You Will Strike Your Irons Perfect If You Follow This Process

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You need a simple process to follow if you want to strike your irons and woods perfect. In this golf video Danny Maude gives you the building blocks required for great ball striking. Here is what you are going to learn:

1. He starts by simply helping you understand how the best players strike their irons and woods.

2. Then he shows you exactly how to set up to the golf ball to guarantee strike. This is a crucial first step that very few golfers ever get right.

3. Then he gets stuck into the golf swing and the 2 key things you must do to a strike you woods and irons consistently.

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Thanks for stopping by. I created this website as a resource just for you to support you on your golfing journey as I know how tricky learning this game can be…to say the least!

I personally found learning the game too long and difficult in the early days. I read all the books, watched all the videos but my game was not improving. Then after studying various forms of neuro science, motor learning, psychology and personal development in less than two years I went from struggling golfer to the final stage of the Open Championship.

Be prepared though. If its a quick fix you are after Im not your man. Here I will give you step-by-step advice that you can take straight to the practice ground and apply to the course but it will require you to get stuck in, screw up…a lot, practice some more and then watch those scores tumble

I’ve had the pleasure of coaching thousands of students all around the world and if you are up for the challenge and are ready to get in the game…LETS GO TO WORK!


This golf lesson provides a couple of wonderful drills to help you hit your driver straight.If you are a beginner golfer and are looking for some golf driver tips that are simple and easy to do then you are going to love this.

I will show you the golf swing slow motion so that you can see what you need to do to improve.

We look at 3 things:

1. How to stop slicing your driver
2. How to swing more in to out or how to swing more inside out
3, How to get the correct impact position with driver

and I hope to do all this with simple golf tips so you can create an effortless golf swing
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To watch the complete series head on over to my online golf school and use the code: THANKYOU23 for a 25% discount. Can't wait to see you there


This dude is amazing. He’s gonna put golf pros out of business. The visuals are PURE GOLD. I never thought about striking in front of the ball. In my mind it’s always been hitting down and “pinching” the ball. It’s so ingrained in my head. I started using my normal swing but pictured striking 3 inches in front and it has changed my life haha. From 15 handicap to 4. Thank you


Hi Danny, I'm Col Rakesh from the Indian Army and a die hard golfer
Having a beer in the clubhouse I saw your instructions video on hitting irons..
Went to the range to try out what you had said. Believe me I have NEVER hit irons as cleanly n sweetly as I did
Thanx Danny. Have become a fan of yours


Hi Danny. Divot forward of the ball is as you say challenging for many golfers. I’ve heard numerous instructors talk as you did about low point control, compression line, forward shaft lean, ball position, proper weight shift, etc. The pro at my club explained it a bit differently which finally solved the issue for me. We focused on where the club actually struck the ball at impact with a descending blow assuming all of the aforementioned elements were ok. I was advised by my pro to think of contacting the ball(again assuming a descending strike) between 2 and 3 O’clock on the ball (the top of the ball is 12 O’clock) driving the club face down and through the ball. It was like magic for me. My divots were suddenly ahead of the ball and the depth of the divot became very consistent as well. Just a suggestion if it makes sense the way I’ve described it. Since then there’s been no looking back for me, the issue has been resolved and my divots are fantastic. Thank you my friend for all of your fantastic content! You’re the best.


Danny is simply the best instructor I ever come across on YouTube.


I tried your tips from last weeks video and whilst I don’t slice much these days I can be out to in if I don’t get enough depth in the backswing. After applying your tips not only driver but my striking has improved throughout the bag. Excellent thanks.


This makes so much sense. Played golf for a long time but never had any instruction. I have a decent swing, because I started young, but I am inconsistent in how my club head ends up on the ball. I've been practicing, indoors, everything in your videos, Danny. Swing feels much better now and for the first time in 40 some odd years, I am aware of how and where the club head is coming down over the ball. In the past, I didn't have a clue what my club was doing in the back part of my swing. Now, I'm aware of that and the bit about the swing low point and where to place yourself so that the club head makes contact BEFORE your club reaches its lowest point of the arc. At least for your iron shots. Just have to practice. Hopefully, I'll finally get consistency in hitting the ball. Huge thank-you.


Hi Danny, this is just what I needed. Easy to follow and understand. Keep them coming for us high handicap golfers.


Danny, in my honest opinion, your methods of instruction are so much more effective than other PGA professionals.
It’s crystal clear, simple to understand and follow, and the overall experience is it gives us club golfers or anyone else for that matter, a load of confidence.
The only requirement now is we need to practice these methods and techniques!


Danny, you are definitely the best and most motivating coach in entire web. Thank you


Hi Danny, Just wanted to say thanks for all the help. I am a senior golfer and have been playing on and off for many years mostly fun golf with friends and a few beers which definitely doesn't help my game. At age 62 decided it was time to start playing seriously and as a member of a club it just makes sense. I was born and lived in the UK in Kent for my first 39 years when I moved to the USA and have been here now for nearly 25 years, it was funny when I found you on youtube and got hooked watching you for at least an hour a day and then subscribed, my game has improved a lot but now I'm ready to start playing tournaments and club matches and doing better with my game.
I would love to know what you recommend as far as where to go from here and what you could offer to help me become a better golfer, I would just add for my age I am still thankfully fairly fit and strong and willing to put the hours in which for the past 2 months I have been to the range about 1 hour every day, anyhow wanted to touch base with you and see if you have any recommendations, and thanks again for everything I have learned to date

best regards



Danny, thank you, I'm a 1.5 handicap but was struggling with making good contact with my 5-7 irons. 8-wedges were okay, but didn't feel flush. I have been watching your videos for a few months now but came across this one and it was an eye opener. I realized immediately what my issue was. Went out the next day and shot a 69, flushed every iron, backed up the day after with a 73, again flushed every iron. My wife also played her best round after I told her about your video. Thank you...


Well done again Danny so easy to understand and a great reminder of the basics 👍


love this, as somebody super new to golf but really enjoying it im always surprised when you know exactly where im likely to be going wrong, i mean... i shouldn't be surprised because you are a pro but it gives me confidence knowing that you know even without seeing me what the issue will likely be and nailing the fix, im constantly topping the ball but would not alter the way i stand over it because in my mind im thinking that the position im in is right and i need to get used to it... well this showed me something different and a small change i can make that may just make all the difference, now ill take it down the range and give it a go.


Hi Danny, I am a senior golfer and have only been playing for two years. I have learned so much from your videos. I think your content and instruction is top notch! Is there any advice you can give us to help us keep the left side of our head behind the ball when using the driver? I have so much trouble with that and tend to get too far in front of the ball when using the driver. Thank you so much and keep up the good work!


Danny, the ABSOLUTE best video I've ever seen to strike the ball FIRST then the ground AFTER. The Drills really helped and I'm now hitting more consistent shots with my irons. You're the Best and we can forget the Rest !!


I hit my 1st hole in one today. 157 yards, 7 iron.

I know above all else it would not have been possible without your iron striking videos!

Thank you, thank you!!!


What a great video, Danny! The graphics make the instructions even more easier to understand. 👏


Tried this out today and I was so pleased I did. Early days, but it's something I can work with to help improve my ball striking. More please Danny.


Thank you Danny! Very helpful to visualize and understand the circle of the swing as it relates to ball position and ball striking.
