Why 90% of golfers can't strike their irons...

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This is why you struggle to strike your irons pure and make solid contact 👇

1. Your sternum is not positioned correctly at address
2. Your forearms are not in line at set up - BIG ONE
3. Your posture is misaligned at set up
4. You turn in the golf swing as apposed to pivot
5. You don't have control over the club face

What's great is if you have any one of these faults in your golf swing they are really easy to fix and can make an instant impact on the quality of your ball striking not just with your irons but with your driver too.

For example if you want to hit your driver straight just getting the forearms aligned at address will be a real eye opener for you.

Here's the practice plan and summary of this weeks lesson
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Thanks for stopping by. I created this website as a resource just for you to support you on your golfing journey as I know how tricky learning this game can be…to say the least!

I personally found learning the game too long and difficult in the early days. I read all the books, watched all the videos but my game was not improving. Then after studying various forms of neuro science, motor learning, psychology and personal development in less than two years I went from struggling golfer to the final stage of the Open Championship.

Be prepared though. If its a quick fix you are after Im not your man. Here I will give you step-by-step advice that you can take straight to the practice ground and apply to the course but it will require you to get stuck in, screw up…a lot, practice some more and then watch those scores tumble

I’ve had the pleasure of coaching thousands of students all around the world and if you are up for the challenge and are ready to get in the game…LETS GO TO WORK!


This golf lesson provides a couple of wonderful drills to help you hit your driver straight.If you are a beginner golfer and are looking for some golf driver tips that are simple and easy to do then you are going to love this.

I will show you the golf swing slow motion so that you can see what you need to do to improve.

We look at 3 things:

1. How to stop slicing your driver
2. How to swing more in to out or how to swing more inside out
3, How to get the correct impact position with driver

and I hope to do all this with simple golf tips so you can create an effortless golf swing
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Tip #4. I've been playing golf on and off for 35 years and nobody ever told me this. Went to the range last night and practiced for 40 mins, it was like being liberated to actually "strike" the ball for the first time ever. Great results straight away. Thanks Danny!


After several years with hours of videos and hundreds of dollars wasted on lessons, I finally found a video that addressing everything wrong with my swing. I can't wait to start implementing these tips. I had all of these problems but I couldn't find any resources to tell me how to fix them. It was quite frustrating!


Hey Danny, hit all my faiways yesterday. All because of watching your video on how to hit the driver straight.
I am 89 years young, play three times a week, and I am very sure I can take at least 5 or 6 strokes off my game.
Thanks a bunch, and I can't wait to get back on the course.


I have been obsessed with golf instruction this summer watching a multitude of instructors. This gentleman has been the best for me.
Thank you, Sir.


I’ve watched videos on YouTube for 5 years and this 11 min video is better than anything I’ve ever watched. God bless your heart


That "wring the towel" tip for a square club face is genius. I can totally feel it as I swing without over-squeezing and it's keeping the face incredibly square. I can't wait to try it at the range.


I've played the game for 15 years and this is this first lesson I've seen that explained everything I'm doing wrong and how to easily correct it in about 10 minutes. I feel like I really understand the iron swing for the first time.


Danny, you’re always bringing the heat. The way that you explain things is what sets your content apart big time.


My sternum has been behind the ball this entire time without me noticing it, until I watched this video! This video, and your most recent driver video are extremely timely for me! Your ability to teach so clearly is a gift!


I had a score of 82 on one of the more difficult courses in my area last weekend. A friend asked me how I went from shooting over 100 to shooting in the low 80's in a weeks time. I told him it was actually simple. I paid a great deal more attention to the way I was setting up over the ball. Just by doing that, I dropped nearly 20 strokes from my 18 hole score. I'm so looking forward to trying the back alignment and squaring the club face I didn't know about (but I do now) thanks to this video. You have taught me so much and I thank you.


Tip #4 is insane. Literally the best tip ever. Yesterday I was so frustrated at the driving range because of my backswing. I kept thinking "HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO DO A GOOD CONSISTENT BACKSWING??" and this guy answers it. Literally just lift your arms up like you're pointing up at 12 o clock instead of whatever the hell I was trying to do before. Amazing


I'm a new golfer as this is my first year. I'm currently taking lessons, but still like to watch YouTube videos cause everyone has little tips, here and there that help in different why's. I've watched thousands of videos and too be honest I was going backwards in my golf swing cause everyone had a different opinion. Then I came across your videos, I made myself stop watching the other videos, not cause they didn't know what their talking about, because your videos are so well explained and detailed. This video in particular was a God send too me. This was me to a T, I used these tips the other day finally and it changed my game TREMENDOUSLY.

Thank you for your well explained and detailed videos. I can see your love for teaching people and the game. If you where closer I'd set up a hands on lesson in a heartbeat.

If I could recommend a video from you, I'd like too see the perfect on plane video with lines and everything.

Thank you again


Thank you Danny. This single video has literally changed my swing and whole game. Went to the Range today and couldn’t believe how I was hitting it. Hopefully now I can break 100. I appreciate you brother.


Danny, thank you for giving so freely so much quality information. At 69 after 40 years of ongoing instruction and thousands of dollars, check that probably tens of thousands of dollars, these five tips are perhaps the best single lesson I’ve ever had. I still struggle to shoot in. the 80s and I saw so much of myself this brief two minutes. Looking forward hitting the range


Thank you for your videos. I am 76 years old and am playing the best golf of my life. I finished last summer with a 79 and started this year with a 39 for 9 holes, Your videos are simple and make good sense. I watch only your videos and use them as I teach my grandkids. I am a retired physical education teacher of 42 years and a coach of 52 years.


Went from losing 5 strokes a game due to my irons to 1.5 after one visit to the range after this video, HUGE help. Thanks.


Danny, you are the best. Been watching videos for ever - I am 66. You make it so simple. I have started shooting 80 again with just a few tips from you with both my irons and woods. Cheers Mate!


Danny! Tip 4 is excellent. It greatly illustrates the point. The club comes down 'down' with the arms and not 'around.' This has greatly improved my ball striking. Thanks!


Thanks very much Danny. Like others on here this is the first time I learned this lesson and it works. Ive been playing for over 50 years - 12 years in Kent Veterans League, not now too old. Others had told me the Ball Position should be aligned under my Left Armpit which didn't work with anything other than my Driver. Thanks


So much GREAT INFO and VISUALS without the silly "entertainment" that most do! This was just awesome and made me realize exactly what I've been doing lately - ALL OF THEM!! My best score ever was a 69 on a course I'd never seen before - long but not too tricky! That was when I was young and before I started watching all the OTHER experts! I think I've tried about every method to try to get back to my 30 something swing but my 70 year old body doesn't seem to do what it once does. This vid gives me a whole new perspective on HOW to fix my crappy swing and maybe I can stop shooting 80 - 88 from the yellow tees! I LONG for the day of a really good, solid ball strike!! Thanks Mr. Maude!
