This Is Exactly Why I'm an Atheist

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I think it's finally time I tell the full story of how and why I became an atheist. I deconverted from Christian fundamentalism over 3 years ago now, and I'm glad I did. Issues like old earth vs young earth, evolution vs creationism, the Bible vs LGBT rights, got me thinking about the validity of faith, Christian apologetics, and personal religious experiences, and I eventually changed my perspective on all of those things. The strangest part of my story may be that Young Living Essential Oils played a roll in my becoming an atheist. Because I was without them for so long, I recognize the importance of critical thinking skills, healthy skepticism, and scientific literacy.

I hope that this video will help those who feel isolated as an atheist or agnostic, or who are still in the atheist closet and are thinking of coming out. Share your story if you can, but always stay safe.


This video contains 100% therapeutic grade skepticism.*


*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA
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To the atheists watching, what made you become an atheist? To the theists watching, what would it take for you to become one?

Sorry for not meme-ing this week. I didn't want this to be longer than it needed to be. The memes will return in the next video!


When my cousin was little, my aunt finally told him Santa wasn't real. He then asked if Jesus was a lie too.


I'm an ex-Muslim from Bangladesh. I never talk openly about my beliefs because people here are very hostile towards others' beliefs. In the past, Islamic extremists killed many atheists who used to write and question the existence of God. Nothing has changed; even now, those who are simply atheists are the most trolled and hated on the internet. I used to be deeply religious and studied in a Madrasah, so I know the kind of hateful image they have of atheists. I will never go public about it


I was a baptist too. Eventually I got curious about Christianity/atheist debates. Then I started to question things. And I did lot's research and atheism stood it's ground very well. When I told my best friend (Baptist preacher's kid) about my doubts, he told me I was going to hell. When I told my dad about my beliefs, he said that I WILL be a baptist christian. He made it crystal clear that as long as I'm under HIS roof, I am required to believe and trust baptist christianity. I've been called "lowest of scum", "useless life", and "brainwash and confused". So I feel you man. Keep up the great content!! 😃


For me it was a combination of wanting to become a better Muslim while seeking understanding about the universe. It ultimately boiled down to when I was 16, and I asked myself "if I wasn't born a Muslim would I have become one?" And of course, the answer was no.


I tried to educate myself about Islam to debate atheists and ended up disbelieving in it


Maybe I am wrong but I feel people believing in God get angrier than atheists.


I appreciate how civil and respectful you are when talking about religious folks. Christians are my family, friends, and coworkers, and I know they’re not dummies. It’s nice to have some atheist content that doesn’t bash my loved ones


Final nail in the coffin for me was getting to know a girl from India in one of my freshman college classes. We became friends right away and always had a great laugh together. She was the first friend I'd ever had that belonged to another religion.

It became crystal clear to me that her religion was a product of her environment, and was therefore suspect. I felt sorry for her to be a believer in the wrong religion.

It didn't take too long before I realized my own hypocrisy. I, too, was a product of my environment. It dawned on me that if one's religion was determined primarily by the location of their birth or upbringing, then it couldn't be an absolute truth.

And my world was shattered. Thankfully...


I was diagnosed with schizophrenia not possessed by demons...that's what started my questioning ...


Not sure you will ever see this, but it was because of your channel and this video that helped me understand my own deconstruction. I had such a negative stigma towards atheists and was completely unaware anyone else would leave their faith for rational reasons (I thought they were only ever mad at god or wanted to sin - so embarrasing to admit that now!). Your channel opened my eyes to the incredible stories of so many others leaving their faith and helped me accept being a new atheist myself. From this video I began to discover other atheist channels (e.g., Aron Ra) and was open to hearing their perspectives. This channel and this video in particular was a gateway to a brand new world for me. I can't thank you enough.


I dont care if your a theist or an athiest, as long as we get along that's all I care about.


Food for thought. If I had magical powers and I created and entire species of "people" and I said to them to either worship me or burn forever, wouldn't most people agree that's a dick move?


I had cancer which I overcame. People tell me I beat it with God's help. No my doctors and I beat it. But I can't say that or they'll get mad. I feel like a closeted atheist.


Im an agnostic Atheist and I went with 2 friends to a catholic youth group and it felt way too pushy but it's "nice" people made it hard to stay. I've had a hard time with any religion as I have no faith/grace whatever you call it, and due the way I was treated by the church. As someone with adhd and depression/anxiety, I felt like I was a child that couldn't work like others did and yelled at for being "broken, lazy, " and "why can't you be like everyone else?" I tried understanding their points but they didn't want mine. So I shut down and wanted out of the conversation. I grew up feeling something was wrong with me with no confidence because of people that bullied me and I was uncomfortable in that situation. How do I debate anything if no one tries to hear or listen to me? They just wanted to win.


While my mother was raised Lutheran, and my dad raised catholic, neither of them pressured me or my brother to follow religion. The result was that I didn’t even really ponder whether I believed or not. Because I just simply didn’t care … I mean, it’s hard for a kid to contemplate things they don’t believe affect them.

However, I started attending a Christian youth group when I was about 15. I went every Sunday evening and listened to the message. Through the group, I made a lot of friends, had a lot of fun participating in activities, and got fulfillment through hearing the pastor’s message.

The problem was that no matter how much I tried, I couldn’t make myself believe in god. I mean, huge kudos to the youth pastor, who focused more on the morals and ideas of the bible, rather than the script (which I assume was to appeal to a broader audience), but my brain wouldn’t allow me to believe.

So, essentially this magnificent, all-loving being, who created me - did so in a way that I wouldn’t be able to accept Jesus. Yet, without accepting jesus, I’m damned to an eternity of fire … Really?

God knew before I was created that I was doomed to hell because of the way he built my brain. Yeah … that’s a being worth worshiping.


After I got baptised, I challenged myself to study every atheist argument so that I can debunk all of them. Met Hitchens and Dawkins on YouTube. Became atheist 6 months later...


Your story illustrates the most important aspect of college, regardless of major, is helping us learn critical thinking. This is why some people think professors just brainwash their kids to be atheists, because they sure weren't atheists before they went to college.


I was born already atheist, my whole family are all atheists, and I've never been in contact with any religion, never studied any religion, .I just started to learn superficially the basic aspects of the large religions. I'm still an atheist, and I think the fact I've never had an indoctrination makes my worldview more "pure", so to say, without any trace of religion influence.


As someone who grew up atheist, with an atheist family. Kudos to you honestly, the process must have been hard
