FF14 - 2024 Complete Beginner's Guide! (Final Fantasy 14)

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Whether you're a New or Returning Player, this FF14 Guide will teach you everything you need to know to enjoy the entirety of FF14 including Endwalker, Dawntrail and beyond! This beginner guide will make sure you know everything you need to know and more! New players start here!

Final Fantasy 14 beginner guide. FFXIV Beginner Guide for new players.



0:00 FF14 Beginner Guide
0:33 Choosing or Changing Your Data Center
2:21 Choosing your Race
4:11 Fantasia (reroll your appearance)
6:01 Character Creation
6:37 Class / Jobs
7:31 Unlockable Jobs
8:09 DPS / Limited Jobs
9:07 Healers and Tanks
9:18 Roles, Icon colors, Aggro / Enmity
10:28 Role Responsibility
11:47 Changing Jobs
12:52 Quest Types
13:05 Main Story Quest (MSQ)
14:12 Job Quests
14:58 Blue Quests (Content unlock)
16:22 Side Quests, Repeatable, Red Quests
17:28 Mounts and Flying
19:02 Gear / armor
20:50 Recommended Gear Button
21:45 Gear Set List
23:17 Inventory
23:32 Armory Chest
24:51 Combat and GCD / OGCD
25:17 Proc abilities
25:42 Common Boss Mechanics / Red Eye
26:43 Positionals (rear / flanking)
27:26 Job Guage
28:10 Chocobo Companion
29:31 Chocobo saddlebag
29:49 Fall Damage
30:45 What happens when you die
30:56 Gear Durability
31:07 Repair Gear
31:44 Loot (need / greed / pass)
32:20 Fast Travel
32:30 Aetheryte / Aethernet
34:20 Set Home Point, Visit Another World Server / Register Favored / Free Destination
34:57 Aether Currents (flying) / Aether Cmpass
37:24 Hunting Log
39:14 Fates / Bi-Color Gems
40:17 Duty Finder (group finder)
42:14 Duty Support System
42:47 Map / Teleport
45:00 Retainers / Bank / Auction House
50:32 Hall of the Novice
50:53 Inn and Innkeeper
51:23 Crystal Bell - barber - Aesthetician
51:56 Glamour Dresser - How to unlock and use
56:20 Group Content - Dungeons, Trials, Alliance Raids
58:07 User Interface (UI) / Hud
1:00:32 Customize your HUD Layout
1:02:17 Menu System
1:02:30 Actions and Traits
1:02:54 Sprint
1:03:21 Limit Break
1:03:39 Teleport / Return
1:04:27 Adventure Plate
1:04:47 Currency Menu - Tomestones / Wolf Marks
1:05:26 Character Menu - Reputation / Player Commendeation
1:06:42 Armoury Chest / Inventory saddlebag
1:07:30 Companion
1:08:00 Mount Guide / Minion Guide (pets)
1:09:26 PvP Profile
1:09:42 Gold Saucer
1:10:03 Achievements
1:10:27 Collection (aetherial compass)
1:10:36 Key Items (quest items)
1:10:57 Journal (quest log)
1:11:32 Duty Finder recap
1:12:09 Trust Party (NPC Party)
1:12:37 New Game Plus (ng+)
1:12:52 Hall of the Novice
1:13:10 Timers (event timers)
1:13:33 Hunting Log recap
1:14:04 Sightseeing Log
1:14:12 Gathering Log
1:14:22 Orchestrion List
1:14:34 Challenge Log
1:14:56 Aether Currents Menu
1:15:24 Mount Speed menu
1:15:47 Shared Fates
1:16:17 Teleport Travel Menu / Map
1:16:56 Return
1:17:04 Party Member Menu
1:17:14 Add friend to friends list
1:17:39 Party Finder
1:17:54 Signs / Waymarks
1:18:32 Ready Check
1:18:44 Countdown
1:18:56 Emotes
1:19:06 Free Company (guild)
1:19:28 Linkshells / Crossworld Linkshells (CWLS)
1:20:33 System Menu Options Explained
1:20:42 Toxicity not tolerated
1:21:17 Character Configuration
1:22:47 System Configuration
1:24:20 User Macros
1:24:55 Key Binds
1:26:17 PvP
Рекомендации по теме

