Blender Bend Object using Curve Modifier Blender 2.8

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Blender Bend Object using Curve Modifier Blender 2.8
How to bend an object in Blender using the curve modifier. Just create a curve and your object or mesh will bend following the curve.
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I always find it funny how tutorials from years ago end up more helpful than those made a month ago, thank you


This tutorial is really refreshing. "I'd lie if I said I totally understood it"Lol - thanks man


This is the 5th video on this subject that Iv seen today and its the first one to make any sense past "Hello". Excellent job.


I honestly haven't opened Blender in my entire life, I have zero 3D modeling skills, but decided to print some D&D stuff. I was missing this curved wall, the original files do not have this specific one. I actually was able to take a straight one and make myself the one I wanted after watching this. Perfect tutorial.


I just discovered your channel via this video, and I'm super impressed and thankful for all the work you've poured into it. Currently, I'm learning aspects of game development, and it's channels like yours that've inspired and educated me. I'm so very grateful. Thank you.


One video that demonstrates that the value could be at the very end of the video. WOW, man when I saw that you can move the object on certain axis and the objects bends accordingly, that blew my mind. THANKSSSS!!!! Cheers from Madrid.


I'm using this to roll out a piece of sheet metal on a part in an animation.. it was quite a hassle to get it to work with all the local axes and stuff so that the sheet would stay still while it was rolled out but after some fiddling I got it to work. And now I can actually do it in a few minutes so it's possible to learn I guess. The key is to play with switching the direction of the curve and also if needed to tilt the curve (Ctrl+T in edit mode). Also extruding the end so that it's pointing in the direction you want it to. To get a smoother roll you can use subdivide in "simple" mode and crank it up.


I absolutely love this tutorial!! I've been always coming back, even though I'm quite experienced with the curve modifier now. It's always nice to have some reminders, and it's a nice and quick, straight-forward, tutorial that really helps when I forget a step!


Great tutorial! Thank you for actually explaining things and admitting you don't exactly understand it but thats what it does! I respect that. So many tutorials just click click click and dont explain nothin! I hope you have more of these


tysm, years later i was hurting my brain over this and you explained it perfectly!


Nice! In edit mode, when the curve is selected, you can change the tilt of the curve to make it twist around the control points. It's under the Item>Transform pop out menu on the right. The little arrows on the curve will show you how it's twisting.


THANK YOU, I've tried to do this an embarrassing amount of times with little success and after watching this video it's working perfectly.


one of the most useful, simple idea and easy to follow tutorials.a keeper, thank you for sharing x


Maybe I wasn't paying attention in the other tutorials but this is the first time I had herd of Alt-G to center (new to Blender...but still) Thanks! Your Lattice tutorial was informative as well the manual only tells you what it is but not really how to set it up.


Thanks for this tutorial. Currently modeling a camera lens that has a tripod collar stand with straight edges but then has two bends across the middle of it, and I was avoiding trying to model it because it just looks like a headache. This has got me a good distance.


Omg thank you sooo much!! I've been struggling for days to figure out how to do this to my braid mesh, tried following several tutorials but nothing seemed to match up and go as i wanted it to... until i found your video and suddenly it all clicked, really a great tutorial!


Thanks for tut!! ^^ "I'd lie if I said I totally understood it" -comment says everything about blender's modifiers 🤣


Absolutely wonderful! first video I've seen which demonstrates it first and then gets straight to it with minimal confusion, thank you!


Just passing by, letting everyone know that this still works on 2.93, the Curve modifier looks a bit different but you can get it to work properly.
Thanks for the tutorial!


Nice I just learned this in 2.81 no issue there's a lot of interesting stuff you can do with this
