyond human animals to non-human animals is simply another step forward in one's personal and society's moral evolution.


For those saying that humanism doesn’t necessarily entail human exceptionalism, I agree. Make sure to watch to the end to hear me say that in the video. Humanism isn’t quite an adequate descriptor for my ethical position, though, so I don’t use it. One could have the same ethics as I do and still wear the humanist label. I simply don’t.


I just thought humanism was the idea that morality doesn’t need to come from a god. I never thought of it as human supremacy. Though I do think as humans it’s important and also hardwired into us that we take care of one another. Same is true for every species, doesn’t mean we’re better in any way.


As a humanist, I have to challenge your conclusion on two points:

1) I’m sure many will disagree with the idea that humanist teachings demote the value of suffering of the rest of the animal kingdom, so I won’t elaborate further.

2) By elevating nonhuman animals to the same moral sphere, you put yourself in a predicament. You now have to make moral judgements upon those animals just as you would a human. You can no longer give animals a moral pass due to judging their behavior as instinct. So when a predator eats the children of a rival, you must judge their behavior as “evil”, just as you would a human. If a stepfather kills and eats the children of a new mate’s previous spouse, we would all agree that is evil. You are now forced to make that same judgement on the nonhuman animal. Is this the position you wish to take?


The beautiful thing about this particular discussion is how the speaker keeps it in the context of his own, evolving consciousness in relation to (and I love this phrase) the stages of human demotions, beginning with the realization that the Earth revolves around the sun.
“Nobility is not the comparison between the self and others; nobility is the comparison between who we are and that of our former selves, then recognizing the progress that we have made.”
(-author unknown, but it wasn’t I)


"Do you classify yourself as humanist?"
"Negative. I am a meat popsicle."


It takes a very brave person to accept that not only your thinking was flawed, but that you at first became angry when realizing why that it was flawed. Every time I watch one of your videos I realize I have so much to work on. Thanks for all this amazing content!


So nice to know that this thought is also shared by other athiests.I have finally accepted myself as part of the animal kingdom.