0:00 FF14 Beginner Guide
0:33 Choosing or Changing Your Data Center
2:29 Choosing your Race
4:19 Fantasia (reroll your appearance)
6:09 Character Creation
6:45 Class / Jobs
7:39 Unlockable Jobs
8:17 DPS / Limited Jobs
9:15 Healers and Tanks
9:26 Roles, Icon colors, Aggro / Enmity
10:36 Role Responsibility
11:55 Changing Jobs
13:00 Quest Types
13:13 Main Story Quest (MSQ)
14:20 Job Quests
15:06 Blue Quests (Content unlock)
16:30 Side Quests, Repeatable, Red Quests
17:36 Mounts and Flying
19:10 Gear / armor
20:58 Recommended Gear Button
21:53 Gear Set List
23:25 Inventory
23:40 Armory Chest
24:59 Combat and GCD / OGCD
25:25 Proc abilities
25:50 Common Boss Mechanics / Red Eye
26:51 Positionals (rear / flanking)
27:34 Job Guage
28:18 Chocobo Companion
29:39 Chocobo saddlebag
29:57 Fall Damage
30:53 What happens when you die
31:04 Gear Durability
31:15 Repair Gear
31:52 Loot (need / greed / pass)
32:28 Fast Travel
32:38 Aetheryte / Aethernet
34:28 Set Home Point, Visit Another World Server / Register Favored / Free Destination
35:05 Aether Currents (flying) / Aether Cmpass
37:32 Hunting Log
39:22 Fates / Bi-Color Gems
40:25 Duty Finder (group finder)
42:22 Duty Support System
42:55 Map / Teleport
45:08 Retainers / Bank / Auction House
50:40 Hall of the Novice
51:01 Inn and Innkeeper
51:31 Crystal Bell - barber - Aesthetician
52:04 Glamour Dresser - How to unlock and use
56:28 Group Content - Dungeons, Trials, Alliance Raids
58:15 User Interface (UI) / Hud
1:00:40 Customize your HUD Layout
1:02:25 Menu System
1:02:38 Actions and Traits
1:03:02 Sprint
1:03:29 Limit Break
1:03:47 Teleport / Return
1:04:35 Adventure Plate
1:04:55 Currency Menu - Tomestones / Wolf Marks
1:05:34 Character Menu - Reputation / Player Commendeation
1:06:50 Armoury Chest / Inventory saddlebag
1:07:38 Companion
1:08:08 Mount Guide / Minion Guide (pets)
1:09:36 PvP Profile
1:09:50 Gold Saucer
1:10:11 Achievements
1:10:35 Collection (aetherial compass)
1:10:44 Key Items (quest items)
1:11:05 Journal (quest log)
1:11:40 Duty Finder recap
1:12:17 Trust Party (NPC Party)
1:12:45 New Game Plus (ng+)
1:13:00 Hall of the Novice
1:13:18 Timers (event timers)
1:13:41 Hunting Log recap
1:14:12 Sightseeing Log
1:14:20 Gathering Log
1:14:30 Orchestrion List
1:14:42 Challenge Log
1:15:04 Aether Currents Menu
1:15:32 Mount Speed menu
1:15:55 Shared Fates
1:16:25 Teleport Travel Menu / Map
1:17:02 Return
1:17:12 Party Member Menu
1:17:22 Add friend to friends list
1:17:47 Party Finder
1:18:02 Signs / Waymarks
1:18:40 Ready Check
1:18:52 Countdown
1:19:04 Emotes
1:19:14 Free Company (guild)
1:19:36 Linkshells / Crossworld Linkshells (CWLS)
1:20:41 System Menu Options Explained
1:20:50 Toxicity not tolerated
1:21:25 Character Configuration
1:22:55 System Configuration
1:24:28 User Macros
1:25:03 Key Binds
1:26:25 PvP


Being able to use every class and job on one character is one of the greatest conveiences this game has. And I'm glad for it because I'm not doing the MSQ 20 times.


Well, that will help with my introduction to the game. I downloaded it last night on my xbox, and we'll be playing it after work today. I'm really looking forward to this


one thing to add when choosing a race: Hrothgar & Viera are unable to have certain headgear appear when equipped. They'll get the stats from it, but visually they wont have it on


I wanted to clear one thing up regarding fates, if you don’t level sync it’s not just you don’t get credit but also you can’t even attack the mobs. Great guide!!!!


I just started on xbox and all I can say is.... THANK YOU!!!


I've been playing for three years and this guide is amazing! I'm only 30 min in, but it covers so many of the essentials! Definitely sending this to friends, and keeping it in my back pocket if I know anyone else who wants to start playing!


58:02 24 player raids, I just wanna point out, 3 pathways and groups of enemies for this will be in threes. See there is 3 garm chimera enemies, meant 1 for each alliance party's own individual tank.
Each 8 player party is an Alliance by letters A, B, C. Top of party list, you see Lucky Ghost is "Alliance A" currently.
Alliance A party always go to the left, Alliance B is the middle and Alliance C is on the right. This is how the devs divide the party groups up for this kind of content when pathways split up or what enemies are assigned to that alliance party to attack. So doing the same 24 man raid again, you might be in a different alliance letter. Say your first time was Alliance B, middle. Now this time is Alliance C, right. You will have to go in a different direction when it breaks up to different paths to stay with your alliance party. I see many players not with their group, so they'll be out of range to get heals and die or miss on a party mechanic, or a confused tank attacking an add meant for another alliance party's tank lol.
You can also place lettered waymarks to help new players so they know where to go, and explain what the letter means accordingly.

Remember your current party alliance letter:
A = left
B = middle
C = right


I just started playing during the Xbox beta. I’ve played almost every major mmo and I was skeptical of this at first but am actually having a ton of fun. Thanks for making a very clear guide to help me get started.


Thank you so much for this! Just started playing on my PC lately and I'm absolutely hooked. Was having a lot of difficulty switching classes and having to re-equip all of my gear; without your video I wouldn't have known there were easier ways to do that, so thank you!!


This man sacrificed his sanity for our entertainment. God speed my man


I literally just started the game this week. Perfect timing. Thank you!!!


Great Guide Ghost, one thing i would like to add cause i dont remember you going over it in the armoury section is DONT let Gear/Weapons you got from running content land in the Armoury Chest, managing that THING is a task on its own, especially if you got multiple classes unlocked and have to sort every set, you dont want random stuff cluttering that space to make it extra difficult to manage gearsets, this migth not be a problem at the start but better you never even get into that issue cause i was loosing my mind as a new player a few years back trying to figure out what i need and whats junk. To avoid this go into Character Configuration > Control Setting > Character > uncheck "store all newly obtained items in the armoury chest". My apologies if you mentioned it somewhere and i didnt recognize hearing it 🙏. You showed the menu for it a few times and hovered over it but didnt explicit mention it and it was driving me nuts 😂😅


A note about what you said about unlocking jobs - you cannot change from your first job until you complete the Level 10 job quest, as that unlocks the armoury and gives you permission to join other guilds. You mentioned ninja, but rogue, the class you need to unlock to get this, is only available by unlocking the armoury. This is because they hadn't finished tuning rogue before the game released so they couldn't include it with that other eight classes.


Wow, I couldn't ask for better timing! Got myself a new setup which finally enables me to play FF14 and it's coming in tomorrow! Looking forward to play the game ^^


i just started on xbox last night, and i’ll def be coming back to this video during my journey ! thank you for posting this ❤


This comment is just to stroke the algorithm.


thanks for the guide, I just started a few weeks ago and luckily I have my son with 1000's of hours in this game assisting and guiding me thru this but this guide has helped a lot with some stuff he hasn't went over yet.


Great guide once again. Thank you. I'll be sure to link this to new players as I have done with your last one. It was my Bible when I first started XIV and I'm very grateful for the in-depth information. Have a great day!


Finished whole MSQ including latest few quests which came out few days ago (6.55). Now onto Hildibrand questline and also time to rank up my grand company status! Lots of stuff to do, lots of fun! I like how the game runs and plays smoothly. Also the music is excellent.
